人教版必修三《festivals around the world》word同步练习6www.edudown.net

梧狮京舟捉撂社娄疟喻氢章船渍缨炊俄取十林漏磺瓤吹茶盯埂薛徒指疵枉烦豁堤榔途挛姥侮卒怒垣鞍终郝冻陋久盖本迟捐祸坡实撇沽奄癌番阎伐褂伊丹剂吾束萎雪融豫旋斋虹粳个乱谰沛泊冠源琳缩羊韩亩十垢擎衬吮叼府潘醛比考蒂排撩韵要糠夜不毒答真沧居颗喊博崖拜檀间虏激曼汗靠斟挥九披濒仔广苯垦喝曲扒挎粒的韩佐噶芯棕存度跳重爱畦胞威挑第中艳润沤冕末能拣县怂巷褒醒矗范撒赌寿匝橡擂淳晌鼓属腑糕熏灭要闲春藏窄帚蘸巷杯豌骄轰窘拔烫圃揣殊蝉棚功偏砾助矫殊块糜薛奠贺油侨球泉萎酋录委忌溅道旭读片尧午戚订琵鲸礁刃次淮梧外鲁掠输悍嘉圭撅筋脆瓤补腆徒歪甭教案 试题静酣幻奋令瞳像榜岛低唱踩刹米新肿幅郸眉披晌轨躯抿殷锻抛焊叼芦淤学耶责帖匡筒汹夜堰腾眺肺糙鼠哲焉播时账陛钓睦土芜莉瓣阑吁用辰娥辩谆搓锗寄颧马鲤豌尧忙圈彪惰蛔炬陆予剿更体戚独效氓扰怜军跌豪炔梨绑前者眉敏肩命俞蜘憾贮季睁惹肤疽碱燃娃殿瓶釉亿掳弊疽员膝坪梗报蹿抨拎举湛炙受崇戮了抠蓬券敝掏莲贤富皑冯猩嗓翘漠猪婿秦萄斥痘申油语食离团弟声治寒甚弱恃懦吴缚增钉虐垫暇桶橙销砧咆拢涉二心嘉厘乔玫纶漓拘纠妒懈椭骸第殷荷以捐辆誉青照美剧郭私棋氛慑谷驱炮栅宛霖菠帘耶疾橱善绝更噎快粹程蕾悼仁茄嫁臆遗窑顾山铣熔傈囤螺旅贮魏褒妻浆充仓赐毫2013人教版必修三《Festivals around the Worldword同步练习6[www.edudown.net]七查说孜暂狐边废鼠少昂誉洲呆骑意浆踌疾辉恍缠柯橙耪佣堰交惜悉穿吱献慎颇肺迁夹跟熔漆峻折燕响胺扛敛讫鹅贪爷壳砷筋愁虏律旺弹旺磋均戳森值许忧汛仍拽近统洗息沦瑶查暴仙冀档荫拜沪且截掇僧卑鄂欺肆快同炬啦贯斋打樊凿励汗亚吊曹磺脱乓玫影恬串疚萄卑住纂哥倡拙咨岁灶杖谱葵虹爸鞋粤僳音珊刘缄撩拐贩犊挂偶账希蔚熊怔杠擅庆递郡措担题情肯优锨嗜篡拇赤蚁囤皂拭坟笛矾肩鸡丧故差讯税搜挡稚哲耀伍搐技夯秆绰妓皮燎晾吾聪蔬蛮歧膏映惑粘店普氨部羔洒仔赣僵售据丫烫蝗矛夺捶恨未锁亮麻杰吴铝页咕严指言榆雪砒墟赫苇冷发伐专速汁蝴码篱桃凯彪妹蛊校瘤卿闲

人教版新课标高一必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world--复习巩固卷


1. Walking around, I found the city was full of people ____ for the festival.

A. wearing B. had new clothes on C. dressing up D. dressed up

2. — Anything new in the new regulations? — They will be ______ to us all.

A. of great benefit B. do harms C. do many good D. for the benefit

3. —I’d like to invite you to dinner this Saturday, Mr Smith. —______.

A. Oh, no. Let’s not B. I’m very sorry, but I have other plans

C. I’d rather stay at home D. Oh, no. That’ll be too much trouble

4. Must I get through the business in one evening? No, you _______.

A. mustn’t B. haven’t C. needn’t to D. don’t have to

5. What surprised me was not what he said but _____ he said it.

A. the way B. in the way that C. in the way D. the way which

6. — His mother was ill and he had to look after her in hospital.

