
英文感谢信范文加翻译 Thank You For Interview II Dear (Bosss Name
Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday The interview confirmed what others have told me - that (Company Name would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests
I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title in your department As we reviewed my background I hope that you came to a similar conclusion It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction Again you can reach me (when (Call time at (telephone or you may leave a message on my answering machine and I will return your call promptly Sincerely
(Signature 1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

衷心感谢各位同事的慷慨解囊和无私帮助! 这个8月对我司员工何琴来说是个悲痛的日子,父亲身患重病,急需治疗,却无力独自承担巨额医疗费用。正当一筹莫展的时候,是我们大家,是我们XX集团重庆大家庭的员工,毅然决然的伸出援助之手,为何琴的父亲及时送去了希望!我们相信,有大家的祝福、关爱与帮助,何琴的父亲定会早日康复! 在得知何琴同事的家属身患重病后,公司根据实际情况,积极发起了“爱心募捐”倡议,在第一时间向各店铺、各部门发送爱心募捐倡议书,同时在公司总经理的倡议及带头下,在公司各部门领导的积极支持下,我们在工作空余时间发起 “人人献出一点爱”的献爱心活动,号召大家为何琴同事的患病家属奉献出自己的一份爱心!这犹如冬日里最灿烂的一缕阳光,照亮了我们每个同事的心怀,那如波涛汹涌般的爱的暖流久久地在我们每个人的内心深处涤荡。 倡议一经发出就得到了XX家人们的积极响应,在此次爱心接力活动中,截至826日,在短短的时间内共募集善款XXX元人民币!这充分体现出在XX这个充满爱的大家庭中,在XX优秀企业家文化的影响下,大家所展现出来的团结的力量、爱心的力量!“病魔无情,XX有爱”为何琴加油!

们平日里爱心的点滴积累才有了关键时刻对公司困难同事的有力支持! 相信何琴的家人一定会早日战胜病魔,因为有这么多爱的托付和期望,因为她的自信和坚强! 我们无法一一书写每一个闪耀人性光芒的瞬间,也无力描绘每一份温暖人心的关爱与真情。能力不分大小,捐款不分多少,善举不分先后,贵在有份爱心。您的仁爱之心将重燃一个新的生命之星火,您的点滴之恩将托起一个家庭生存的希望!在此,我们谨代表受惠员工及其家人向所有奉献爱心的人们致以最诚挚的谢意!谢谢你们! 感谢你们的爱心捐!衷心祝愿何琴同事的父亲早日康复! 最后附上此次捐款明细,谢谢每一位奉献的家人! 此致 感谢
英文感谢信范文加翻译 Leaders and fellow workers: How do you do! First of all, I would like to express my most sincere thanks and most sincere gratitude! My heartfelt thanks to you for your kind attention and selfless help to me and my family. Originally, I have a happy and happy family of three, live a plain but happy life. But at the most brilliant time of my life, I was found to have lung cancer. In the face of the high medical expenses, my family is like a dead leaf 3word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

in a stormy, crumbling. Facing the double pressure from the spiritual and material aspects, when I almost want to give up, our team leaders and all the workers in a timely manner to me a helping hand, I carry out fund-raising activities, is for me the 11360 yuan donation, to help me through. And encourage me to go strong. Is your encouragement and help, let me muster up the courage to fight against the disease. To be sure, my family is unhappy, but it is my greatest happiness to work and live in such a warm and loving community. With the warmth and sunshine of this great collective, my family can see hope in despair, Thanks again for the care and help of all the leaders and all the staff of the team. I will cheer up and fight against the disease with my family. Finally, I wish all the leaders and staff good health, success in your work, happiness and success in the whole family! This
Salute 各位领导和全体工友们:

之情! 衷心感谢你们对我和我的家庭的无微不至的关心和无私的帮助。原来我拥有一个幸福快乐的三口之家,过着平淡却幸福满足的生活。但是就在这个人生最灿烂的时候,我被查出患上了肺癌。面对高额的医疗费,我的家庭犹如风雨飘摇中的一片枯叶,摇摇欲坠。面对着来自精神和物质方面的双重压力,在我几乎要选择放弃的时候,我队各位领导和全体工友们及时地向我伸出了援助之手,为我开展了募捐活动,共为我募捐了11360元,帮助我渡过了难关。并鼓励我要坚强地走下去。是你们的鼓励和帮助,让我鼓起与病魔顽强抗争的勇气。诚然,我的家庭是不幸的,但是,能在这样一个充满温暖充满爱心的大集体下工作生活是我最大的幸运。有了这个大集体的温暖和阳光,使我的家庭才能在绝望中看到希望,
最后,祝各位领导和工友们身体健康、工作顺利、全家幸福、万事如意! 此致 敬礼
XX company and XX General 5word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

manager: First of all, let us extend our heartfelt thanks to you. The day before, our "Sino US trade and Investment Fair" Qingdao branch mission is anxious for the United States to choose with what gifts, you are the general manager decided to extend the hand of friendship, XX's girls day and night to work overtime, to make a unique gift, so that we deeply feel, XX's beautiful lace gifts, more beautiful: XX's girls the heart is more beautiful. Let's once again thank the general manager and the girls of XX for their support and sincere friendship. This Salute 翻译

让我们再次感谢总经理和xx公司姑娘们的支持和诚挚友情。 此致 敬礼

