高中英语 Unit3 The world of colours and light Welcome to the unit教学设计 牛津译林版选修8

元:Unit 3 The world of colours and light

块:Welcome to the unit

Thoughts on the design:

本节课以看、说为主,通过Welcome to the unit部分所提供的5张图片,激活学生对绘画类别的了解,通过该部分相关问题的讨论,进一步激发学生的学习热情, 为本单元后面更深入的学习奠定基础。

Teaching aims:

After learning this period, the students will be able to

1. understand and distinguish different types of paintings like mural, still lifes, abstract art, nature painting and pictures of rich and famous people;

2. develop their interest in learning about art and painters.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 lead-in

1. A video Art Attack appreciation (PPT4-5)

After that, ask students questions like:

1) Have you ever watched the program? What can you learn from it?

2) What type of painting is it? Nature, abstract or still life painting? And why?

2. Famous paintings appreciation (PPT6-8)

Present some world famous paintings like Mogao Caves wall paintings, Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Impression, sunrise, Sunflower etc. and ask students what information they have got about these paintings and painters.

Step 2 Brainstorming (PPT9)

Ask students to work in groups and create a spider gram using the key word painting, encouraging them to find as many subcategories as possible that relate to painting. And students can refer to the textbook or dictionary for help.

Then ask each group leader to report their answers. The teacher is expected to note down on the blackboard especially the types of painting listed on the textbook.

Step 3 Sharing information (PPT10-16)

Matching: What types of painting do the following pictures belong to?

Discuss the five pictures in the book. Encourage students to express their understanding about the different types of painting and help them make a summary about the different types of painting.

Picture of a mural

A mural is a very large piece of artwork, such as a painting, that is done on a wall. Murals can date back to prehistoric times, such as the paintings on the walls of caves. Today, murals are painted on different surfaces.

Picture of still lifes

A still life is a work of art that presents objects that are not moving. It was popular in Western art since the 17th century.

Picture of abstract art

Abstract art is a type of art that does not show objects in a natural way. Instead, abstract artists present their view of the objects with colors or shapes. The abstract artists use this to show the true qualities of the objects underneath their appearance.

Picture of a painting of nature

Paintings of nature can also be called landscape. A painting of nature always includes elements such as land, plants, man-made buildings and a very wide view. Sometimes, a painting of nature also presents water, a group of wild animals, people or the sky.

Picture of a portrait (picture of a famous or rich people)

A portrait is a painting that shows a person, particularly the shoulders and up. In very few cases, the artists would show their personal opinions in a portrait.

Step 4 Discussion (PPT17)

1. Which of the paintings above do you like best?

2. Do you know any of the world’s most famous painters? If you do, do you like their works? Why or why not?

3. Do you think we should learn something about painting? Why or why not?


通过第一步的视频播放,激发学生兴趣,引出painting of nature,由此拓展出其它绘画类别如:still life painting, portrait painting 因为这三种绘画类别相对较容易理解。然后通过经典图片展示,让学生感知其它两种画类别muralabstract art 第二步的小组合作活动制定网状图,是为了激活学生已有的绘画艺术方面的点滴知识并且能够汇总归拢,拓宽了学生视野,同时,教师适时的记录,能够增强学生的表达欲和成就感,而且为下面的讨论步骤做好了铺垫。讨论步骤的设置是为了对前面学生发言有一个总结和深化,让学生能够更清楚地辨析各种绘画类别。

《高中英语 Unit3 The world of colours and light Welcome to the unit教学设计 牛津译林版选修8.doc》