
本文由我司收集整编,推荐下载,如有疑问,请与我司联系你知道任何基于jquery的插件(免费使用)插件来实现图形你知道任何基于jquery的插件(免费使用)插件来实现图形[英]Do you know any jquery based plugin(Free to use) plugin to implement graphs I want to implement various interactive graphs like pie, bar ,etc which on mouse hover will reveal few data about the chart 我想实现各种交互式图形,如饼图,条形图等,鼠标悬停时会显示很少的图表数据  Something like highcharts/ , this is a jquery based paid plugin, I am looking for an open source option 像highcharts/这样的,这是一个基于jquery的付费插件,我正在寻找一个开源选项  0 I recommend the Visualize plugin: filamentgroup/lab/update_to_jquery_visualize_accessible_charts_with_html5_from_desig ning_with/ 我推荐Visualize插件:http://filamentgroup/lab/update_to_jquery_visualize_accessible_charts_with_html5_from_desi gning_with/  0 I have used Flot many times before, it is very simple to use and nice to look at: code.google/p/flot/ 我之前使用过Flot很多次,使用非常简单,很好看:http://code.google/p/flot/ It has interactive points, multiple styles of graph, allows for view changes based on values or dates, and very light weight. 它具有交互点,多种图形样式,允许基于值或日期的视图更改,以及非常轻的权重。