


我希望他们能放一部讲僵尸苏醒 I hope they show the one where the zombies wake up,

占领电台 然后还放些邪恶的迪斯科音乐的电影 take over the radio station and play bad disco music.

或者是新婚夫妇忽然发现他们的蜜月旅行 Or the one where those newlyweds realize

其实是惊魂之旅的那种 that their honeymoon is actually a horrormoon.

这个恐怖电影马拉松太酷了 This scary movie marathon rocks.

戈多不会知道他错过了什么 Gordo doesn't know what he's missing.

他肯定非常喜欢他爸爸 因为他看起来 Yeah, he must like his dad a lot 'cause he didn't seem

会懒得花时间去和他“培养感情” too bummed to have to spend some time bonding with him.

上次我和我爸“培养感情”的时候 Last time me and my dad "bonded"

我被蜜蜂蛰了 I got stung by a bee.

是吗 Oh, yeah?

上次我爸和我培养感情的时候我差点折断我的脚趾 Well, the last time my dad and I bonded I almost broke my toe.

爸爸 Dad!

没错 我觉得待在家里要安全得多 Yup, I think it's much safer stay in at home

而且我们的大脑还不用去想那些吓人的事 and getting scared out of our brains.

如果我弄错了 就纠正我 Correct me if I'm wrong

但是戈多的爸爸和布鲁克·贝克是同一个人吗 but are Gordo's dad and Brooke Baker the same person?

什么 Huh?

他和他爸肯定重新安排了个时间 He and his dad must have rescheduled.

他显然是来这里找我们的 He obviously came here looking for us.

他看起来不像是在找我们 He doesn't look like he's looking for us.

他看起来比较像他正在 He looks like he's on a...

我说不下去了 I can't even say it.

说什么 Say what?

看看他们 Look at them.

私人餐桌 远离拥挤的人群 还坐得那么近 Private table, away from the crowd, sitting close...

而且戈多看起来好象还认真梳过他的头发 Gordo even looks like he brushed his hair.

说明什么 So?

说明什么 So?!

拜托 你不会以为他们在约会吧 Oh, please! You don't think they're on a date, do you?

不可能 那可是戈多 记得吗 No way! It's Gordo, remember?

我们是他最好的朋友 We're his best friends.

如果是他一定会跟我们说的 He would have mentioned it.

我们过去找他吧 Come on. Let's go get him.

或者 也许我们走开就好 Or... may be we should go.

戈多刚才亲了一个女生 Gordo just kissed someone.

我不是很肯定 不过我已经没有食欲了 I'm not sure, but I think I just lost my appetite.

戈多交了个女朋友 Gordo's got a girlfriend?

我本来还以为电影马拉松已经够恐怖的了 And I thought the movie marathon was going to be scary.

今天异常安静 It's awfully quiet.

我知道 他们肯定有哪个人做了些什么事 I know, one of them must have done something.

我对付马特 利齐交给你 I'll take Matt; Lizzie's yours.

成交 Deal.


宝贝 这是你的午餐 Here's your lunch, sweetie.

谢谢 妈妈 Thanks, Mom.

我按你喜欢的方式把面包边切下来了 I cut off the crusts like you like.

很棒 Great.

而且我还多放了一些小点心在里面 And I put an extra snack in there, too.

很不错 Great.

到底发生了什么事 Okay, what happened?

戈多对我撒谎 跑去约会然后亲了个女孩 Well, Gordo lied to me, went on a date then kissed a girl

而且还什么都不告诉我 without mentioning any of it to me.

没什么 真的 Nothing. Really.

没什么 Nothing?

在学校一切都好 和你的朋友 Mm... Everything's okay at school... with your friends...?

都好 Yeah. Fine.

看看专业人士的方法 Watch the pro.

你好啊 马特 Hi ya, Matt.

你好 Hi ya, Dad.

有什么事吗 What's going on?

没事 你怎么样 Nothing. How about with you?

我想我们今天自然课要考试 Well, I think I have a science test today

不过又不是百分之百肯定 but I'm not entirely sure.

我上个星期不小心踢坏了社会学课上用的地球仪 I kicked our social studies globe last week by accident and

所以我得在学生食堂打工赚钱去买个新的 now I have to work in the cafeteria to help pay for a new one.

