
Writing up research proposal


1.论文题目(research title)

2.研究本论题的动机(research motivation)

3.论文拟解决的问题以及作者的假设(statement Of problem and hypotheses)

4.研究本论题意义及价值(significance of the research)


6.论题研究步骤和手段(research approach or methodology)

7.研究中存在的局限性(research limitations)

8.撰写论文工作的计划与安排(research planning)


10.图表及附录(tables and appendix)


Higher Education Faculty: Satisfaction with Online Teaching

Purpose of the Study(研究本论题的目的)

The main purpose of this study is to conduct exploratory qualitative research to investigate online faculty members teaching philosophies and what contributes to or inhibits their satisfaction with online teaching.

To meet this purpose, this research will

a) explore participant's teaching beliefs and perceptions of elements that contribute or inhibit to their online teaching job satisfaction;

b) investigate the relationships among the elements that contribute to or inhibit the participant's perception of job satisfaction;

c) provide a structure to better understand elements that contribute to or inhibit online faculty members' job satisfaction.

Research Questions(论文拟解决的问题)

The key questions guiding this inquiry are:

1. What elements contribute to or inhibit satisfaction with online teaching for faculty members?

2. What are the relationships among the elements that contribute to or inhibit online faculty member's satisfaction with online teaching?

The electronic Web-based background questionnaire will collect information about the study participants such as: contact information, discipline/degree program, gender, age, ethnic group, tenure status, teaching experience, computer use, instructional uses of technology, and teaching philosophy.

The interview protocol includes questions, in the first section, about the participant's teaching experience. The second section explores barriers to or facilitators of online teaching, and satisfaction with institutional support for faculty members involved in online learning including: developing the online course, technological aspects, 'professional development and social interactions, participant's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with teaching the online course including overall satisfaction, electronic communications, course activities, and time requirements. The survey concludes by asking what advice the participant would give a faculty member in their discipline or department who was thinking about developing an online course.

Significance of the Study(研究本论题的意义及价值)

This study will contribute to an understanding of the factors that contribute to the job satisfaction of higher education faculty members pioneering as teachers in the rapidly expanding and changing Web-based educational environments. The bulk of research on faculty job satisfaction has been conducted among traditional faculty, i.e., those who teach face-to-face, but little is known about what contributes to the job satisfaction of faculty who are teaching their courses partially or totally online, because few research studies have been conducted to explore the needs, desires, hopes, dreams, and frustrations of online faculty to understand and explore what they think and feel about the factors that can, and do, make them satisfied with their work in Web-based learning environments.

This study, therefore, will seek to understand and expand the current knowledge base by utilizing a Constructivist Grounded-Theory approach (Charmaz, 2000) to identify elements and describe relationships among the elements that contribute to, or act as barriers, to the job satisfaction of higher-education faculty members that are teaching online courses.

Possible benefits of this research include contributing to a better understanding of online faculty members and the elements that contribute to or act as barriers to their job' satisfaction with online teaching. A better understanding of the elements that contribute to or act as barriers to the job satisfaction of online faculty, could help institutions to identify, plan for, and provide support and services to increase online faculty member's job satisfaction. Additionally, this knowledge could help institutions, which are delivering or considering delivering Web-based courses, to attract, train, and retain talented online instructors so that they can more effectively work with faculty to "...move the power of the Internet for learning from promise to practice" (Web-based Education Commission, 2000, p.134).

Limitations of the Study(研究中存在的局限性)

This study seeks to explore elements that contribute to or act as barriers to the job satisfaction of online faculty and the relationships among these elements. Faculty satisfaction can be significantly influenced by the institutional setting in which it does or does not occur. For this reason, the phenomenon of faculty job satisfaction needs to be studied as it naturally occurs without manipulation or control of variables. Institutions are distinct and complex, as are the online learning environments within these settings. Hence, the data gathered in each setting are very dependent on these contexts. Therefore, the context of each case study will limit the generalizability of the findings. The qualitative researcher utilizes the case study format to provide a thick, rich description of the phenomena encountered in the process of research. This thick description allows the readers to judge the information and make their own decisions about whether or not the themes that emerge from the research can be transferred to their own situations.

Literature Review(文献综述)

Background literature related to job satisfaction and dynamics of faculty participation in Web-based distance education is examined, in this chapter, to provide grounding related to the research questions of this study. The review of literature is divided into three sections. The first section defines distance education and examines the use of the World Wide Web (WWW) for delivering Web-delivered distance education.

The second section examines the dynamics of pedagogy, attitudes and perceptions, motivation and resistance, institutional incentives and barriers related to faculty participation in Web-delivered distance education. The third section examines the theoretical basis of faculty job satisfaction research.

Distance Education

Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications

Online Teaching and Learning

Dynamics of Faculty Participation in Post-Secondary Distance



Qualitative methods will be used in this exploratory study to explore interactions related to the common experiences of higher education faculty members that are teaching online courses to understand factors that contribute to the job satisfaction of these faculty members. This study is exploratory because little is known about what constitutes job satisfaction for higher education faculty members that are teaching online courses.

