2018版高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 重点全程攻略 Unit 3 Travel journal限时

Unit 3 Travel journal


[2017·唐山摸底]Dr K was one of my favorite professors in college. He was unique because he admitted telling lies in his __1__. I remembered the __2__ to his teaching at the beginning of his first class: Now let me __3__ how I teach. Between today until the class right before finals, I'll put a __4__ into each of my lectures. Your job is to try and __5__ me in the Lie of the Day.

And thus __6__ our tenweek course. Early in the course, the Lie of the Day was usually obvious — __7__ causing a forest of raised __8__ to challenge the lie. Dr K would smile, saying, Very good! In fact, the opposite is __9__.

As the course progressed, __10__ the Lie of the Day became less __11__. Every once in a while, a lecture would __12__ with nobody catching the lie. On such days, we would all sit in __13__ while Dr K, looked quite __14__ with himself and announced: Ah ha! Each of you has one lie in your __15__. Discuss what it might be, and I will tell you next Monday. Those lectures forced us to __16__ what we had set down in our notebooks the following week.

It's years since I __17__. While my knowledge taught by Dr K has faded over time, the lessons will always stay __18__ with me. Experts can be __19__ and say things that sound right—so build a habit of __20__ new information and check it against things you already accept as a fact.


1A.memories  Blectures  

Cstories    Dtextbooks

答案:B 根据上文中“Dr K was one of my favorite professors in college.”可知,此处应指授课方法独特。

2A.introduction B way

Caccess D devotion

答案:A 教师在第一次授课时,一般要介绍一下如何授课,根据下文内容也可知,A项正确。

3A.remember B declare

Cexplain D conduct

答案:C 教授在解释(explain)自己是如何授课的。

4A.puzzle B joke

Csurprise D lie

答案:D 根据第一段第二句话中的telling lies,以及下文讲述的内容中提到的the Lie of the Day可知,选D

5A.catch B help

Csupport D punish

答案:A 根据教授的解释,在授课中会出现谎言,学生的任务是找到(catch)这些谎言。

6A.passed B continued

Cbegan D arose

答案:C 介绍完故事背景,接下来便开始讲述课程进行的情况,故应为开始(began)了这样一个为期十周的课程。

7A.gradually B suddenly

Cactually D immediately

答案:D 根据上文中的“the Lie of the Day was usually obvious”以及下文中的“a forest of raised __8__”可知,此处选D

8A.eyes B hands

Cheads D books

答案:B 上文中提到课程早期,谎言是显而易见的,此处表示大家踊跃举手来挑战。故选B

9A.true B interesting

Ceasy D serious

答案:A 既然是学生指出来的谎言,故相反的应该是正确的(true)

10A.besides B therefore

Conce D however

答案:D 根据11空前的“the Lie of the Day became less ____”可知,此空与上文内容为转折意义。

11A.attractive B noticeable

Cdifficult D special

答案:B less noticeable意为不那么明显

12A.prove B meet

Cend D connect

答案:C 上文中讲到谎言在课堂上不那么明显了,因而,一堂课结束(end)了也没人找到谎言。

13A.surprise B relief

Ccomfort D silence

答案:D 在这种没有人能找出谎言的情况下,大家通常会静静坐着(sit in silence)

14A.pleased B disappointed

Cannoyed D surprised

答案:A while提示此处内容与上文内容形成对比,上文的沉默应对应教授的自满。pleased with onself“自鸣得意

15A.diaries B notes

Chomework D articles

答案:B 根据下文“forced us to __16__ what we had set down in our notebooks”可知,此处选B

16A.go through B look for

Cfind out D turn in

答案:A go through意为仔细浏览;复习;经历look for意为寻找find out“查明turn in 意为上交。结合语境可知,此处表示温习笔记,去查出谎言。

17A.married B retired

Cgraduated D moved

答案:C 根据下文可知,此处表示毕业(graduated)好多年。

18A.funny B fresh

Cuseful D important

答案:B while意为尽管。由语境可知,知识已经逐渐忘记了,但这些课永远鲜活地留在作者脑海里。

19A.responsible B greedy

Cpatient D wrong

答案:D 结合全文主旨可知,此处表示所谓的专家也会犯错。

20A.believing B spreading

Cchallenging D organizing

答案:C 结合本文主题可知,要学会用挑战的(challenging)态度接受新事物。



[2017·复旦附中第二学期测试]Good news travelers! Well­known travel guide publisher Lonely Planet has issued its top 10 cities to visit in 2015. Some of the selections are home to big events, and others are relatively unknown, but all are worthy of an adventure.