而且我完全不懂数学教的是什么东西 And I totally don't know what's going on in math.

你的问题可真多 儿子 You got a lot on your plate, son.

没错 Yep.

那放学后我教你做作业怎样 How about I help you with your homework after school?



你们觉得恐怖电影马拉松怎么样 So, how was the scary movie marathon?

恐怖 Mm... Scary.

我和我爸爸回家太晚 看不了 Oh. My dad and I got home too late to watch it.

真的 Really?

那你们最后改成去哪儿了 What'd you end up doing instead?

我们去了一个签名售书会 Uh, we went to a book signing.

写那本书的人花了六个月时间 The guy who wrote it spent six months

步行横穿喜玛拉雅山 walking across the Himalayas.

他开始除了一双鞋和 He started out with nothing but a pair of shoes

一块糖其它什么都没带 and a candy bar.

如果我不是知道得如此清楚 我就相信他了 If I didn't know any better, I'd believe him.

这是典型的戈多风格 That's so Gordo.

他撒谎可以拿A He'd get in "A" in lying.

听起来很有趣 Sounds interesting.

谁写给你的 Who's it from?

利齐 看起来这里一切都在你掌控之中 Um, Lizzie, you seem to have everything under control.

我马上回来 Uh, I-I'll be right back.

戈多 你不能把我和这只 死章鱼单独留下 Gordo, you cannot just leave me with this... Dead octopus.


你只要接着切片就好 没什么可担心的 all you have to do is keep slicing. Don't worry.

如果你做错了 还有另外七条触须 If you make a mistake, there's seven more legs.

戈多 戈多 你是我的实验搭档 Gordo, Gordo, you've my lab partner!

你不能丢下我 You cannot just leave me!

你好 有人吗 Hello. Hi, there.

我是你最好的朋友 记得吗 我在这里 Hey, I'm your best friend, remember? Over here!

真该死 一点用都没有 Ah, crud. It's useless.


戈多丢下了一个科学课实验项目 Gordo walked away from a science project?

在他拿到一张纸条以后 After he got a note.

戈多收到一张纸条 Gordo got a note?!

他还是没提到他那天晚上的约会 He still hasn't mentioned his date the other night.

戈多约会了 Gordo had a date?!

冷静点 米兰达 你当时也在场的 Calm down, Miranda. You were there.

抱歉 这整件事情把我的世界震动得不轻 Uh, sorry. This whole thing is rocking my world.

我是指 戈多和布鲁克绝对是一对儿了 I mean, Gordo and Brooke are definitely an item.

每个人都在议论 People are talking.

议论戈多 About Gordo?

我觉得我像在一个梦里 I feel like I'm in a dream where

这里人人都想亲我的青蛙 everyone wants to kiss my frog.

让我疑惑不解的地方 See, here's the part that gets me all confucius:

不是戈多交了个女朋友 not that Gordo has a girlfriend...

而是戈多居然是某个人的男朋友了 but that Gordo is somebody's boyfriend.


我了解 极其难以想象 I know. Very hard to imagine.

我猜如果你活得够久的话什么事情都有可能发生 I guess if you live long enough anything can happen.

伙计们 我只是来告诉你们 Hey, guys, I just wanted to tell you

我今天不能和你们一起吃午饭了 that I'm not going to be eating lunch with you today.

有意思 Hmm... Interesting.

因为我答应过一个朋友 Yeah, it's just that I promised a friend

我会帮他完成家庭作业 that I'd help out with some homework.

一个朋友 是吗 A friend, huh?

那待会儿见 Yeah, so I'll see you guys later.

他真的以为我们不知道吗 Does he honestly think we don't know?!

我们都看见他们接吻了 We saw them kissing!

说不定他们只是十分亲密地聊天而已 Maybe they were just talking really close.

那可不是聊天 That wasn't talking.

那也许是她的嘴唇上沾到了脏东西或者别的什么 Maybe she had a smudge on her mouth or something.

然后他就用他的嘴唇去帮她弄掉吗 That he was trying to get off with his lips?!

听好了 米兰达 我只是很关心他 好吗 Listen, Miranda I'm just looking out for him, okay?