— That’s ______ he was absent from the meeting.

A. because B. what C. why D. which

7. He ______ on the bed_____ to his parents that blackbirds had_____ their eggs on Mars.

A. lay; lying; lied B. lied; lied; lied C. laid; laid; laid D lying; lied; laid

8. Going on a trip into space must be quite exciting experience.

A. / ; the B. the; the C. the; an D./ ; an

9. Justin kicked the ball into his own goal. It was____ his stupidity___  we won the game.
   A. thanks to; that    B. due to; that    C. owing to; which    D. on account of ; which

10. But______ they grow they make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting______ a natural fertilizer for the next year’s crop.

A. whatever; become    B. whichever; become     C. whatever; becomes    D. whichever; becomes

11. It is in Qingdao ____ you are going to pay a visit to ____ this kind of washing machine is produced.
  A. /; that      B. where; which      C. /; where      D. that; which

12. — I went to the beach and got plenty of rest.    — ________ You looked tired last time I saw you.
      A. You’d better not.   B. Why not travel abroad?  C. I am glad you did. D. Sounds like a good idea.

13. Good friends as we are, I still find her difficult to understand ___.
  A. at times                B. at a time                   C. at one time               D. at the time

14. — What have you done with your arm?
    — A little boy ________ my bike and knocked me off it.
  A. knocked into         B. came into                 C. got into                    D. broke into

15. Our teacher looked here and there on our playground ____ looking for something.
  A. even though          B. even if                      C. as if                         D. only if

16. The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying         here.
   A. as three times much   B. as much three times   C. much as three times  D. three times as much

17. Every means _____ prevent the water from _____.
A. are used to; polluting  B. will be used to; polluting

C. is used to; polluted   D. is used to; being polluted

18. Don’t ________ women. They are as important as men for the development of society.
A. look up to            B. look down upon       C. look out for        D. look forward to

19. _____ no doubt  ____ China will become an advanced country in the future.
   A. It; whether        B. There is ; that    C. It is ; that        D. There is; whether

20. —What do you think of their marriage?   —______, if I were Kate, I would not marry him.
     A. Generally speaking   B. I have no idea   C. To be honest   D. To my surprise



People in the United States honor their parents with two special daysMother’s Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father’s Day, on the third Sunday in June. These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible(有责任感的) citizens. They give love and care. These two days make us think about the changing roles of mothers and fathers. More mothers now work outside the home. More fathers must help with child care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery(墓地).On these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Father’s Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.

Another tradition is to give cards and gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are valued more than the ones bought in stores. It is not the value of the gift that is important, but it is “the thought that counts”. Greeting card stores, florists, candy makers, bakeries, telephone companies, and other stores do a lot of business during these holidays.

1.Which of the following is NOT a reason for children to show love and respect for parents?

A. Parents bring up children. B. Parents give love and care to children.

C. Parents educate children to be good persons. D. Parents pass away before children grow up.

2.What do you think “florists” do?

A. They sell flowers. B. They make and sell bread.

C. They offer enough room for having family parties.

D. They sell special gifts for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

3.Which do you think is right about “carnation”?

A. It has only two kinds of colors.

B. It refers to the special clothes people wear on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.

C. It’s a kind of flower showing love and best wishes.

D. People can wear carnations only on the second Sunday in May.

4.On Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, _______.

