
英语外研七年级上Starter M1­M4综合测评

(分数:100分 时间:60分钟)




1______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______


6A.How do you do? BHow are you? CFinethank you.

7A.It's Smith. BIt's Jenny. CIt's Jim.

8A.My phone number is 6271022.

BHis phone number is 6271022. X Kb 1. Co m

CHer phone number is 6271022.

9A.HelloLucy. BGoodbyeLucy. CYou're welcome.

10A.John.   BAlice.   CGreen.


HelloMy name is Yang Yang.This is my room.LookThere is a desk in it.There are two chairstoo.The girl is my sister.She is Lingling.She likes flowers.There are some flowers on the desk.

11My name is Lingling.

12There is one desk in the room.

13There is one chair in the room.

14My sister is Lingling.xkb1.com

15In the room there are some pens.




AThis is my friendmingming.

BGood morningMiss Li.How are you?

CGoodbye Lucy

17You ______ Li Leiyour mother ______ Mrs Li.

Aareare     Bisis Careis Disare

18—What's this ______ Chinese?


Ain Bat Con w W w .x K b 1.c o M

19—Sit downplease.

— ______.

AHi BThanks CHello DGood morning

20______ the weather like in Shanghai?

AWhat    BHow     CWhat's

21Is this ______ apple?

Aa Ban Cthe


—It's red.

AWhat's this  BWhat colour is it CHow are youx#k#b#1###

23—What's this?

—______ a toy.

AHe's BThis's CIt's

24—______ are you?


AWhat BWhere CHow

25There's a book on the desk.______ book is blue.

AThe B/ CA


Wang HaiFatherthis is Sue.She is an American girl.Sue,26.______ is my father.

SueHow do you do,27.______ Wang?

FatherHow do you doSit 28.______please.


FatherAre you my son's 30.______

SueYesI am.Wang Hai and I 31.______ in Class One.

Wang Hai32.______ teacher says I'm like Sue.But we aren't 33.______.

FatherYesyou're 34.______.You are good 35.______.

26A.this   Bthat   Cshe   Dhe

27A.Mr BMrs CMiss DMs

28A.up Bover Con Ddown

29A.OK BAll right CThat's fine DThank you

30A.sister Bbrother Cteacher Dclassmate

31A.am Bis Care Dbe

X k B 1 . c o m

32A.We BOur COurs DUs

33A.brothers Bsisters Cclassmates Dtwins

34A.good Bnice Cright DOK

35A.boys Bclassmates Cstudents Dbrothers and sisters



HelloI'm Alice.I'm a girl.I have a friend.Her name is Michelle.She is a nice girl.We are in the same class.This is my teacher.He is also()my father.His name is Mark.He is very good.I'm fine and my teacher and father is also fine.


36Alice is a girl.

37Michelle and Alice are friends.

38Alice's father is her teacher.

39Michelle is not a nice girl.

40Alice is Mark's daughter.


MaxHelloWhat's your name?

JamesMy name is James Green.I'm from TorontoCanada.

MaxNice to meet youJames.I'm Max.I come from London.

JamesHow do you do?

MaxHow do you do? And this is my good friendSteve.This is James GreenSteve.


JamesNice to see you.Are you from New York?

SteveNoI'm from Washington DC..

JamesGoodOhthis is Lin Binmy friend.She is from China.

Lin BinNice to meet you.My home is in Beijing.It's a beautiful city.

Max and StevenNice to meet youtoo.

根据对话内容选择正确的答案。- -- --

41How many people are there in the conversation(对话)?

ATwo.      BThree. CFour. DFive.

42How many countries (国家) are they from?

ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive.

43Who is Lin Bin's friend?

AMax. BJames. CSteve. DJim.

44Lin Bin thinks Beijing is a ______ city.

Agood Bbeautiful Cfine Dsmall

45Max is from ______.

ALondon Bthe USA CChina DCanada


This is my (word/media/image5_1.png)It has two blue windows and a red door.A garden (花园)is in front of(……前面)it.And there is a big tree and many flowers in the garden(花园)They are redyellowblue and white.

I have a (word/media/image6_1.png)and a cat.The name of the(word/media/image7_1.png)is Eddie.He is white.His favourite food is (word/media/image8_1.png)The cat's name is Tabby.She is black and white.They are lovely(可爱的)They often play in the garden(花园)xkb1.com


46There are two red windows in the (word/media/image5_1.png)

47There is a big tree in the garden(花园)

48Tabby is a black and white cat.

49The trees are redyellowblue and white.

50Eddie's favourite food is (word/media/image8_1.png)

w W w .x K b 1.c o M



51we (单数形式)____________

52aren't (完全形式)____________

53hot (反义词)____________

54warm (反义词)____________

55watch (复数形式)____________


56Wang Lihong can ______(sing)well.

57How many______ (boy) are there?

58Ten and twelve ______ (be) twenty­two.

59There ______(be)many film stars in the party.

60There are a lot of ______(baby)in the room.


61My coats are ______ (白色的)X k B 1 . c o m

62There is a ______ (椅子)in the room.

63How to ______(拼写)“noodle”

64What's the ______(天气)like?

65What's your ______(最喜爱的)sport?


















. 15 BDAEC

. 6-10 CBCCA

. 11.F 12. T 13.F 14. T 15. F


. 26.- 35. AADDD CBDCB


36.word/media/image11_1.png 37.word/media/image11_1.png 38.word/media/image11_1.png 39.word/media/image12_1.png 40.word/media/image11_1.png

41.-45. CCBBA http:// www.xkb 1.com

46.word/media/image13_1.png 47.word/media/image14_1.png 48.word/media/image14_1.png 49.word/media/image13_1.png 50.word/media/image14_1.png

.51. I 52. are not 53. cold 54. cool 55. watches

56 sing 57 boys 58 is 59 are 60 babies

61. white 62. chair 63. spell 64. weather 65. favourite


One possible version

HelloeveryoneMy name is Li Na.I'm eleven.I am a middle school student.I'm in Class 2Grade 7.My favourite colour is whiteand my favourite food is chicken.Do you want to make friends with me?

新课 标第


w W w .x K b 1.c o M
