unit 1 whats the matter 教案

Unit 1 Whats the matter?


Go for it! 是以任务型语言教学为基础的英语教材它体现以学生为中心以人为本的教学思融话题、交际功能和语言结构于一体。本书每个单元都列出明确的语言目标、主要的功能项目和语法结构、需要掌握的基本词汇并分为Section ASection B两部分。Section A为目标句型提供分步事例和指导性练习;Section B使学生能够对已经学过的目标句型运用自如。每个单元还附有Self Check部分此部分是让学生用来测试自己现阶段的英语水平即对本单元的语言目标的掌握程度有较为明确的认识。

1单元以What’s the matter?为中心话题,让学生认知表示身体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法,描述身体不适和提出建议展开,学习和运用“What’s the matter?”和What should…do让学生学会描述身体的不适和提出建议。本课教材内容与学生的实际生活密切相关,易于引出学生运用简单的英语进行交际和交流,在学习活动中,学生通过交换对身体不适的描述及建议,促进学生之间和师生之间的情感交流,增进情谊。同时,在学习中养成良好的健康习惯。


1. 知识目标:认知表示身体部位的单词以及部分疾病的表达方法。能听懂并描述日常小事故的处理方法。掌握句型:What’s the matter? I have a stomachache. What should she do? She should lie down and rest.

2. 能力目标能准确描述自己的常见疾病并能对他人的常见疾病提出合理化建议。掌握日常小事故的正确处理方法。培养听、说、读、写四项基本技能。





2. 通过开展扮演病人等活动培养学生关心他人身体健康的品质。

3. 通过本课的阅读培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力以及发生紧急事件时互相帮助的精神。


1. 以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用整体语言教学法、情景教学法、交际教学法等。

2. 在教学中创设切实可行的任务型教学活动、突出交际性。

3. 教师为主导、学生为主体、任务为基础注重实用性。

4. 引趣激趣策略创设情景调节气氛引发激发学生兴趣。




1课时Section A 1a-2d

2课时Section A 3a-4c

3课时Section B 1a-2e

4课时Section B 3a-Self Check


1课时 Section A 1a-2d


1. 熟练读出拼写本节课的表示身体部位的单词。

2. 能听懂健康问题及解决建议。

3. 掌握常见的询问健康的问题及答语。








掌握重点句型What’s the matter? I have a fever. You should take your temperature.








Step 1 Warming up and new words

Look at a picture and learn the parts of the body. Then show the words on the screen. Ask the students to read and remember them.

Step 2 Presentation

1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letter [a-m] for each part of the body.

___arm ___ back ___ ear ___ eye ___ foot

___hand ___ head ___ leg ___ mouth

___ neck ___nose ___ stomach ___ tooth

Step 3 Game

Ask all the students to stand up and play a gameThe teacher says headthen all the students should point at their heads. Then the teacher says other parts of the body. After several timesask some students to say and the rest students to do the actions.

Step 4 Listening

1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.

Listen to the conversations again and fill in the blanks.

Conversation 1

NurseWhat’s the matterSarah?

GirlI ___________.

Conversation 2

NurseWhat’s the matterDavid?

BoyI _________________.

Conversation 3

NurseWhat’s the matterBen?

BoyI _________________.

Conversation 4

NurseWhat’s the matterNancy?

GirlI _________________.

Conversation 5

BettyWhat’s the matterJudy?

AnnShe __________________.

Step 5 Speaking

1c Look at the pictures. What are the students’ problems? Make conversations like this

AWhat’s the matter with Judy?

BShe talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.

Make up dialogues about the students’ problems after the example.

Step 6 Guessing games

Guess what has happened to the students by using the important sentences.

Step 7 Listening

2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them.

2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.

Step 8 Speaking

2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.

AWhat’s the matter?

BMy head feels very hot.

AMaybe you have a fever.

BWhat should I do?

AYou should take your temperature.

Step 9 Role–play

Imagine you are the school doctor. A few students have health problems. Role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.

2d Role –play the conversation

Step 10 Language points and summary

1. What’s the matter?

这是人们特别是医生和护士询问病人病情时最常用的问句 意思是怎么了?其后通常与介词with连用。类似的问句还有

What’s wrong? 怎么啦?