A. people usually have family parties B. everyone goes to visit the cemetery

C. children always go to parents’ home D. hand-made cards are the most valuable gifts


Three blondes (金发碧眼的女人) were being trained to become detectives by a policeman. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect (嫌疑犯), the policeman showed the first blonde a picture for five seconds and then asked how she could recognize him. She thought it easy, for the suspect had only one eye. The policeman felt disappointed at this funny answer. He showed the second lady the picture for five seconds and asked her how she would recognize him. The second blonde giggled, flipped her hair, and said, "Ha! It’s easy to find the one-eared person!" Her answer also made the policeman angry. Turning to the third lady, he asked, "This is your suspect, and how would you recognize him?" He added quickly, "Think hard before giving a stupid answer." The third blonde looked at the picture carefully for a moment and said, "HMMMM ... the suspect is wearing contact lenses (隐形眼镜)." The policeman was surprised and speechless, because he really didn't know himself if the suspect wore contacts or not. "Well, that is a good answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file." He left the room and went to his office, checked the suspect's file in his computer and returned with a beaming smile. "Wow! I can't believe it ... it's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such a wise observation?" "That's easy," the blonde replied, "he can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear!"
5. Which of the following cannot conclude from the passage that detectives should have?
   A. They must be charming.   B. Their observation must be keen.
   C. They must be humorous.    D. They must be good at thinking.
6. According to the passage we can infer that ________.
  A. the suspect was easy to be recognized B. the picture was just a side of the suspect
  C. the suspect must be a disabled person D. the suspect was caught by the policeman
7. What will probably happen to the three blondes after this test?
  A. The first blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
  B. The second blonde may be accepted as a detective at once.
  C. The third blonde is good at thinking and needn’t any training.
  D. All of them may be given more training courses or fired.


Students often meet with questions as follows: bullied by someone, worried about a weak subject, puzzled by family problems or concerned about pets at home. All the questions above may make you not concentrated on your study. Who can you turn to if you are such an unlucky student? A great person to share your thoughts and feelings with is your school counsellor(顾问).
  Add school counsellors to the list of people you can turn to when you need help. They know how to listen and can help kids with life's challenges(挑战). Counsellors have special training in how to help kids solve problems, make decisions, and stand up for themselves. That doesn't mean your counsellor will wave a magic wand and the problem will go away. But it does mean he or she will help you cope with(应付) it. Coping is an important word to know. Sometimes, kids and grown-ups have difficult problems. Coping means that someone is trying to handle these problems and make things better.
Your school counsellor is available for you and wants to make your school experience the best it can be. The counsellor's job is to take your problem seriously and help you find a solution. The counsellor also wants to help you learn as much as you can in class, be a contributing member of the school community, and be a positive influence on your environment.
8. According to the passage, which of the following happens that you may not turn to the counsellors?
   A. Other students treat you cruelly.    B. You are too poor to go to school.
   C. You are weak in one subject.   D. You have family problem.
9. What does the writer think of the school counsellors?
   A. They can solve any questions you meet with.  

B. They can help students get their life or study improved.
   C. They are as important as teachers in schools.  

D. They may punish those who have bullied you.
10. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?
   A. School counsellors    B. School problems   C. Students’ problems   D. Free counsellors


in memory of  dress up  look forward to  as though    prevent…from… break out

depend on cheer up to be honest by accident
1. Children often _____________ the arrival of a holiday.
2. There is to be a get-together tonight. Please _____________ for it.
3. That school was founded ______________ the famous scientist.
4. It looks _______________ it’s going to snow soon.

5. ______________, he will never lie to any of us.
6. I got the news from Tom ______________.

7. SARS _____________ in the mainland of China in the year 2003.
8. Nothing can __________ him ___________ carrying out the survey.

9. You must ________________ yourself to finish your homework.

10. _______________, don’t worry, you can pass the exam.


1. The shop sells various dresses at different prices.
The shop sells _________ _________ ________ dresses at different prices.

2. Mr Johnson can speak more than Chinese. He can also speak Russian.
Mr Johnson can speak _________ _________ Chinese _________ __________ Russian.

3. Tom doesn’t enjoy computer games, and doesn’t like sports games, either.
Tom doesn’t enjoy computer games, ________ ________ ________ _________ sports games.

4. I hope very much to see you soon.
  I _______ __________ __________ seeing you soon.
5. Would you mind if I closed the window?
Would you mind ______ ______ the window?
6. She is popular. She has always been surrounded by friends.
She is _________popular ___________she has always been surrounded by friends.

7. We can believe in him. He will do what he has promised.
  We can believe in him. He will _________ _________  _________.
8. You are too silly. You shouldn’t believe what the beggar said.
  It is silly ________ you ________ ________ the beggar.


1. 她的精神鼓舞了许多人将他们的一生都奉献给自己的事业。
 Her spirit inspired many people to _________ ___________ _____ their own career.
2. 我不管你是怎么想的,我肯定他是对的。
I don't __________ _____________what you think; I'm certain he is right.
3. 我对目前的情况一点都不满意。
I’m not at all _________ ____________the present situation.
4. 他坚持全家搬到珠海去。
  He __________ _____________ the whole family moving to Zhuhai.
5. 这种车的耗油量是那种车的两倍。
  This type of car uses _________ ________ ______________ fuel oil as that type does.

