2018版高考英语浙江版复习检测:专题三 完形填空模拟检测(六) 议论文 含答案

完形填空模拟检测() 议论文



A teacher at Cedar Bluff Elementary School, Andrew Klicka writes rap music to help students learn and remember concepts.I started writing raps __1__ the social studies tests were so hard Klicka said.Kids had a(n)__2__ time remembering all of the information that we had to __3__.

This piece of news has __4__ that music can help kids do better in school.The best way to __5__ facts might be to set them to music.Medical students, for example, have long used rhymes and songs to help them __6__ vast quantities of information.A doctor by the name of Tupas Mukherjee __7__ that at the hospital he worked at no one __8__ the procedures for managing asthma (哮喘)So he created a video and recorded himself __9__ the guidelines on asthma procedures.It has spread quickly, and now all __10__ use it and are able to remember the guidelines.Thus Tupas Mukherjee has __11__ lots of people because without him these people could have been treated __12__.

Music also makes the school day more fun.It makes school more __13__.Many students come to school with electives (选修课程) like Spanish.No gym or music.If they had a music hour or program, they could reduce __14__ and relax their brain in a way.

Music __15__ provides better self­confidence.Performing in public more than once helps kids build up __16__ have good posture (姿态), learn to deal with unexpected events, etc.These __17__ are useful for educational presentations.

Therefore, I __18__ with some people who think that music is worth sacrificing for other __19__ such as upgraded websites.We shouldn't __20__ music programs.


1A.because       Bthough

Cuntil Dunless

解析:选A Klicka创作说唱音乐帮助学生记忆概念是因为(because)考试太难了,学生们记忆这些信息的时候很艰难(difficult)

2A.difficult Blong

《2018版高考英语浙江版复习检测:专题三 完形填空模拟检测(六) 议论文 含答案.doc》