What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了?

What’s your trouble? 你怎么了?

What’s the trouble with you? 你怎么了?

What’s up? 你怎么了?

2. have a cold 伤风感冒是固定词组。

表示身体不适的常用词组还有have a bad cold 重感冒have a fever发烧have a headache 头痛have a stomachache 胃痛have a toothache牙痛 have a backache背疼 have a sore throat喉咙疼

3. 针对身体不适常提的建议lie down and rest躺下并且休息drink hot tea with honey喝热蜂蜜茶drink lots of water喝大量水see a dentist看牙医take one’s temperature量体温go to a doctor看医生.

Step 11 Homework

Make up a conversation between a doctor and a patient.



1. 你怎么了?我头痛。

2. 他怎么了?他发烧

3. 李雷怎么了?他喉咙痛。他应该多喝水。

4. 如果你的头和脖子明天仍然疼的话请去看医生。

参考答案1. What’s the matter? I have a headache. 2. What’s the matter with him? He has a fever. 3. What’s the matter with Li Lei? He has a sore throat. He should drink enough water. 4. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrowthen go to a doctor.



2课时Section A 3a-4c


1. 熟练掌握询问、回答有关健康问题的句型并提出合理建议。

2. 培养阅读理解能力。

3. 通过小组一起谈论生活中的常发事故和应对措施了解一些急救常识。
















Step 1 Presentation

Look at the picture. Guess what happened and then what we should do. After one or two minutesask several students to report their answers.

Step 2 Reading

3a Read the passage and answer the following questionsDo you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? Did the bus driver help the man and the woman? Then give the students about 3 minutes to read. And then ask one or two students to answer the questions.

3b Read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.

1 ____ Wang Ping was the driver of bus No.26 at 900 a.m. yesterday.

2 ____ Bus No.26 hit an old man on Zhonghua Road.

3 ____ The old man had a heart problem and needed to go to the hospital right away.

4 ____ The passengers on the bus did not want to go to the hospitalso only Wang Ping went with the woman and old man.

5 ____ Some passengers helped to get the old man onto the bus.

6 ____ The old man got to the hospital in time.

Then ask some students to report their answers.

Step 3 Pair work

3c Discuss the questions with a partner. Then ask some pairs to report their answers.

Step 4 Discussion

Say If you see such thingswould you give your hand? What should you do?

Step 5 Language points

1. when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.


see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事

e.g. When I pass the window I see him drawing a picture.

see sb. do sth. 看见某人做过某事

e.g. I often see him draw a picture.


1) 我看见他时他正在河边玩。

I saw him _______ by the river.

2) 我看见过他在河边玩。

I saw him _____ by the river.

2. The bus driver24-year-old Wang Pingstopped the bus without thinking twice.

3. He only thought about saving a life.

观察与思考你能看出without thinkingabout saving a life的共同点吗?

共同点介词 + doing



1) It is a sunny day. How about _____ (go) fishing?

2) Thanks for ______ (tell) me the story?

4. But to his surprise they all agreed to go with him.

to one’s surprise 使......惊讶的是出乎......意料

e.g. To their surprise all the students pass the exam.

Much to everyone’s surprise /To everyone’s great surprise the plan succeeded.

5. ... because they don’t want any trouble ...


1) be in trouble意为有困难;陷入困境

He always asks me for help when he is in trouble.

2) get sb. into trouble 意为使某人陷入困境

Whatever he does he will get me into trouble.

3) 主语 + have /has trouble (in) doing sth. 意为某人在做某事方面有困难

I have some trouble (in) reading the letter.


Step 6 Pair work

Give the students several minutes to read and translate the sentences into Chinese in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act them out.

Step 7 Exercises

4a Fill in the blanks and practice the conversations.

1. AI hurt ______ when I played basketball yesterday. What _______ I do?

BYou ______ see a doctor and get an X-ray.

2. A_______ the matter?

BMy sister and I ______ sore throats. _______ we go to school?

ANo you _________.

3. A_____ Mike _____ a fever?

BNo he ________. He ____ a stomachache.

AHe _______ drink some hot tea.

