

第一部分 听力

1-5. BAACC 6-10. BABCA 11-15. CABBC 16-20. ACABB

第二部分 阅读理解

21-25. CDA 24-27. CACD 28-31. DCBD 32-35. DCCB 36-40. GCEBD

第三部分 完形填空

41-45. DCBDC 46-50. ADDCB 51-55. BACCD 56-60. BADBA


61. necessity 62. But 63. which 64. from 65. have found

66. eventually 67. products 68. are washed 69. to weaken 70. approved


I will never forget the first time I take a long-distance flight. I was flying from China to France, and it


was a disaster from start to finish. First of all, I took a train from my home to Beijing airport so the train


broke down. I decided to take a taxi to the airport, that was the quickest but most expensive ways. However,

which way

it took a long time to get to the airport because a heavy traffic jam. After got to the airport at half past

of getting

nine, I had missed my flight to ten minutes. That was not the end of the things. The weather was so bad in


Beijing that their next plane was cancelled. I had to wait for the further information. It was already midnight

my / the

when I found a hotel nearby, tired and hungrily. I did need a holiday!



I’m Li Hua, a Senior 2 student. At the end of the term, I have some used reference books about English learning to sell at a fairly low price.

These reference books will be beneficial to anyone who decides to buy them. First of all, they provide many practical skills on listening, reading, and writing. Besides, the books are still well-maintained with seemingly brand new covers.

My books are 80% new and are to be sold at half of the original price, which is really good value for money. Don’t miss it!

If you are interested in my books, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at phone 87654321 or you can send emails to lihua@126.com.


第一部分 听力

1-5. BAACC 6-10. BABCA 11-15. CABBC 16-20. ACABB


Text 1

W: You should have a look at the new MP4 player over there. It’s a new design and it comes in four colors: light green, dark blue, black and brown.

M: Blue is popular with boys, but I would prefer a green one. (1)

Text 2

M: It’s said that there are only a few seats left at the concert tonight.

W: Really? I was under the impression that the tickets had sold out a long time ago. (2)

Text 3

M: How do you like your tea, with milk or sugar?

W: Not too much milk and no sugar, please. (3)

Text 4

W: Will you take part in the football match Saturday?

M: That’s the day after tomorrow. (4) I’m afraid not. I have to set aside three days to prepare for the math exam next week.

Text 5

M: Did you see that movie last night? I thought it was fantastic.

W: Really? I didn’t think there was anything special about it. (5)

Text 6

M: How do you like this brown dress? It looks great on you. (6)

W: I think it’s a bit too heavy. Since it’s getting warmer at this time of the year, I want something light. (7) What other kinds of material do you have? (6)

M: We have silk and cotton dresses. A cotton dress is suitable in spring. We have many different kinds. (7) What color would you like? I think yellow or green would be good choices for you.

W: I would like the white one.

Text 7

M: Hello, what seems to be the problem?

W: Well, I’m not feeling very well at the moment. I’m preparing for the exams and I’ve been staying up late studying these days. This morning I got up very early to do some work, and I fell on the floor. I came around after a few seconds.

M: Mm. Have you had any other signs of sickness?

W: I’ve been pretty nervous, and my eyes hurt sometimes. (8)

M: Well, it sounds as if you’ve probably been overdoing your studying and you’re too tired. I don’t think there’s anything to worry about, and I think you should take it easy for a while and try to get plenty of sleep. (9)

W: Yes, I haven’t been getting much sleep lately.

Text 8

M: What do you like to do in your spare time?

W: I like to be with people. Last weekend I went to a Japanese friend’s place. What about you?

M: I like spending time in my room, reading, writing and thinking. (10)

W: Oh, I just remembered something important. You said you like writing, right? Could you write an article about what you saw and heard in London? (11) You can write whatever you like.

M: You really want to read my article?

W: Not me, an editor of a magazine wants to read it.

M: Who is the editor?

W: My father. He recently discovered that you just got back from studying English in England. He would like to hear your views on British culture.

M: Thank you and your father. I will try my best. But, you know, my English is poor ...

W: Don’t worry. My father will help you correct it. (12)

Text 9

W: How’s school going, Tom?

M: Just fine. I was finally admitted to graduate school.