戈多对布鲁克是“认真又真心”的 Gordo is "H&H" with Brooke.

如果戈多有可能受到伤害的话 If there's any possibility that Gordo's going to get hurt

我们就得阻止它的发生 we've got to stop it.

好了 马特 每行有十个口香糖球 Okay, Matt. Each row has got ten gumballs in it.

就代表了是百分之一百 That represents a hundred percent.

现在 如果我们拿开四个口香糖球 Now, if we take away four gumballs--

四个白色的-- the four white ones--

百分之多少的口香糖球没有了 what percentage of gumballs are missing?

40 对吗 40, right?

正确 做得好 Right! Good job.

我就知道拿口香糖球来做直观教学用具会有用 I knew that using gumballs as a visual aid would help.

别把你的作业吃掉了 过来帮我倒垃圾 Don't eat your homework and help me take out the trash.

我可不这么想 Um, I don't think so.

你刚说什么 Excuse me?

爸爸 我打赌你百分之百 Dad, I bet there's a 100% chance

还会再叫我去倒垃圾的 that you're going to ask me to take out the garbage again.

所以呢 So?

所以 若我说对了 我不去 但如果我错了 我去 So, if I'm right, I'm not doing it. And if I'm wrong, I will.

马特 我会再跟你说一次 Matt, I'm going to ask you one more time

让你帮我去倒垃圾 help me take out the garbage.

天啊 百分比这种东西太简单了 Man, this percentage stuff is easy.

我回房间了 再次感谢 爸爸 I'll be in my room. Thanks again, Dad.

下一次就轮到你了 Next, you'll be meeting someone

背着我偷偷和某人见面 and keeping it behind my back.

我永远都不会知道 直到我看到你们 接吻 I won't even know until I see you with him... kissing!

然后再过不久 你每次都会为了他而抛弃我 And soon you'll be ditching me for him at every single turn!

我就一直孤独 孤独到老 I'll be alone... all alone. Oh!

不可能的事 Not going to happen.

有可能 总有那么一天 It might, one day.

你在开玩笑吗 我会让你知道所有的小细节 Are you kidding?! You'll know all the deets.

我想现在和戈多谈谈是不是太晚了 I guess it's too late to have this conversation with Gordo.

他现在已经和某个完全不适合他的人在一起 Now he's with someone who's completely wrong for him.

也许布鲁克真的很喜欢戈多 Maybe Brooke really likes Gordo.

我的意思是 他确实有些与众不同可是 I mean, sure, he's a little different but...

因为那样我才喜欢他 that's why I like him.

你喜欢戈多 You like Gordo?

我不是说那种喜欢 No! I don't like him like him.

你知道我的意思 You know what I mean!

等等 Wait,

你是不是喜欢戈多 do you like Gordo?

没有 No!

至少我不这么觉得 At least I don't think so.

没有 No!

我当然不喜欢戈多 好恶 Of course I don't like Gordo! Gross!

我只是随口问问 Just asking.

真高兴你们在这儿 Hey, I'm glad you guys are here.

我想跟你们说点事 I wanted to tell you something.

我们也想跟你说点事 We wanted to tell you something, too.

而且有些难以启齿 但是 And there's no easy way to say this, but, uh...

我们知道你和布鲁克的事了 ...we know about you and Brooke.

那正是我要告诉你们的 Oh, that's exactly what I wanted to tell you guys as well.

我们之前看到你们俩在一起 We kind of saw you two together

不要误会我的意思 and don't take this the wrong way

但是 你有没有想过她可能是在利用你 but, um... you ever thought that maybe she's using you?

有没有“不会让我误会”的另一种表达方法 Is there a "right way" to take that?

上科学课的时候你丢下我 然后午餐的时候又说 You bailed on me in science then at lunch to help her

要教她做作业 我还 还看到你们俩接吻 with her homework a-and I know I saw you two kissing...

我还在努力忘掉这段记忆 I'm still trying to cleanse the memory.

那天晚上你们看到我们了 You guys saw us here the other night?

我们是最好的朋友 We're best friends!

我真不敢相信你都没提到她 一次也没有 I can't believe you haven't mentioned her. Not once.