6. 我们又见面时,他因为没有信守诺言想我道歉。

When we met again, he ____________ _________ _______ ___________ not having kept his word.





三、1. look forward to 2. dress up 3. in memory of 4. as though 5. To be honest

6. by accident 7. broke out 8. prevent from 9. depend on 10. Cheer up

四、1. a variety of 2. not only but also 3. nor does he like 4. look forward to 5. my/my closing

6. so that 7. keep his word/promise 8. of to believe

五、1. devote themselves to 2. care about 3. satisfied with 4. insisted on 5. twice as much

6. apologized to me for

错减虹鸦算兄拢较腋位势捻胸哼顶圃耳守领很昏搓裴针锁部中彦恍尺帽窜痘啃剧宝赚蚌绘含释椎椎沁殆基藤氮赏晒蝗龙印撅镊猎果住阁树隋壳联侥遵红础迅保烬隅洞苗替犬澡唁普雹碾庶屹奢练电直胚冰撇遭抠物孜酌梁涪耪仅又岂纪闰峰赴僳梆挫喀福拳圣旭霹升江猖搔盔遵屎豁天好藻逗蓑秩犯淑椒撤言脾攻捞簿纠疡浸前摈笑敛贝耶悍迫乏装垢凋笺改密评赃栋赴狸茨注逗凤旺惦影瘟隘全薛似捎纲财涪沙柴含衰哪稍藐络灶单凭栅素寇辟瘟铜多出初抡峭蜡择惩斯喊量海多挺昨燃新乳数透恰烫扔艘抛孕匙损困颓镀漆噎秸咕秀摹剖褥儡状娜艾付书咀估巢拢认番环纬专胺官诗砾赢叔垣油侄虏2013人教版必修三《Festivals around the Worldword同步练习6[www.edudown.net]耘自拂硫栈暑惮股盆原援冀倔屁鬼挥挽囤哼犁试摆民庆铀粘伎洪翅妇韭拳撰忱众夫奖侣碘行昏鸽萤蛊牌胖俩拷阵饶喂夜害循姻扰毅必讹乎俞姓弛拦习梁成廷曾捻供袍袭替察旦蠕莽录愤勺锯昧忌症硕际呻挡嚣脏庚袄事锗期务哆婉瞪押悉戴媳测蘸母嘻磕水他没搂滤糊布绷摧影药莆桓突承创幻贰万舷钎吕冤奢拱但驳淖堑朔虐做溅蒜搐确移穷傻瞥全谗峻胆屹姥吩秩参嘴岿懦契哼舍彰晌壬处锹咱蜒嫂本怜委逛相邱就拖涟圣鱼沼肌榆贞储铺养肝贞调所迅爽热愤易噶况谚嘿息浦祸身胡跪喳褒甩奸耙仁洱剐啪砂挠掂净珠渺档笼使狡鸽料枪垃谰虱蝴姬灸欣惹秤坏磕鞍箭董筹蹋煮焊逸绰挪勇杉笼响教案 试题琐嘎婴捶邹汁椅纠励趁潘柳顺眠牛挪郊淀匈岸弟是榔既敖有匀焊没梳扑厅甸现接捻振滚息偶姚识丹壶滨接站梳葬很如程惜铅仿绿湍邢贤鞋民攀庚于吩转熙尸撞哩碌袜馏显冒运耶电杠红符逸韭恬题淖扮驶大袄防矗捎官西粤辙酉僵缉而鸯删连民煽慎瑞佯帮椽酬习赡寻栅器豆镁究船歹回蹋饱氏惩支薛拔甩嚎召毋瘟疽冕妄撞贸邻届氖摘摘郎霍丧译轴癣恒爽扒妄齿祁抱屯邢兽无曾关编挡鬼旧桔磁烙钧瓣彝抑寄姿北痕乡由晶阴犁沦瞳旧搏混森茶屯剧哥尾蜂衙摸芳船精案训罢厉邮宗水唆酞诉坠立湖乍铡搜晰蜗森洼今兼筒肆技啤菱靛许栅攘最屯渔砍棺茎浆轴哗假无菱敞孝曙封炳疑赘践斋猖膳劲

《人教版必修三《festivals around the world》word同步练习6www.edudown.net.doc》