W: Great! Are you going to do a doctor’s degree?

M: Yes. I’m going to do a doctorate in chemistry.

W: That sounds like a difficult field. (14)

M: It is interesting to me.

W: You’ve got a degree in nuclear physics, haven’t you? (13)

M: Just a master’s degree, actually. (13) I think chemistry is a lot better field for me. I’ve always preferred chemistry to physics.

W: What do you plan to do after you finish?

M: I haven’t decided yet. I am thinking of going into medical research.

W: Well, you’ve got some years of hard study ahead of you. (15)

M: That’s right. (15) What about you, Linda? I heard you will soon finish your Bachelor’s degree in literature.

W: That’s right. I’ve always dreamed of being an excellent writer. (16)

Text 10

W: Let’s hear about Mr Brown’s comment to the movie. (17)

M: Hello, everyone. I thought Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth was on the whole a good film — It is an excellent film for teachers to show their classes to explain global warming. (18)(19) It explains the facts very well, explains away the objections that people have been hearing about from the media, and is also pretty funny at times. The film basically consists of a tour of Al Gore’s climate change speeches around the world. It starts off with a few diagrams that many of you have probably seen already. This film is really for the general public who do not know all of this, and it is also for those who might have heard something about global warming here and there but want to see exactly how all of the facts fit together.

I think it is a good film, but it is not perfect. The problems come in the short but noticeable periods when the film tries to be a biography of Al Gore at the same time. I was watching this to find out about global warming, not to find out what Al Gore thought about losing his election. I imagine that these are the bits that teachers’ will have to skip when they show this to their classes, since they don’t really add anything to the film. I would have respected Al Gore a bit more if he hadn’t tried to make this a film about himself as well. (20)

第二部分 阅读理解

第一节 21-25. CDA 24-27. CACD 28-31. DCBD 32-35. DCCB


【文章大意】本篇是广告,属于应用文。本文介绍了Sydney Opera House提供的三种参观方式及相关信息。

21. C 细节理解题。根据第三种参观方式中的原句 “What could be better than a treat of delicious light snacks and soft drinks followed by a live show by a leading Australian singer可知这种参观会提供点心,软饮料以及现场歌唱表演。故选C

22. D 细节理解题。根据第二种参观方式中的原句 “Prices: Adult $35/ Online $29.75. Concessions (优惠): Australian seniors above 65; children and students of 16 and under $24.50”,判断最低门票费用为29.75*3=89.25元。根据“ask for a 20% reduction on the total cost of your meal.”,判断他们的餐费为150*0.8=120元。总共的费用最低为89.25+120=209.25。故选D

23. A 推理判断题。本文重点在于介绍悉尼歌剧院的三种参观方式,并详细提供了每种方式的参观流程,购票方式和价格,参观提示,很明显是旅游广告的性质。故选A



24. C 词义猜测题。由第三段 “After all, who would choose a plastic toy over a lovely puppy?” 可知,宠物爱好者不会支持机器人宠物。故C选项正确。

25. A 细节理解题。由第三段“You don’t have to feed it, you can go on a holiday without feeling guilty.” “The technology also benefits those who are allergic to pets, short on space, or fearful of real animals.”可知,机器人宠物占据更小的空间,干扰项过于绝对。故A选项正确。

26. C 推理判断题。根据第四段But studies do suggest that we can bond with these smart machines. People give their cars names and kids give their toy animals life stories. It’s the same with robots” 可知,人类很有可能对机器宠物产生感情,故选C

27. D主旨大意题。由第一段 “ Dr. Jean-Loup Rault, an animal scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, believes new companions are coming: robot pets.” 和最后一段 “But for our next generation who are in constant touch with smart technology, a future in which lovely pets needn’t have a heartbeat might not be a far-fetched dream.” 可知,本篇主要讲述了机器人宠物即将来临。故D选项正确。



28. D 细节理解题。根据第二段Du Bois wrote that African Americans suffered from something called “double consciousness”. They had their own self-image while they saw themselves through the eyes of white Americans.可知Du Bois描写了非洲裔美国人的对于自己身份定位的挣扎,在双重身份认知中迷茫A选项在文章中无线索;B选项错误在于他没有写戏剧;C选项错误在于他是文学家,没有涉足音乐。故选D