好吧 我很抱歉我想让我的生活 Well, I'm sorry if I wanted to keep

能留有一些隐私 something in my life private.

我们只是想帮你 戈多 We're just trying to help you, Gordo.

我们在保护你 不想让你受伤害 We're protecting you. We don't want you to get hurt.

就用告诉我她在利用我这种方式吗 By telling me she's using me?!

因为布鲁克这种女孩 Why, 'cause a girl like Brooke could

永远不会喜欢我这种人吗 never like a guy like me?

那么 你们猜怎么着 她会的 Well, guess what, she does.

因为她是布鲁克·贝克 It's just that it's Brooke Baker.

我是说 她是克莱尔的朋友 我们就是这个意思 I mean, she's friends with Claire. That's all we're saying.

她也是我的朋友 实际上 我们不止是朋友 She's also friends with me. In fact, we're more than friends.

真可笑 我来这儿是为了告诉你们我有多快乐 Funny, I came here to tell you guys how happy I am,

还以为你们会为我高兴 thinking you'd be glad for me.

我想对我最好的朋友也不能期望太多 I guess that's just too much to expect from my best friends.

再见 See you around.

戈多 等等 Gordo, wait!

为什么我觉得 刚才戈多在和我们绝交 Why do I have the feeling that... Gordo just broke up with us?

因为他确实这么做了 'Cause he did.

好了 兰尼 规则是这样的 Okay, Lanny, this is how it's going to work.

每次如果我猜对了 Every time I guess right

我会拿走这里百分之一的糖果 I'll take one percent of all the candy here.

每次我猜错了的话 And every time I guess wrong...

我会拿走这里糖果的百分之一 I'll take one percent of all the candy here.

她来了 Oh, here she comes. Okay...

我拿这里所有的糖果跟你赌 I'll bet you all the candy here

利齐会开始对我大吼 that Lizzie starts yelling at me.


马特 我想 Matt, I thought...

我告诉过你 I told you that

从中午12点到中午12 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 12:00 noon

你都应该假装没看到我 you're supposed to ignore me.

但你从来没有说过我不可以朝你扔东西 But you never said I couldn't throw things at you.


那是个好主意 兰尼 Hey, that's a great idea, Lanny!

我们可以在学校玩这种百分比游戏 We'll play odds and percentages at school.

不过 要用其他人的糖果 But... with other people's candy.

太美好了 Sweet!

这是自从三年级的时候 This is the longest I've ever gone

他故意压坏我的巧克力蛋糕以来 without talking to Gordo

我没跟他说话持续时间最长的一次 since he deliberately smooshed my brownie in the third grade.

上次你坚持了多久 How long did your fight last then?

直到坐校车回家的时候 Till the bus ride home.

也许 Well, maybe...

当你最好的朋友是个男生时就会发生这种事 this is what happens when your best friend's a boy.

事情变得很复杂 Things get complicated.

我觉得我很想念他 I guess I just miss him.

你可以试着跟他说说话 You can try talking to him.

我听说每到课间他都会在布鲁克的置物柜那里等她 I hear he waits for Brooke at her locker between classes.

戈多在她的置物柜那里等她 Gordo waits at her locker?!

他们现在是男女朋友了 这是必须要做的 He's in a relationship now. It's sort of required.

明天晚上 太好了 Tomorrow night? Cooly?

不过我得先帮布鲁克安排个超棒的约会 But first I have to help Brooke get ready for her hot date.

在圣里格托尼餐厅 很浪漫对吧 It's at the Holy Rigatoni. Isn't that romantic?

超棒的约会 A hot date?!

戈多是她的男朋友 你总得适应这些事 Gordo's her boyfriend. Wrap your mind around it.

超棒的约会和戈多从不会出现在同一个句子里 Hot date and Gordo are never... used in the same sentence.

尤其是不该从克莱尔嘴里说出来 Especially by Claire.

布鲁克显然是要跟另一个人去约会 Brooke's date is obviously with someone else.

戈多 我对我之前说过的话感到很抱歉 So Gordo, I'm really sorry about what I said.

而且我决定完全支持你和布鲁克在一起 And I've decided to be totally supportive of you and Brooke.

你有吗 You have?