Step 8 Group work

4b Work in groups and circle the best advice for these health problems. Then add your own advice.

1. Jenny cut herself.

She should (get an X-ray / put some medicine on the cut).

My advice _______________________.

2. Kate has a toothache.

She should (see a dentist / get some sleep).

My advice ________________________.

3. Mary and Sue have colds.

They shouldn’t (sleep/ exercise).

My advice ______________________.

4. Bob has a sore back.

He should (lie down and rest / take his temperature).

My advice ______________________.

4c One student mimes a problem. The other students in your group guess the problem and give advice.

AWhat’s the matter? Did you hurt yourself when playing soccer.

BNoI didn’t.

CDid you fall down?

BYesI did.

DYou should go home and get some rest.

Step 9 Homework

Practice the dialogue in 4c in groups as many as possible after class


翻译短语1. 看到某人正在做某事 2. 让某人(非常)吃惊的是 3. 下车 4. 上车 5. 多亏幸亏 6. 考虑 7. 同意做某事 8. 某人在做某事方面有困难

参考答案1. see sb. doing sth. 2. (much) to one’s surprise / to one’s (great) surprise 3. get off the bus 4. get on the bus 5. thanks to 6. think about 7. agree to do sth. 8. sb. has trouble in doing sth.



3课时 Section B 1a-2e


1. 掌握重点单词和短语。

2. 了解生活中常见的事故及处理方法。

3. 培养阅读理解能力。
















Step 1 Greetings

Greet the class as usual.

Step 2 Revision

Ask some groups to practice the dialogue in 4c.

Step 3 Presentation

Show the pictures in 1a and ask the students to discussDid these accidents happen to you? When they happenwhat should you do? e.g. get hit on the head / cut her finger / fall down / have a nosebleed. After several minutesask some students to report their answers.

Step 4 Practice

1a. When these accidents happenwhat should you do? Put the actions in order.

(1) ____ Put a bandage on it.

____ Run it under water.

____ Put some medicine on it. (Key312)

(2) ____ Go to the hospital.

____ Get an X-ray.

____ Rest for a few days. (Key123)

(3) ____ Clean your face.

____ Put your head back.

____ Put on a clean T-shirt. (Key213)

Step 5 Listening

1b. Listen to the school nurse. Check the problems you hear.

1c. Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you checked in the chart above.

a. put a bandage on it

b. took his temperature

c. told him to rest

d. put some medicine on it

e. took him to the hospital to get an X-ray

f. told her to put her head back.

Ask some students to report their answers.

Step 6 Group work

Ask the students to talk about other accidents and treatments. Finally remind the students to pay attention to their safety in daily life.

Step 7 Speaking

1d. Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c.

AWho came to your office today?

BFirsta boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class.

AWhat happened?

BHe has a nosebleed.

Step 8 Presentation

2a. Accidents or problems can sometimes happen when we do sports. Write the letter of each sport next to each accident or problem that can happen.

A. soccer B. mountain climbing C. swimming

__ fall down __ have problems breathing __ get hit by a ball

__ get sunburned __ cut ourselves __ hurt our back or arm

Step 9 Reading

2b. Read the passage and underline the words you don’t know. Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meaning.

阅读指导Finding the Order of Events

Writers describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading.

2c. Read the statements and circle TrueFalse or Don’t Know.

2d. Read the passage again and answer the questions:

1. Where did the accident happen on April 262003?

2. Why couldn’t Aron move?

3. How did Aron free himself?

4. What did Aron do after the accident?

5. What does between a rock and a hard place mean?

2e. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then use them to tell Aron’s story to your partner. Try to add other details from the reading.

1. On April 262003he had a serious mountain climbing accident.

2. Aron loves mountain climbing and doesn’t mind taking risks.

3. Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today.

4. He wrote a book about his experience.

5. Aron lost half his right arm from the 2003 accident.

The correct order21543

Step 10 Homework

Retell the story of Aron after class in groups.