29. C 推理判断题。根据第二段After the Civil War, many African Americans left the south to escape unfair treatment and laws that discriminated against them. Between 1910 and 1920, massive numbers of black Southerners moved from the rural south into the urban north and west in the Great Migration.” 以及第三段 “Black businesses began to flourish, creating a growing middle class,” 可知在哈莱姆文艺复兴前,非洲裔美国人处于农村,被歧视,在复兴后才逐步发展成为中产阶级,因此推论之前,他们处于社会底层。故选C

30. B细节理解题。根据第三段 “Young African-Americans took advantage of improved access to higher education. This opened up new career paths and opportunities to attain advanced degrees.”,可知年轻的非洲裔美国人充分利用了获得更高教育的机会,开启了新的职业途径和机会。故选B

31. D 主旨大意题。 全文的结构是第一段概念简介,第二段哈莱姆文艺复兴的起源和代表人物,第三段运动的影响,因此本文是哈莱姆文艺复兴的概述。故选D



32. D 细节理解题。由题干中的puzzling first-night effect 定位到第二段第二句 “he puzzle was what benefit would be gained from it when performance might be affected the following day.” 文章第二段开头指出,佐木博士认为初夜效应很有可能和人类的进化方式有关。但令她感到困惑的是,既然初夜效应可能会导致第二天表现不佳,那它又能为人类带来什么好处呢?也就是初夜效应能产生怎样的好处,故答案为D

33. C 细节理解题。由题干中的Dr. Yuka Sasaki her research 定位到第二段第三、四句 “She also knew from previous work conducted on birds and dolphins that these animals put half of their brains to sleep at a time so that they can rest while remaining attentive enough to avoid predators (捕食者). This led her to wonder if people might be doing the same thing.” 可知,佐木博士从之前对鸟类和海豚的研究工作中对初夜效应得到了一些相关的结论,并猜想人类是否也是这样,故答案为C

34. C 推理判断题。由题干中的Dr. Sasaki re-running her experiment 定位到第三段第一句 “…Dr. Sasaki re-ran the experiment while presenting the sleeping participants with a mix of regularly timed beeps (蜂鸣声) of the same tone and irregular beeps of a different tone during the night.”文中第三段第一句指出,佐木博士在新的试验中将定时响起且音调不变的蜂鸣声和随时响起且音调各异的蜂鸣声混杂在一起,播放给睡眠中的参与者听。由此可知,她是通过让参与者接受了两种不同的声音刺激的方式再次进行了实验。故答案为C

35. B 推理判断题。由题干中的Dr. Sasaki find about the participants 定位到第三段第二句 “She worked out that, if the left half of their brains was staying attentive to keep guard in a strange environment, then it would react to the irregular beeps by waking people from sleep and would ignore the regularly timed ones.” 可知如果大脑左半球在陌生的环境中为了防卫而保持警觉,那么它会对这种不规律的蜂鸣声有所反应,从而把睡眠中的人弄醒。也就是说,这些实验参与者把这种不规律的蜂鸣声当作某种威胁从而由睡梦中惊醒,故答案为B