因为你们看起来真的非常喜欢对方 Yes, because it seems you really like each other.

我还很肯定 And I'm sure...

你们俩走在一起的时候 非常 般配 when you two are together, it's very... cool.

不只是般配 也很温暖人心 Only not cool. More on the warmish side?

比温暖人心还要温暖 Even warmer than warm.

什么比温暖人心还要温暖 你们俩在说什么 What's warmer than warm? What are you guys talking about?

大卫 快点 我们上科学课要迟到了 David, hurry! We're going to be late for science!

我得走了 Hmm. I got to go.

好了 你这回高兴了吧 There. Are you happy now?

我不高兴 米兰达 戈多对约会一点都不知情 No, Miranda, I'm not. Gordo had no clue about this hot date.

我也不太喜欢 Well, I wouldn't either with the way

刚才那种谈话方式 that conversation was going.

我是对的 布鲁克瞒着戈多脚踏两只船 I was right. Brooke is two-timing Gordo.

这对他绝对是巨大的打击 This is going to totally destroy him.

利齐 除非你真的跑去圣里格托尼餐厅去 Lizzie, unless you actually go to the Holy Rigatoni spy

跟踪布鲁克 亲眼看到她的约会 on Brooke and get pictures of her date

否则就不能这么说 then you have nothing.

没错 我们去跟踪她 我们得为了戈多这么做 That's it! We'll spy! We'll do it for Gordo.

绝妙的想法 米兰达 棒极了 Ooh, brilliant idea, Miranda. Neat.

我不是这个意思 Uh, that's not what I meant.

而且我们也不会去跟踪 And we are not spying.

我们会的 来吧 Yes, we are. Come on.

米兰达 进来 Come on, Miranda!

为什么要打扮成男生的是我 Why am I the one dressed like a boy?

因为你的声音比较低沉 Because your voice is deeper.

另外 你也知道 这是你的主意 Besides, you know, this was your idea.

不是 No, it wasn't.

而且我现在有一个大问题 利齐 And I'm having a really big problem, Lizzie.

我想去洗手间 I have to go to the bathroom.

那就...去啊 So... go.

是啊 去哪个 Yeah. Which one?

我知道你的问题在哪了 Ooh! I see your problem.

布鲁克在那儿 布鲁克在那儿 快躲起来 Oh, there's Brooke. There's Brooke, go!

我看不到 I can't tell...

跟她在一起那人是谁 who she's with.

等等 他站起来了 Wait, he's getting up.


她约会的对象 Her date!

他要去男士卫生间了 He's going to the men's room.

去跟着他 Go follow him!

去那里面 In there?!

你说过你要去洗手间的 快去 You said you had to go. So go.

我不能进去 I can't go in there.

里面的墙上有那种很奇怪的喷泉型的东西 They have those weird fountain thingies on the wall.

只管进去 Just... go.

我的意思是 All I'm saying is...

有五分之一的可能性布拉德维尔先生星期一 there's a one out of five chance Mr. Bradwell's

会系他那条写着“世界上最好的啤酒”的领带 going to be wearing his beers of the world tie on Monday.

- Uh-huh.

你有两个选择 下注 还是不下 You're either in on the action or you're not.

我下 我下 I'm in. I'm in.

记下乔尔在布拉德维尔身上赌了两包糖 Put Joel down for two printed packs on Broadwell.

又一个电话 Hmm, another call.


明天有什么 What's on tomorrow?

明天下午两点有躲避球比赛 Yeah, dodge ball game's tomorrow at 2:00.

赌蓝队打败黄队的赔率是二比一 Odds are two to one that blue's going to crush yellow.

我赌黄队赢 I'll take yellow.

拿你的护膝和头盔来赌 Throw your knee pads in with the helmet.

我们就成交 and you got yourself a deal

我拿头盔赌黄队赢 Set my helmet on yellow.

记下拜德赌黄队赢 Put Binder down on yellow.

又来一个电话 Hmm. Another call.

我们进度如何 兰尼 How are we doing, Lanny?

其他人的糖果 Other people's candy!

说话 Yo, talk to me.

我们得赶快离开 We've got to get out of here.

为什么 Why?

我们走 Come on, come on, come on, let's go.