Here is a glimpse at some of the best places you can visit. Find your favorite and put it on your travel list for this year.

Washington, DC


AttractionHistory in the making

From the Washington Monument and John F. Kennedy Center all the way to Capitol Hill, the vigor of the US' capital city is just as strong in real life as it is in House of Cards. The year 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's assassination, and a series of special events will be held to commemorate the occasion. Lincoln's famous top hat, the pistol that fired the deadly shot, and other artifacts from that fateful day will be on display.

Milan, Italy


AttractionA cradle of fine dining and culture

If you are a gastronome, don't miss Milan in 2015. Expo 2015 will be held between May and October, and the focus is on food.

The 1.1­square­kilometer fairgrounds will be laid out like a classical Roman city, with symmetrical avenues, a canal, and a huge artificial lake surrounded by pavilions. You can explore the food district, watch cooking demos, wander a plaza full of street musicians and dance performers, or indulge in nighttime wine­tasting.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria


AttractionArchitectural gems emerge after 800 years

Nestled behind Bulgaria's dramatic Rhodope Mountains and filled with historical treasures by the thousand, Plovdiv is one of Europe's most beautiful old towns. In recent years, it was transformed into a spirited modern city with charming cobblestoned streets, delicately painted houses, craft markets and quirky museums.

Colorful landmarks like St Nedelya's bell tower contrast against Brutalist creations like the central post office. Apart from cultural sites, you can explore the Asen's Fortress, a Thracian outpost perched above jagged valleys.

Salisbury, UK


AttractionThe Magna Carta's 800th anniversary

For too long Salisbury has been considered a short stop on the way to Stonehenge. But 2015 is set to be the year visitors linger in this city as it marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, (Latin for Great Charter), which limited royal power and established the rights of common people. The highlight for the celebrations will be Salisbury Cathedral, whose Chapter House holds the Magna Carta. A brand new exhibition will launch in the Chapter House, alongside an array of talks, evensongs, and a flower festival.

Chennai, India


Attraction: Discover India's other megacity

While travelers rave about Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, Chennai has always been an overlooked Indian megacity. But in 2015, the opening of the Chennai Metro Rail will make it a worthwhile stop. Chennai Metro Rail is the first integrated mass transit system in India, and it will transform the experience of exploring this humid city. Must­see destinations includeDravidian temples, institutes for Indian classical dance, British­era fortifications and churches.


1If you are a food­lover, the best resort for you is ______.

AMilan B Plovdiv

CSalisbury D Chennai

答案:A 细节理解题。根据“Milan, Italy”部分中“If you are a gastronome, don't miss Milan in 2015. Expo 2015 will be held between May and October, and the focus is on food.”可知,如果喜欢食物,最好的旅游目的地是米兰。故选A

2What is the significance of the Magna Carta?

AIt was established 800 years ago in Salisbury, UK.

BIt restrained the power of the royalty and entitled common people with rights.

CThere is going to be grand celebrations marking the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta.

DThe Magna Carta is held in Chapter House of Salisbury Cathedral.

答案:B 细节理解题。根据“Salisbury, UK”部分中第二句... as it marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, (Latin forGreat Charter), which limited royal power and established the rights of common people.”可知,Magna Carta的重要性是它克制皇室的权力,建立了普通人的权利。故选B

3Which of the following statements is False?

APlovdiv is the most appealing attraction for those who are fascinated with culture and architecture.

BThe former US president Abraham Lincoln was murdered in 1865.

CChennai has always been a popular tourist destination.

DExpo 2015 will be held between May and October in Milan.

答案:C 细节理解题。根据“Chennai, India”部分中第一句“While travelers rave about Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, Chennai has always been an overlooked Indian megacity.”可知,金奈一直不是受欢迎的旅游胜地。故选C

1issue vt. 公布;发行  2.glimpse n. 一瞥;一看

3delicately adv. 小心处理地;精致地

4contrast v/n. 对比;对照

5launch vt. 开始从事;发动

1on display 陈列;展出

2be transformed into... 被改变为……


It was 1030 pm.. Jason opened his hotel room door. He was finally in Hawaii! His hotel was right on the beach. He couldn't wait to explore its green mountains, white sand beaches and tropical forests. He dropped his bag near the bed and set his wallet and cell phone on the desk. He could hear the whisper of the waves right outside. He opened the sliding glass door and stepped out onto the balcony to feel the ocean breeze and breathe the warm, fragrant night air. He slid the door closed behind him to keep the bugs out of his room and heard it click. Several minutes later, Jason pulled on the door. It didn't move an inch. He pulled and pulled on the door, but it wouldn't budge. Panic set Jason's heart racing. He has locked himself out of his room!

