







镇远──中国历史文化名城,融儒、释,道三教文化内涵于一炉,国家级风景名胜区舞阳河,国家重点文物保护单位青龙洞古建筑群吸引了国内外大批游客观光、考察。全县对外开放旅游的历史文物名有200余处; 自然风光景观景点300余处;民族民俗文化风情点有3处。镇远旅游资源以其山川隽秀、风光秀丽、历史文化内涵深邃、侗族苗族等民俗风情别具风采,具有极高的科学研究和欣赏价值



在这古韵中,首先我给大家介绍一下祝圣桥。祝圣乔建于明朝洪武年间。说到这座桥,还和张三丰有关。据说,修这座桥的时候,给桥墩下脚就碰到了难题:河底淤泥太厚,挖不到底。是张三丰用豆腐变作石块做的桥墩。我们看到桥上有一座三层穿斗式,三重檐,八角攒尖,青筒瓦顶楼阁,名称魁星阁,又称状元楼其一幅是:扫尽五溪烟,汉使浮搓撑头出;劈天重驿路,缅人骑象过桥来。这里的五溪烟指湘黔交界处的五条河流,烟借指战乱,这幅对联,既写出了镇远的悠久历史,有反映出镇远与中原及国外交往。 其次就是镇远青龙洞。青龙洞始建于明洪武21(1388),至明嘉靖9(1530)以来,青龙洞就是贵州著名的古迹,迄今已有600于年的历史。由青龙洞、紫阳书院、中元禅院、万寿宫、祝圣桥、莲花亭等六个部分组成,有单体建筑35座。集佛教、道教、儒家文化遗址于一山,错杂而不乱,有层次而又各自独立,是将建筑艺术、雕刻艺术与自然风光完美结合的艺术珍品,有海上飞来一洞天之美称。古建筑群坐落在镇远城东的中和山上。这里山势挺拔,峭壁悬崖。巨岩、洞穴和为一体。道、儒、佛三种宗教的寺庙群生就山腰,是中国不同宗教同生共长、和谐发展的典范和楷模。它背靠青山,面临绿水,贴壁临空,五步一楼,十步一阁,翘翼飞檐、雕梁画栋。这些古建筑依山因地,分别采用了等多






tour guide manuals of zhen yuan


the route: riyue hotel---chongzi mouth---he family grand courtyard---fu family residence---fuxing lane---exhibition hall---daheguang port---laoda bridge---ancient buildings of green dragon cave


ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:


welcome to one of chinas historical and cultural cities---zhenyuan.


first of all, please allow me to introduce myself. i am ...., guide of tourism company of mingcheng. today, i am honored to guide you.


chongzi mouth

现在我们来到的就是镇远多条歪门斜道中的一条,称为冲子口巷,说到这儿,很多人都好奇,为什么要叫歪门斜道呢?now we come to one of the streets which are full of slanting doors and sloping roads in zhenyuan. this street is called chongzi mouth lane. as mentioning this, we may be curious and eager to know why the street is named slanting doors and sloping roads. is it really like that?


is there something wrong with people in zhenyuan? i just want to tell you that the origin of name has something with the feng shui theory of taoism. say, we know that siheyuan (quadrangle courtyard) in beijing faces south with its door opening towards due south. that is the reason why south is regarded as dignity, which means to accumulate wealth and avoid the fire. 可是到了镇远,由于受到地势限制和多方文化影响,我们的民居虽然也是以南为尊,但它却是坐北朝着东南方向和西南方向开门,这样门一歪,道便斜,所以就被叫着歪门斜道。

with the principle of respect for south spread to zhenyuan, though people here also abide by it, the doors of residence rides southeast and southwest instead of due south, due to the limitations of geographical position and the influence of multiculture. so, we can see that if doors are opened, they seem askew and the roads appear raked. this is the interesting phenomenon about slanting doors and sloping roads.


the two sides of chongzi mouth lane are mainly grand courtyards which are with eight to ten meters high walls. these walls are so high and solid that they can protect houses from fire, not because one house gets fire to bring

disaster to neighbors; they can preclude water from flooding the houses, even if wuyang river swells; they can guard against the thieves and make them realize it impossible to enter the houses and prevent from the attack of gangsters. that

is to say, grand courtyards with high solid walls have many functions such as the above mentioned--- fireproof, waterproof, prevention of burglary.


he family grand courtyard

现在我们看到的这家大院叫做——何家大院,系明代建筑。位于冲子口古巷道内,占地面积940平方米,建筑面积1500。前后两个院落,相传为明初镇远蛮夷长官司长官何惠的私宅。该院背依石屏山,座北面南,大门却开设在西南角上,大门处有单檐门罩,下有青石条门框(俗称石库门),为典型的高封火墙四合院。now we come to the courtyard called he family courtyard, dating back to ming dynasty. situated in the chongzi mouth lane, it covers an area of 940 square meters, construction area of 1500 square meters. it has two yards. it is said that it belonged to he hui originally, who was the local law officer of managing the minority groups in zhenyuan in the early ming dynasty. in other words, it is his private residence. we can see the grand courtyard was built at the back of shiping moutain, facing south, but its entrance door was set in the

southwest. there is the single eave of door cover in the front door and bluestone doorframe under the proof (commonly called the stone door), which is the typical siheyuan with l high fireproof walls.


mind you,when we walk on the road, please pay close attention to the mouths of sewer. please look at them, it is easy for us to find that they look like the ancient copper coins. guess what their meanings are? they mean that wealth wont flow out, and the water just flows into the coins.


now please see the fire walls around us. they have a funny name--bean curd wall. can you guess what it means? please dont associate it with the jerry-built project (in china bean curd reminds people of the shoddy

construction, because it is brittle and tends to go to pieces). if you cant hit it, i offer you the answer.


fire walls are commonly seen in anhui province. there were many

merchants from anhui province coming here a long ago, so they brought their own civilization to zhenyuan. it is known that there was no cement, no

reinforcing steel, the ancient workmen were so smart that they put lime, bean curd, glutinous rice, mud, china wood oil, and slurry together to place them between the walls. there was bean curd in the walls,so they were called bean curd walls. however, there was the element of glutinous rice, so the cost was high. now that the cost of construction was high, it shows that people at the time living here were very rich.


fu family residence


now, we come to the best preserved and most representative of ancient

residence in zhenyuan: fu family residence. fu family has lived here for nine generations. two hundred years ago, ancestors of fu family joined the merchant teams to rush to zhenyuan. originally, they started as traveling salesmen on the shoulders of selling goods, and later did tung oil business. and indeed, they made a fortune to run a warehouse named prosperous old line in fuxing alley. they mainly dealt with hoarding of goods intercourse, and reached its most brilliant period of about guangxun years in qing dynasty


fu family residence faces south, its architecture built hillside, layer-by-layer ascending, consisting of the post, the lintel, the threshold, and the door cover. there is a bass-relief carved above the lintel. in fact, it is a map fo

r tai chi and eight trigrams, meaning two meter born four like, four like health nosy. it is good for business people to gain wealth without paying much. coins were engraved on the threshold, signifying if the door is opened, we can money in front. both sides of threshold there are the door pillow stones marked with deep embossed lions which are the legend of a beast, a felicitous wish of making money.