让你们久等了 你们的餐桌准备好了 Thanks for waiting. Your table's ready.

我们要走了 谢谢 Oh. We're not staying. Thanks.

你们当然不会走 Sure you are.

初次约会也会让我很紧张 可爱的一对 First dates make me nervous, too. Cute couple.

我们该怎么办 What do we do?

拿上这个 谢谢 两位 Oh! Here. Thanks, guys.

这边请 Right this way.

一切都还不错吧 两位还满意你们的晚餐吧 Everything bellissimo? Enjoying your meal?

很好 Okay, good.

在你们等待服务员的同时 While you wait for your server,

我可以向你们推荐一款开胃菜吗 may I suggest an appetizer?

我强力推荐我们独家又黏又甜有嚼劲的 I'd recommend our ooey gooey... extra chewy

疯狂意大利白干酪拼盘 mozzarella marina... madness,

或者是大份量又足的洋蓟冷盘 or our large and in charge artichoke barge

搭配绝对美味的帕马臣干酪泡芙 with perfect parmesan puffs.

好的 Uh... yes.

没错 Fine, yeah.

我们本来可以偷偷离开的 米兰达 We could have made a run for it, Miranda.

我们跑不了 No, we couldn't.

戈多就坐在那儿 他可能会看到我们 Gordo is right there. He would have seen us.

我们还能怎么办 What are we going to do?

我们还能怎么办 What are we going to do?

我们得一直坐在这里等我们点的菜端上来 We're going to sit here and wait for the food that we ordered.

我们还得付钱 你知道的 We do have to pay for it, you know.

我真的很喜欢这家餐厅 I really like this restaurant.

我也是 Yeah, me too.

你沾到了... Um, you got a little...

...也很喜欢和你在这里 I also... really like being here with you.

我希望我们能花更多的时间在一起 I wish we'd spend more time together.

我们现在就是在一起 Oh, we're together now.

有一根 Uh, there's a...

在一起的时间多点会更好 More time together would be awesome.

奶酪丝... Cheese...

我是说 Well, I-I mean...

我们课间时间都在一起 we're together in between classes.

上课的时间我们也在一起 We're together during classes.

放学后一般我们还是在一起 We're generally together after school.

除非我所有的课都转到和你同班 Unless I transferred into all of your classes...


你可以吗 我是说 这个学期转会不会太晚 Could you? I mean... it's not too late in the semester?

我错了 Fine. I was wrong.

戈多就是她的超棒的约会对象 Gordo is her hot date.

谢谢 现在我们可以走了 Thank you. Now we can go.

这些钱应该够付了 This should cover for the food.

走吧 他们在说话 他们不会注意到我们离开的 Come on. They're talking. They won't see us leave.

等等 来这儿到底是谁的主意 Wait. Whose idea was it to come here really?

好吧 是我的 Fine. Mine.

管他的 来吧 我们走 Whatever. Come on. Let's go.

抱歉 Ooh, sorry.

那个不是利齐吗 Hey, isn't that... Lizzie?

她的约会对象看起来真像米兰达 Her date looks a lot like Miranda.

因为他就是米兰达 That's because it is Miranda.

我们真的非常抱歉 Oh. We're really sorry.

...我的朋友觉得不太舒服... Um... my friend's not feeling very well...

而且我不得不赶去做我不得不做的事 and I've got this thing I've got to go to.

如果我不停地说下去 If I just keep talking,

没人会注意到我毁了戈多的约会 no one will notice that I've ruined Gordo's date...

我身上还留着各位的晚餐 and that I'm wearing everybody's dinner.

天啊 这个地方太拥挤了 Boy, this place is crowded.

你们这里卖很多份洋蓟冷盘 对吧 You guys sell a lot of those artichoke barges here, huh?

你们说完了吗 Are you done yet?

他们说不完了 No. They can't be done.

他们把我这辈子都毁了 They have the rest of my life to destroy.

这只是其中的一个晚上 This is just one night of it.

走吧 布鲁克 Come on, Brooke.

戈多是对的 Gordo's right.

我在这儿对他造成了永久的伤害 I've done permanent damage here.

就像我头发上粘的这根意大利面那么长 As permanent as this spaghetti is stuck in my hair.



