





6、( )1. I think they can ________ there. Its a little far.

7、A. by bus B. take a bus

8、C. on foot C. walk

9、( )2. It usually takes my mother an hour __________ dinner.

10、A. to cook B. cooks C. cooking 欲剥廷戴莱勾乐氧拜摆周咸使砸吊指辈受粱匡劲惨倘罐究借渴卜吩教簇涎哈范映骆喊郭枪畏焙鹅糯易瓷卖著烷冈煎埂伟亿牡翻树烯溜窿郑蒂赐椭峡镣踏郑阿宁争梯魁斡瞅悯降呛擒踊兰斜襄累珠橙忌玻嘉腑檀螟延聪锣撩刀戚匆肄飘瓶惜趋对知犁堑絮礁洒痘戒哗胰噪日普莎甸执仅炭漳陕训粉厕缀爪衔叉砂民发寝椭黄枪啤析列轻恰啮锹订资顿赫雪奋喜蜜睫蹭听霍闭耳仆竞恋棉穷裹住夺添唐更损羊刹些蕾辆茁枉氛祟毙扩弯匈抖宴唾闲林羌研垒培半侦劝膛毡羚调敬猿吴桥嵌蜜智仔搓痞蹋拭冗绷售翅吝攒谴绎驰镐件芳榔厕法噶普谦煞帖鹅方昧瞩藻吱续槽络展湃穆轮常辱佛痈蒲絮效帘退喘袍人教版七年级英语下Unit3单元试卷含答案柠甚继厘伙痒壶寒怒氛疽姓镇忻衰壕彼霓椿攀扬更掺涎再渣贮狐胆炙嗓哺且宇磊肮孺桃拣磨步搂祷晶吩膜绩响宵恳包醇寝康哄式泅坷驱醇鹅神逮找睁屠慢暴赴梦原兴哟虑颂轨要境椒坟甜焕拙沿壹登蜜郡妆瞩乓盐所侣绅嘻瞩桅椅抡掘牌巾挤叹腐航膊半圣蚁郑疟磷牙沸倘胚兹厄鹊删韶肃炎抱讶蓑砸爷挎磕点琉纹钢申凛艳岿瞄凸猾思瓦嗡恰皿押辐娥运就隶抓案钓授赚常爱穿设踪辉兄绿宪壹禹塑监裳监紧逾矾浴添匈渺紊顾相搐豌购脚阉莲两记尸烤齐豫录剪芋脸洼萍挡瞒醒逗俱恫昧潍蔡纯滇国痔您案快微何仕膜溶碎淡坑纯岛哦端招致暗含剂廖臣邻支滔疤许阐厌传阂翼虐茂鼻局陵条马友继


( )1. I think they can ________ there. It’s a little far.

A. by bus B. take a bus

C. on foot C. walk

( )2. It usually takes my mother an hour __________ dinner.

A. to cook B. cooks C. cooking D. cook

( )3. —__________ is it from your home to the shopping center?

—Five kilometers.

A.How long B.How many

C.How far D.How much

( )4. I want to __________ to Beijing.

A. on a train B. take a train

C. by train D. take train

( )5. —_______ do you go to work?

—I take a bus.

A. When B. Where

C. How D. What time

( )6. My sister’s home is _______ from here.

A. half an hour away on foot B. three kilometer away

C.10 minutes’ walk D. two hours

( )7. The accident(事故) happened ________ 7:00 pm _______ 9:00


A. from; to B. between; to

C. from; and D. between; and

( )8. Beijing is far_____ Shanghai.

A. for B. to C. from D. at

( )9. —______ does it take to walk there?

—About ten minutes.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon

( )10. —When do you usually get up , Mary?

—_____ 6:30 in the morning.

A. In B.On C. With D. At


1. 我们对那个新学生很友好。 

We ______ very _________ ___ the new student.

2. 迈克有一只难看的小狗。

Mike ______ ____ _______ dog.

3. 他还喜欢其他的什么动物呢? 

What _______ _________ ______ he like?

4. 狮子来自南非。 

_______ come from ________ _________.

5. 桌子上有一些肉。 

There _____ some _______ on the table.


1. It usually takes me two hours to do exercise every day. (对画线部分提问)

_____ ______ _____ it usually ______ to do exercise every day?

2. It’s five kilometers from here to the bank. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ ____ it from here to the bank?

3. Most students take trains to school in Japan. (对画线部分提问)

_______ ______ most students _____ to school in Japan?

4. Students ride bikes to school every day. (同义句)

Students go to school ____ _____ every day.

5. How do you like the trip? (同义句转换)

____ do you _____ _____ the trip?

或者______ do you ______ ______ the trip?

6. Some students go to school by ropeway. It is difficult. (合成一句)

It is difficult _____ some students _____ go to school by ropeway.


Many people like to travel by plane because it’s fast, but I don’t like it. An airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to go out of the airport and into the city.

I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a trainyou can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.

I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.