Qualitative methods are the best choice for this research because qualitative methods allow the researcher to listen to the views of the research participants, while focusing on the natural setting or context, such as the online program or classroom, in which participants express their views.

Qualitative research methods are unsurpassed for research problems where the variables are unknown and need to be

explored. Qualitative methods permit the researcher to approach the fieldwork without being constrained by predetermined categories of analysis, and allows the researcher to study the selected issue in depth and detail, which contributes to the depth, openness, and detail of the qualitative inquiry (Patton, 1990).

This study is situated within a constructivist paradigm where the researcher takes the position that, as Schwandt (1998) states, "...human beings do not find or discover knowledge so much as construct or make it" (p. 237). The constructivist paradigm recognizes the complex nature of the multiple realities and that there is no single, unique "reality" but only individual perspectives. Erlandson, Harris, Skipper and Allen (1993) emphasize that since no two contexts are identical, full generalizability within this paradigm "ignores the unique shaping forces that exist in each context" (p. 17). A theoretical framework based on the paradigms, and naturalistic strategies of Constructivist Inquiry (Guba and Lincoln, 1994) and the perspectives, designs and methods of Constructivist Grounded Theory (Charmaz, 2000) was developed to situate the methodology for this research study within the qualitative research literature.


Anderson, E N. (2000). Cost Perception and the Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Motivation.' Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Bandura, A. (1986). Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory.



2.文献回顾和综述(Literature Review)

3.突出要研究的主题或问题(Subject Or Problem)


5.研究的价值、意义或论文结构(Value Of Structure)


Moves in Research Paper Introduction

Move 1 Establishing a research territory (Background)

a. by showing that the general research area is important, central, interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way.

b. by introducing and reviewing items of previous research in the area.

Move 2 Establishing a niche (Subject or problem)

a. by indicating a gap in the previous research.

b. by raising a question about it.

c. by extending previous knowledge in some way.

Move 3 Occupying the niche (Purpose, findings, structure)

a. by outlining purposes or stating the nature of the present research.

b. by announcing principal findings.

c. by indicating the structure of the RP.

Compatibility Analysis of Web Services



The Effects of Water Scarcity on Reciprocity and Sociability in Bolivia

Reports on the state of freshwater reserves warn that severe local shortages are imminent, and predict that violent conflicts will emerge in water-scarce regions. To better understand how conflicts develop in water-scarce regions, research is needed on the social and economic factors that mediate cooperation and conflict (Ronnfeldt 1997). I propose to do an in-depth study of Villa Israel, a barrio of Cochabamba, Bolivia, where conflict over water is an established part of life. The overall objective is to understand how severe water scarcity affects reciprocal exchange relationships and social relationships in a marginal urban setting. The five specific objectives are:

The existence and quality of intracommunity ties has long been recognized as a factor that determines how conflicts evolve over scarce resources and other threats (Simmel 1904 [1955], Coser 1956, Mack 1965). The degree of connectedness and the presence of ties that cross social segments are both elements of social structure that inhibit conflict development (Gluckman in Ross 1993, LeVine and Campbell 1972). Although early conflict theorists called for empirical research to investigate when and in what order social ties are broken (Coleman 1957), such studies have been conducted in only a few geographic regions and on a few environmental scarcities.

Assuming that all households engage in exchange and social relationships, and that the amount of water available to the households varies, I propose ten hypotheses:

H1. Generalized reciprocal exchanges will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season.

H2. Social interactions will occur more frequently in the wet season than in the dry season.

H3. During the dry season, households with more water will engage in more generalized reciprocal exchanges than will households with less water.

The research will proceed in two phases. During the first phase, I will select a 60-household purposive sample, create and test interview protocols, choose key informants, and train a research assistant. The first phase will lay the groundwork for the second, so that I will be prepared to complete a baseline assessment of exchange and social interactions before the dry season begins in May. During the second phase, I will conduct in-depth interviews with key informants and four ethnographic interviews with each household in the sample. At the end of the second phase, I will conduct a series of experimental economic games to determine the norms of trust and reciprocity in the community.

Cochabamba is a large Bolivian city located in a semi-arid zone, made famous in 2000 by protests and riots over water delivery that received international attention. There, a rapid increase in water demand caused by urban growth, groundwater scarcity, and topography that drains water away from the city have intensified pressures on the municipal water distribution system (Laurie and Marvin 1999). Lacking the capital to extend water services to its growing periphery, Cochabamba contains a large population of marginal urban residents that lack access to the municipal water system.

Using the Uni6n Cristiana Evangelica census of Villa Israel as a sample frame, I will select a purposive sample of 60 households. Households will be selected to maximize variation on the following variables: number of members, ethnicity, religious affiliation, head of household's profession, and geographic location of the house (distance from water sources). Although choosing a purposive sample renders generalization from the study impossible, the purposive sample will enable me to choose households that maximize variation on the independent variables (Bernard 2002).