放太多蒜头了 Oh, way too much garlic.

我想我们只能带着这身回去了 Guess we'll take this stuff to go.

Ha, ha.

第二场足球赛 赚到四个人的差价 "Four-point spread on second-period soccer game."

“欠我东西的人员名单” "Kids who owe me stuff."

“斯科提 一包口香糖” "Scotty: pack of gum."

“金姆 清洗我的踏板车” "Kim: clean my scooter."

我们把这些东西放在这里 兰尼 Let's put this stuff over here, Lanny.


妈妈 Hi, Mom.

马特 我看到了你的记事本 Hey, Matt. I found your book.

就是说 我把它落在家里了 So, I did leave it at home.

我是说 I mean, um...

那不是我的 that's not mine.

愿不愿意跟我解释一下 Care to explain this to me?

不太愿意 Um... not really.

你们这些小男孩是不是在赌博 Have you boys been gambling?

妈妈 我爱你 I love you, Mommy!

我的天... Oh, my...

马特 马特 Matt, Matt!

解释一下 我等着呢 Talk to me. I am waiting.

你瞧 Well, you see...

都是从我们在学校学的 it all started with this percentage stuff

百分比这种东西开始的 we were learning in school.

我原来一点都不懂 I wasn't really getting it...

所以爸爸就用这种方式教 so Dad explained it in a way that...

马特 别怪到你爸爸身上 Matt! Don't blame this on your father.

我是说 我知道他可以更 I mean, I know he can... be a little...

算了 不要紧 接着说 接着说 No. Never mind. Go on. Go on.

我就帮其他人解释百分比的意思 So then I helped explain it to everyone else

然后接下来的事情你知道了 and the next thing you know,

大家对我的帮助 非常感激 people were so... thankful for my help,

他们就开始给我这些东西 they started giving me all this stuff.

这是个很棒的故事 亲爱的 我才不信 Well,that's a very nice story, honey... but I'm not buying it

但是 妈妈 我给其他人提供服务 But, Mom, I'm providing a service to the people.

服务 A service?

宝贝 你在说谎 欺诈 而且还赌博 Honey... you're lying, cheating and gambling.

好吧 也许我确实说了谎 Okay, so maybe I did lie.

的确 你也可以说是赌博 And sure-- you can throw in gambling.

但是 马特·迈奎尔 不是一个诈骗者 But, I... Matt McGuire, am not a cheater.

很好 那你应该会很公平地 Well, good. Then you'll be very fair

把大家给你的这些礼物一一退回去 when you return all these gifts everybody gave you.

如果你要这么说的话 If you say so.

我已经这么说了 Oh, I say so.

亲爱的 这是零差价的情况 Honey, this is a zero-spread situation.

而你百分之百赌输了 And you are 100% busted.

我想你听懂我说的话了 把这只小狗还回去 I think you understand me. Return the puppy.

抱歉 别想用这招 Sorry. Don't go there.

真希望我这辈子再也别看到肉丸子 If I never see another meatball again I'll be happy.

你知道我花了多长时间 Do you know how long it took me

才洗掉我头发上的大蒜味吗 to wash the smell of garlic off of my hair?

我想现在就剩我们两人了 再也没有戈多了 I guess it's just the two of us now. No more Gordo.

再也没有戈多了 No more Gordo.

再也没有关于我们如何太在乎别人对我们的看法 No more long lectures about how we care too much

长篇大论的说教了 about what other people think about us.

再也没有那些我们懒得去听 No more useless information about stuff

懒得去懂的没用的知识了 we never even cared about in the first place.

再也没有一堆一堆的杯子蛋糕可以分享了 No more packs of cupcakes to share.

再也没有杯子蛋糕 等等 为什么没有 No more cupcakes... Wait! Why not?

因为都是三个份 Because they come in pack of threes.

我们现在只有两个人 There's only two of us now

我想我们可以把第三个对半分 I guess we could split the third one.

还是一样糟糕 No. It still wouldn't be the same.



你在这干嘛呢 What are you doing here?

不是说我们不希望在这见到你 Not that we don't want you here.

我觉得昨晚我想说的话 I guess I just didn't say everything to you

还没有对你们说 that I wanted to last night.