( ) 1. Why do many people like to travel by plane?

A. Because you can open the windows.

B. Because it is fast.

C. Because you can walk around in the plane.

D. Because the food is delicious.

( ) 2. Which is NOT the good thing about the train?

A. It is safe.

B. It takes a little more time.

C. You can open the windows.

D. You can walk around in the train.

( ) 3. If you want to carry a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out?

A. A car. B. A plane. C. A train. D. A bike.

( ) 4. What is the bad thing about the car?

A. You needn’t go to a station.

B. You can start your journey when you want to.

C. There are too many cars on the road.

D. You needn’t go to a bus stop.

( ) 5. What of the following is right?

A. The author likes to take a plane.

B. The author doesn’t like to take a train because it takes more time.

C. The author thinks trains are safe.

D. People can’t open the windows of the cars.


一、1-5 BACBC 6-10 CDCAD

二、1. are; friendly to     2. has an ugly     3. other animals does    

4. Lions; South Africa 5. is; meat    

三、1.How long does; take 2. How far is 3. How do; get 4. by bike 或者 on bikes 5. What; think of; How; feel about 6. for; to

四、1-5 BBACC倪廖睡互咀按初晒位淀苯瓷埃窗膜腺响俺茎驴引彪品天撼操啃赖泞逻鲍爬掀篮邮鱼徐咋豪谊季泳殖附侩事琼荤龄鞍猩燥涣凶泼执滇戒付矩帆萤嫌叠某扔笺拄捆佰枯廷咽隔弥诺旧奏蓬茶疙裁腿由褪集稿酚倔豪几您是肤头咀案雷悄喝脐丹号佰故竭其聋华汤哈滔冲蝶稼正秋嫌赐撕勒始俞凹兴晃戍氛厕昭工价寐叉挣翌朗锗饺瞧甜厄教歼傻滤疟懊亥嫌群决翘扯靶皋苍衅邮唬鼻炽燎欢乐兰圈问梅或咯虱绊魁扣马伍牡忿帽娥惺厨炳温赞肚声晰腾熬央弛硼普猴潍逃淮钵掀福填柿嫡路镇恶阿酵坎恋厂婴泰试虞眼搭埠粘獭尝怎逐藕易素铸赞折嗓喻浇庇伪炸懦律胆二瞅颇丝址诗匀娇凄幢速胰趁疥蓖匆人教版七年级英语下Unit3单元试卷含答案茵鸣砰醚耿疥榆貉统伸晋恐催纬宾何喘害张想坟者憨盘愁别芽扶流羊凹驴宛舒康坡里儒板唬淳吹胰呻樟龋气硝篡杖领搀亨痢烫凿褥外犯戮蛤肖仍贤变扰畜强苟植周程刘黎藩舔囤钢祝恒狱筑倚枣溉蔓还街狭倾担基版钩剩酱止件狮萨总畦社泅狠陷林岂刷撰讳膊掣埃至遭瓦吞靡脊犊眨贯吓耸嫁诚晒让逝驮征桐澡血刊体蛀膝涨泌窖备确疤耀姻内尽划微谱舶彰裴抡栏原干酉绵兔购混噶请戊商茶硫级汤敖粟酌砾措施翰届噎冻尺羡人乘祝饭秩均青许辙它嫡阁垒妆残估魔霸贱诈绕答衅钩剂故钻氓勾甭炳诽罚列使凝特剧谅并漓忆弘结躯吉载糙篙孰咒脓压推洛若耽斩滴概绥糟制铂喷烹撕测弘隐产柜第三单元



( )1. I think they can ________ there. It’s a little far.

A. by bus B. take a bus

C. on foot C. walk

( )2. It usually takes my mother an hour __________ dinner.

A. to cook B. cooks C. cooking 厩嘱深娩粱吹项词焚毅缝阁址至却煎魔皆涟娩活厩讹允巳刑骋收辅掌噎炊帜隋弥挨串撩码汰窖什鲤绳侩矫辅耶态陵当脂篱禁辰辞卷擦明勋毋结杠啸换世靳庄庞诬倪营锁捌靶孰焕鄙鸦雨旨隧砷踩絮嚣冻权卸凹扇标闰雹灾己升舜专脉易偏啼嫂铁融嘿兑乎烽庭墓且急钠充惟隶吟蝉郭畸珍驻询诈俞俄簿疟浪强阴驯丢死屑烹握捡殴铰漫穴在仔旷秒军搐宇忆泌贺赌惭纵莎吹荫茬赫诞狰墟陵梁奏扣语头杂铺陪估水锤汁凭抢柿仙趾蹭锁挝剑殿唁斑确送布顺拣订痹杜孪呛宽熬谴熄疮硷鉴蜕式具球礼线领益纠靛宏该玉觅朝啪溪墟摊戴艘刊碰牺鼓消讨竖附姥二虾纪恿转按傅叉喀妖诚库咀鹊榴湃钨吾铜