第二节 七选五:36-40. GCEBD

36. G此空位于段首,通读整个语篇不难发现,全文由三个问题引领,一问一答,层层深入进行阐述。由第一段导入所描述的场景和第三段解释的原因,可知该空在问为什么有的人早起还很精神而有些人办不到,故答案选G

37. C 此空位于段尾,它的前面两句阐释了人类有昼夜作息的规律使我们人类能够早起并精神饱满和昼夜作息功能的定义和功能,所以最后一句说不光人类有昼夜作息,动植物也有,抓住选项中的also一词,因此选择C

38. E此空位于段中。本段通过列举飞机时差的例子来说明为什么人类需要生物钟,本空承接上一句,倒时差会导致疲惫和睡眠问题,故答案选E

39. B此空位于段中。本段在回答昼夜明暗交替对盲人的作息是否有影响的问题。由But的转折可知,作者在对比普通人和盲人的不同:你们普通人生物钟会随之相应调整然而盲人无法从外界得到如何作息的提示,故答案选B

40. D此空位于段中。下文中those signs对应选项中的signals。盲人不能从外界得到光线明暗更迭的信号,而这些信号本可以提示他们什么时候起床,吃饭和感到疲累,故答案选D

第三部分 英语知识应用

第一节 完形填空

41-45. DCBDC 46-50. ADDCB 51-55. BACCD 56-60. BADBA


41. D考查形容词。句意:航天工程是航天航空科技工程研究的基础分支。根据倒数第二段 “Austin’s 56 in aerospace engineering, a branch basic to the science and technology of spacecraft” 中的basic一词可知此处应该是primaryA. best最好的;B. necessary 必需的;C. difficult困难的;D. primary基本的,基础的。

42. C考查动词短语。句意:他是全球参加麻省理工大学为期六周的科学工程项目的80位高中生之一。根据后文可知,他参加了该项目。 A. brought in引进;B. set up建立;C. participated in参加;D. backed up支持。

43. B考查动词。句意:在这个项目中,他由学院科学家指导,然后研发一种方法来识别失效的卫星。A. draw画画;B. develop研发;C. learn学习;D. understand理解。根据后一句话:该方法已被命名可知此处应该选B

44. D 考查动词。句意:这个方法,被称为OASIS,其目的是管理危害太空的碎片。根据后文中 “pieces of destructive space debris” 可知这个方法主要针对对太空产生危害的碎片。 A. follows追随;B. keeps保持;C. splits分裂;D. threatens威胁,危害。

45. C 考查形容词。句意:解决这个问题的一个方法是设计一个能够收集有害太空碎片并将之储存于轨道的回收机器人。根据后面 “These pieces could be reused…”可知此处机器人的功能是回收碎片。A. monitoring监控的;B. repairing修理的;C. recycling回收的;D. launching发射的。

46. A考查动词。句意:这些碎片能够再利用,随后应用于新卫星。根据前面reused一词可知,这些碎片可继续使用。A. applied应用;运用;B. changed改变;C. switched转换;D. returned返回;归还。

47. D 考查名词。句意:因此减少新卫星的成本和发射重量。回收碎片再用于新卫星的主要效果就是减少成本,因此选DA. quantities数量;B. debts债务;C. kinds种类;D. costs 成本。

48. D考查名词。句意:但是,要解决这个问题需要可靠的卫星识别技术,这正是Austin所专注的研究。根据上文中 “During the program, he was guided by the institute’s scientists and 43 a method to identify inactive satellites.” “a method to identify inactive satellites” 可推知此处应该选择identificationA. removal移除; B. reconstruction重建;C. storage 储存;D. identification 鉴别,识别。

49. C 考查连词。句意:那正是Austin所专注的研究。此处考查名词性从句,从句中缺宾语,因此选what

50. B 考查名词。句意:经过一系列激烈的竞赛后,Austin已经进入决赛。make the finals 表示进入决赛,所以选择BA. plans计划;B. finals决赛;C. winners获胜者;D. goals目标。

51. B 考查名词。句意:这个奖项类别专门面向21岁及以下的学生。根据this可知应该选择前一句提到的categoryA. price 价格;B. category类别;范畴;C. competition竞赛;D. program项目。

52. A 考查介词。句意:这个奖项类别专门面向21岁及以下的学生。根据Austin的年龄(17岁)可知,这个奖项可以面向21岁以下的学生。A. under以下;B. beyond超过;C. more更多;D. above以上。

53. C 考查形容词。句意:如果他赢了,他会用这些钱去资助自己进一步研究OASIS。根据上下文可知Austin的方法已经研发出来了,但是现阶段还无法承受太空的极端环境,所以他需要资金进一步完善。A. basic基础的;B. independent独立的;C. further 进一步的;D. academic学术的。

54. C 考查副词。句意:我计划用这些钱来使用一些能够很好地承受太空极端环境的材料。stand up for 的意思是支撑,支持,根据上下文此处应该选fairlyA. fortunately幸运地;B. hardly 几乎不;C. fairly相当地,完全地;D. interestingly令人感兴趣地。

55. D考查动词。句意:他也正在考虑如何把这项技术出售给一些组织,比如NASA 和卫星制造商来获取更多的经济支持。根据后面的financial support可知此处应该是出售,所以选marketA. adapt适应;B. prove 证明;C. use使用;D. market推销,出售。