翻译短语和句型1. 摔倒 2. 对…感兴趣 3. 习惯于 4. 因为 5. 用完 6. 准备做 7. 切除 8. 离开 9. 掌管管理 10. 继续或坚持(做某事) 11. 为了… 12. 如此…以至于…

参考答案1. fall down 2. be interested in 3. be used to … 4. because of 5. run out of 6. be ready to do sth. 7. cut off 8. get out of … 9. in control of … 10. keep on doing sth. 11. so that 12. so…that…



4课时 Section B 3a-Self Check


1. 复习、巩固本单元的词汇、短语和句型。

2. 完成相关练习。
















Step 1 Greetings

Greet the class as usual.

Step 2 Revision

Ask some students to retell the story of Aron according to the sentences in 2e.

Then show the passage on the screen and ask some students to fill in the blanks.

Aron Ralston is an American mountain 1_______. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because 2_______ accidents. On April 262003he found himself in a very dangerous 3_______ when climbing in Utah. On that dayAron’s arm was caught under a 360- kilo rock that fell on him when was climbing by 4_______ in the mountains. Because he could not free his armhe stayed there for five days and hoped that 5_______would find him. But when his water ran 6_______he knew that he would have to do something to 7_______his own life. He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to 8_______ off half his right arm. Thenwith his left armhe bandaged himself so 9_______ he would not lose too much 10_______. After thathe climbed down the mountain to find help. His love for mountain climbing is 11_______ great that he kept on 12_______ mountains even after this experience.

Step 3 Writing

3a Imagine you are the school nurse and a student just had an accident or a health problem. Make notes about what he/she should and shouldn’t do.

Step 4 Pair work

3b, Write a conversation between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Use the questions and phrases below to help you.

What’s the matter ? / What happened?/ Are you OK?

NoI don’t feel well./ I feel…/ I have a …/ Should I …?

You should …/ You shouldn’t…

fell down/ got hit by …/ cut myself / hurt my…

Then role play the conversation with your partner.

Step 5 Self Check

1. Write different health problems next to the body parts. Then write more health problems you know of.

head _________________________

back _________________________

throat ________________________

tooth _________________________

stomach ______________________

other problems _________________

Keyshave a headache/get hit on the head

have a sore back/hurt one’s back

have a sore throat

have a toothache

have a stomachache

have a fever/have a nosebleed/cut oneself

2. Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation.

___ I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg.

___ What should I do ?

___ I think you should see a doctor and get an X-ray.

___ OK thanks. I’ll do that now.

___ What’s the matter ?

___ Oh that doesn’t sound good.

Keys 2 4 5 6 1 3

Then ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs.

3. Write advice for these people.

1) Problem Alan cut himself.


2) Problem Cindy has a headache.


3) Problem My cousins have bad colds.


4) Problem Jack hurt his back playing volleyball.


Keys1. Put some medicine on it. 2. Take a temperature and rest.3. Lie down rest and drink more water.4. Go to the hospital and get an X-ray.

Step 6 Homework

Remember the wordsphrases and sentences in this unitgo over the whole unit and do more exercises after class.


I. 根据句意及首字母填入适当的单词。

1. What’s the m______ with you?

2. Your face looks a bit redmaybe you have a f____.

3. He usually goes to school on f_______.

4. I have a t________so I want to see a dentist.

5. When you have a stomachacheplease l___ down and r____.

6. I get o____ at the next station.

7. He h____ his kneeI should put a bandage on it.

8. Aron almost lost his life because of a________.

9. Their water r___ out.

II. 排序组成符合逻辑的对话。

1 Is it anything serious?

2 My head hurts. I feel terrible.

3 Please sit down. Let me have a look at you.

4 What’s wrong with youyoung man?

5 Nonothing serious. Take this medicineand you can be better soon.

III. 选择恰当的句子完成对话.请注意有一项是多余的.

A 1

BI feel weak. I can hardly do any work doctor.

A 2

BA month ago.

ADo you have a headache?

BNoI don’t.

A 3

BYes I sleep very well.

A 4

BNoI don’t. And I have little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.

AOhI see.______5________You don’t need to take medicine. You need to eat more food and do some exercise

参考答案I. 1. matter 2. fever 3. foot 4. toothache 5. lierest 6. off 7. hurt 8. accidents 9. ran II. ④②③①⑤ III. 1. D 2. F 3. A 4. C 5. E



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