老实说 我实在不敢相信你们俩居然会去 Honestly, I can't believe you guys would go so far

跟踪我和布鲁克 as to spy on me and Brooke.

那真是 太太太卑鄙了 That's just... really, really low.

尤其是对你们俩来说 Especially for you.

是米兰达的主意 It was Miranda's idea.

利齐 Lizzie.

而且我也很不敢相信你们会监视我 And I also can't believe that you guys spied on me.

你刚刚说过了 戈多 You just said that, Gordo.

我知道 从某个方面说 这是对我的侮辱 I know. On the one hand, I'm really insulted.

但从另一个角度 But on the other...

我明白你们这么做是因为太关心我 I realize that you guys did it because you care a lot about me

就是这样 Yeah. That's the one.

只是想告诉你们一声 我和布鲁克分手了 Well, for your information, Brooke and I broke up.

什么 是因为我们昨晚做的事情吗 What?! Is it because of what we did last night?

戈多 我真的很抱歉 Gordo, I'm really sorry.

而你得挽留住她 And-and you've got to get her back.

如果她不愿意听你说 我会跟她解释 If she won't listen to you, I'll try talking to her.

等等 等等 Wait, wait.

是我提出分手的 I broke up with her.

在很多方面 布鲁克确实很不错 In a lot of ways, Brooke's really great.

她很聪明 She's smart.

我就说嘛 Told you.

她闻起来很香 与她相处也很容易 She smells good, she's easy to be around.

问题出在哪儿 So, what's the problem?

这是一个概念性问题 It's kind of conceptual.

但是我想我只是觉得想要有个女朋友的想法 But I guess I just like the idea of having a girlfriend

比你实际上真的有个女朋友要好得多 a lot better than actually having one.

没错 他回来了 Yup. He's back.

接吻很酷 Look... the kissing was cool

而且收到小纸条也蛮有趣的 and getting notes was kind of fun.

我只是还没准备好去给某个人承诺 I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.

我得去她的置物柜等她 I had to wait for her by her locker.

我得为她的午餐付钱 I had to pay for her lunches.

我再也没有属于自己的时间了 I had no time for myself anymore.

懒人一个 Bummer.

我也没有时间去陪你们 I also had no time for you guys.

我真的很想念过去 I really miss that part.

我们也是 So did we.

我就知道他会回来的 I knew he'd come back.

他们总是会这样 They always do.

昨晚的打扮真是很有趣 米兰达 So, uh, interesting wardrobe choice last night, Miranda.

对不起 Oh, I-I'm sorry.

我应该说“米兰多” I-I should say "Mirando."

我已经说过一遍了 我再说第二遍 Ugh! I said it once, and I'll say it again.

这不是我的主意 It wasn't my idea.

那戈多 还有一样东西你没告诉我们 So Gordo... One thing that you haven't told us.

什么 What?

嘴唇触碰在一起的感觉怎么样 How was the lip lock?

很抱歉 我不是那种接吻了又大肆宣扬的那种人 I'm sorry. I don't kiss and tell.


来吧 透露一下 Come on, spill.

我不会说的 I'm not going to do it.


就讲一点 伙计 Dish, dude.

我被这两个弄迷糊了 I get confused with the two.

准备好 还有希拉里 要记得 表现得平淡一点 Settle down and Hilary, remember, nonchalant.

你刚把那个给吃了 Did you eat that?

我的手套破了一个洞 Whoa! I'm getting a hole in my thing.

你没有准备两副吗 Don't you have two gloves?

它要是从那里渗进去呢 What if it leaks through?

我觉得我吃不下午饭了 I don't think I want to eat lunch.

他的小眼睛在盯着我看 His little eyes are looking at me.

希拉里 Hilary...

希拉里 Hi, Hilary.

亲我 Kiss me.

别担心 这里还有七条腿呢 Don't worry. There are seven more legs.

戈多 你不能把我和这只死章鱼就这么留下 Gordo, you cannot just leave me with a dead octopus.

戈多对我撒了谎 去约会了 Well, Gordo lied to me, went on a date.

化装师 服装师 妈妈 Whoa! Makeup! Wardrobe! Mommy!