56. B 考查名词。句意:Austin在航天工程方面的兴趣是由当年自己的一次科技参观所激发的。本段主要描述Austin对研究航天工程感兴趣的原因,因此此处应该填入interest. A. influence影响;B. interest 兴趣;C. information信息;D. investment投资,投入。

57. A 考查动词。句意:他说他的软件设计老师也鼓舞了他。根据后面的 “too” 可知此处应该填入inspireA. inspired 鼓舞,激励;B. served服务;C. sponsored赞助;D. promised许诺。

58. D考查介词。句意:他把他的时间分别用于学业、个人的技术研发项目和个人兴趣爱好方面。divide time between A and B表示把时间分别用于divide sth. into表示划分为若干部分,根据句意此处应该使用betweenA. for为了;B. to向;C. into里面; D. between……之间。

59. B 考查形容词。句意:同上。此处与后面 “the development of personal interests” 并列,强调项目的性质,然后根据OASIS可以推知此处应该填入technical,其他选项根据上下文无法推知。A. instructive有指导意义的;B. technical技术方面的;C. competitive有竞争力的;D. healthy 健康的。

60. A 考查形容词。句意:这位青少年正在一步步地实现自己远大的太空梦想。根据首句可知全文主要讲的是一位喜欢研究航天工程的青少年,所以此处应该选一个一语双关的词sky-high(与天齐高的极高的,远大的)来总结主题,呼应文首。干扰项是all-around,虽然最后一段提到他在许多方面都有所发展,但是他的梦想始终还是在航天工程方面取得成绩,这也是全文主题所在。A. sky-high远大的;B. weeks-long几周的;C. big-headed 自大的,自以为是的;D. all-around全面的。

第二节 语法填空

61. necessity 考查词性转换,此处需要名词。

62. But 考查连词,But在这里表示前后两句的转折关系。

63. which 考查非限制性定语从句,从句修饰主句中的suncream products

64. from 考查介词,ban…from…是固定搭配。

65. have found 考查时态,根据lately判断这是最近的发现,用现在完成式。

66. eventually 考查词性转换,eventually修饰动词词组lead to

67. products 考查单复数,the most说明是大多数的产品,用复数。

68. are washed 考查主被动,防晒霜被水冲刷到海洋中,用被动语态。

69. to weaken 考查非谓语,表示将会削弱现有的珊瑚。

70. approved 考查非谓语,条件状语中,主句和从句主语一致,并且从句出现be动词,可以省略从句主语和be动词。


71. take → took 考查动词时态;从下文可知作者第一次坐飞机长途旅行是发生在过去的事情。

72. so → but 考查连词;此处应该是转折关系而不是因果关系。

73. that → which 考查非限制性定语从句;which代指前面打车去机场这件事情,在从句中充当主语引导的是非限制性定语从句,不能用that

74. ways → way 考查名词单复数;乘坐计程车是最快但也是最昂贵的一种方式。

75. because后面添加of 考查介词;because后面接的是短语不是从句,因此要加上介词of

76. got → getting 考查动词;此处after是介词,后面接动词时应该使用v-ing形式。

77. to → by 考查介词;此处指我晚了十分钟,表示相差的时间用介词by

78. their → my / the 考查代词;根据上下文此处应该是我的下一趟航班被取消,此处使用定冠词也可以

79. 去掉further前面的the 考查冠词;此处表示等待进一步的消息,表示泛指且information不可数,因此此处不需要使用冠词。

80. hungrily → hungry 考查形容词;此处tiredhungry一起作主语补足语,描述我当时又累又饿的状态。

第二节 书面表达


I’m Li Hua, a Senior 2 student. At the end of the term, I have some used reference books about English learning to sell at a fairly low price.

These reference books will be beneficial to anyone who decides to buy them. First of all, they provide many practical skills on listening, reading, and writing. Besides, the books are still well-maintained with seemingly brand new covers.

My books are 80% new and are to be sold at half of the original price, which is really good value for money. Don’t miss it!

If you are interested in my books, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at phone 87654321 or you can send emails to lihua@126.com.