Data entry and coding interviews will be transcribed by the field assistant as they are conducted. Data from the interviews will be used to construct an ordinal measure of water use (H4~H6) and four interval-level dependent variables: the number of generalized reciprocal exchanges that occurred in the last week (H1, H3), the number of households with which the respondents exchanged in the last week (H4), the number of social visits that occurred in the last week (H2, H5), the number of households with which the respondents visited in the last week (H6). The amount of offers (H7) and counter-offers (H8) made during the investment game will be recorded in Bolivianos. Quantitative data for households will be entered directly into Excel spreadsheets.

I will use t-tests to compare mean numbers of exchange and social interactions for the wet and dry season (HI, H2), and ANOVA to determine if levels of household water availability are associated with differences in mean levels of exchange and interaction (H3~H6). Analysis of variance tests will also be used to if different social ties are associated with differences in mean monetary measures of trust and reciprocity (H7, H8). I will use repeated measures ANOVA to test hypotheses 9 and 10.

This research will contribute to two areas of social science inquiry: urban anthropology and environment-conflict theory. The research will be the first study to examine if and how urban social support relationships are transformed by severe water scarcity. Understanding how reciprocal exchange and social ties are strained during periods of severe deprivation will contribute to efforts to understand the dynamics involved in conflict over environmental resources.

Now complete the following table:








Trade Liberalization, Economic Restructuring and Urban Poverty: The Case of China



The past 10 years have witnessed a growing interest amongst both academics and policy-makers in the relationship between trade and poverty. Several recent studies show that trade liberalization directly and indirectly impacts poverty through multifaceted channels (Berg and Kruger, 2002; Cline, 2004; Dollar and Kraay, 2004).


The positive direct impacts of trade on poverty include facilitating the participation of the poor into global labor divisions and production chains, providing the poor with broader access to global factor and product markets, and increasing the supply of more productive technologies that better match the needs of the poor. Therefore, the poor might have more opportunities to benefit from global economic integration, to increase their incomes, and to improve their living standards. However, the cost and risk brought about by trade liberalization might also be significant for the poor (Nissanke and Thorbecke, 2005). Winters et al. (2004) argue that trade liberalization might increase both the risks faced by poor households and their vulnerability to external shocks. Therefore, opening up an economy through trade liberalization will directly lead to both positive and negative impacts on poverty, creating winners and losers among the poor.





Trade liberalization might indirectly affect poverty by influencing economic growth. In the published literature, the trade-growth-poverty relationship involves two critical linkages that have been at the center of heated debate during the past 10 years: whether trade is good for growth (the trade-growth linkage) and whether growth is good for the poor (the growth-poverty linkage). Concerning the trade-growth linkage, several studies suggest that trade is one of the most important driving engines for long-run economic growth. However, these studies have been criticized on technical grounds. There is also evidence that the positive trade-growth link is neither automatically guaranteed nor universally observable.

As for the growth-poverty linkage, many studies show that in the long run, growth can be a powerful instrument for poverty reduction. In their work on growth and poverty, Dollar and Kraay (2002) show that the income growth of the poorest quartile evolves proportionately with average income growth and, therefore, that the poor have benefited from growth at least as much as anyone else in society.

However, there is also evidence that different outcomes of poverty reduction are generated for a given rate of growth, where the extent by which growth contributes to poverty alleviation will depend on the initial level of inequality, and on how the distribution of income changes over time (World Bank, 2001).




In general, theoretical predictions and empirical evidence on the trade-poverty linkage are mixed and inconclusive. As for the case of China, the issue concerning whether trade is propoor also leads to fiercely contested debates. Many studies claim that China's trade openness and its rapid integration into the world economy have greatly contributed to poverty reduction (World Bank, 2002; Dollar, 2004). Nevertheless, this view is challenged by several other studies. However, existing studies on China's trade-poverty nexus mostly rely on aggregated data at the national level. Therefore, more disaggregated data and further investigation are required to shed more light on the relationship between trade and poverty in China.

With the help of more recent and systemic data at the provincial level, the present study attempts to acid to the literature by empirically investigating the relationship between trade and poverty in urban China, helping to broaden the understanding of this critical linkage.



Writing up research method

Task Objective






Attitude towards Fashion Advertisements with Political

Content: Impacts of Opinion Leadership and Perception of

Advertisement Message


Writing up results:

In this unit you will learn how to write a results section for a research paper.


1)针对图表的文字说明,指出图表中的主要信息,介绍研究成果(Describe the diagrams)

2)点出最重要的研究成果(Pinpoint the most important findings)

3)对重要研究成果进行简要评论(Comment briefly on the important results)



Sample 1

Effects of Subordinate Likeability and Balanced Scorecard

Format on Performance-Related Judgments