Jason looked down. The ground was about 20 meters below him. There was no way he could jump and live to tell about it. He leaned over the railing and looked around. He saw a light in the room to the right. Maybe he could crawl over to that balcony. No” he thought. Too dangerous. He started yelling, Hello, hello” No answer. He yelled louder. Still nothing. Finally, he started to sing loudly and off­key. He heard the sound of a sliding door. A voice started to say, What... Jason leaned over the railing and interrupted. I'm so sorry! But I'm locked out of my room. Can you call the front desk? Tell them the guy in 645 is stuck on his balcony. His neighbor promised he would right away.

Half an hour later. Jason was back in his room and filled with relief.


4Why did Jason close the glass door behind him when he came onto the balcony?

ATo feel the ocean breeze.

BTo hear the whisper of the waves.

CTo keep the bugs out of his room.

DTo breathe the warm, fragrant night air.

答案:C 细节理解题。由第一段第八句中的keep the bugs out of his room可知,答案为C

5What does the underlined word budge in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

AStart. B Move.

CChange. D Open.

答案:B 词义猜测题。根据上文中的“It didn't move an inch.”可知,此处表示不管他怎么拉,门都不动。故答案为B

6How did Jason get himself out of trouble?

AHe jumped down from the balcony.

BHe broke the glass door to get back into the room.

CHe sang loudly and terribly to attract attention.

DHe crawled over to the balcony of the room to the right.

答案:C 细节理解题。由第二段中的第十三句“Finally, he started to sing loudly and off­key.”可知,他通过大声地并走调地唱歌引起邻居注意。故答案为C

7What lesson would Jason learn from this experience?

AHe would never travel to Hawaii again.

BHe would stay in a hotel room without a balcony.

CHe would never close a glass door again.

DHe would always keep his cell phone with him.

答案:D 推理判断题。文中提到贾森把手机放在房间的桌子上,而手机是求救的有利工具,如果当时有手机的话就可以免于类似的尴尬。因此选D

1whisper n/v. 耳语;低语 2.slide v. 滑行;悄悄移动

3panic n/v. 惊恐;恐慌 4.lean v. 倾斜;后仰;使倾斜

5crawl vi. 爬;爬行;匍匐行进

1can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

2with relief 轻松地;宽慰地


[2017·石家庄高三联考]I am writing to apply a scholarship in Harvard University for the bachelor's Degree in your university. Here is my personal informations for you.

I was born in 1995 in Henan. I am admitted to Xiwang High School with high scores in 2012 and will graduate from this June. During my three school years, beside my high school subjects such as Chinese, English, physics and chemistry, I also take advanced maths in an nearby college. I have made straight A's on all requiring subjects. I have passed CET4 but kept on learning English all these years. So I don't think you will have any problems in the English language during my study in your country.

I am looking forward to your early reply on qualifications for an internationally student.


I am writing to apply a scholarship in Harvard University for the bachelor's Degree in your university. Here is my personal for you.

I was born in 1995 in Henan. I admitted to Xiwang High School with high scores in 2012 and will graduate this June. During my three school years, my high school subjects such as Chinese, English, physics and chemistry, I also take advanced maths in nearby college. I have made straight A's on all subjects. I have passed CET4 kept on learning English all these years. So I don't think will have any problems in the English language during my study in your country.

I am looking forward to your early reply on qualifications for an student.

第一处:apply后加for apply for... “申请……”,是固定搭配。

第二处:informationsinformation information为不可数名词。

第三处:amwas 根据上下文可知,此处应为一般过去时。

第四处:去掉fromfrom后加it 未提及从哪儿毕业不用from;或from后加it,表示从那儿毕业。

第五处:besidebesides besides“除……之外,还……”

第六处:ana a nearby college“一所附近的大学

第七处:requiringrequired all required subjects“所有必修课

第八处:butand 根据句意可知,此处keptpassed是并列关系。故用并列连词and

第九处:youI 根据全文为第一人称的表述及本句句意可知,此处用I

第十处:internationallyinternational 此处用形容词international修饰名词student

《2018版高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 重点全程攻略 Unit 3 Travel journal限时.doc》