


11 Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌(2013版新增) 2

12 East Meets West in Relaxing Macau澳门东西方文化的交汇点(2016版新增) 3

13 The Positive Meanings of Love 爱的真谛 3

14 Taking chances, Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇 3

15 Conventional Petroleum Reservoir常规油气藏 2016版新增) 3

16 Unconventional Oil and Gas 非常规油气(2016版新增) 3

17 The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省(2007版) 3

18 Unleashing Your Creativity 释放你的创造力(2016版新增) 3

19 The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理 3

20 A World without Oil 假如世界没有石油(2013版新增) 3




11 Smoking and Cancer 吸烟和癌2013版新增)


1. Americans smoke six thousand million cigarettes【香烟】 every year (1970 figures). This is roughly【大体上】 the equivalent【相等的,等价的;等价物,相等物】 of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. It is estimated【估计】 that 51% of American men smoke compared with【与……相比】 34% of American women.

1、美国人每年抽烟60亿支(1970年的统计数字)。这大致等于每个18岁以上的人一年要吸4195支烟。据估计it is estimated that),美国有51的男性吸烟而女性吸烟的比例则为34

2. Since 1939, numerous【许多的】 scientific studies have been conducted to determine【确定】 whether smoking is a health hazard【危险】. The trend【趋势】 of the evidence【证据】 has been consistent【一致的】 and indicates【表明】 that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt【毫无疑问】 that tobacco【烟草烟叶】 smoking, particularly cigarette smoking, is associated with【和…有关】 shortened life expectancy【预期(平均)寿命】.


3. Cigarette smoking【吸烟】 is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor【因素】 in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to【与……有关】 cancer of the bladder【膀胱】 and the oral cavity【口腔】. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. (Female smokers are thought to be less affected【影响】 because they do not breathe in【吸入】 the smoke so deeply.) The majority【大多数】 of doctors and researchers consider these relationships proved to their satisfaction and say, "Give up【放弃】 smoking. If you don't smoke-don't start!"


4. Some competent【有能力的能干的】 physicians【内科医生】 and research workers【研究人员】-though their small number is decreased even further-are less sure of the effect of cigarette smoking on health. They consider the increase in respiratory【呼吸的】 diseases and various forms of cancer may possibly be explained by other factors in the complex【复杂的】 human environment atmospheric【大气的】 pollution, increased nervous【神经的】 stress, chemical substances【物质】 in processed food, or chemical pesticides【杀虫剂;农药】 that are now being used by farmers in vast quantities【数量】 to destroy【破坏,杀死】 insects and small animals. Smokers who develop cancer or lung diseases, they say, may also, by coincidence【巧合】, live in industrial areas, or eat more canned food【罐头食品】. Gradually【逐渐地】, however, research is isolating【使隔离】 all other possible factors and proving them to be statistically【统计地】 irrelevant【不相干的】.

4、有些精通业务的(competent)医生和研究人员-虽然这些人不多并且人数在进一步减少-不那么肯定(be less sure)吸卷烟对人体健康有影响。他们认为呼吸系统疾病(respiratory diseases)和各种癌症的增多也许可以说是由于人类复杂环境中另外一些因素,即:空气的污染、人们精神压力的增大、经过加工的食品中的化学物质、或化学杀虫药(pesticide)引起的。农民现在大量使用这些农药杀死(destory)昆虫和小动物。据他们说,那些患了癌症或肺病的人可能恰巧(by coincidence)也住在工业区,或是吃了更多的罐头食品。但是研究工作逐渐排除了其它因素的可能性,并且用统计数字证明这些因素(对患癌症)是无关的(irrelevant)。


5. Apart from【除之外】 the scientific statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco actually does to the human body. Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized【蒸发】 chemicals, minute【极小的;分钟】 particles【微粒】 of ash, and other solids. There is also nicotine【尼古丁】, which is a powerful poison【毒药,毒物】, and black tar. As the smoke is breathed in, all these components【成分】 form deposits【沉淀物,堆积】 on the membranes【薄膜】 of the lungs. One point of concentration【集中】 is where the air tube, or bronchus【支气管】, divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point.

5、除了apart from科学统计之外研究工作还有助于认清(look at)吸食烟草对人体的实际影响(do to 对待, 处置)。抽烟产生的烟雾是一种混合的气体,包括气化的(vaporized)化学物质,极小的灰末微粒和其它固体,还有毒性(poison)很强的尼古丁和黑焦油。当吸进烟时,所有这些成分就都沉淀(deposit)在肺膜上。在气管和支气管分支的地方有一个集中点。大部分肺癌就从这里发端。

6. Smoking also affects the heart and blood vessels【血管】. It is known to be related to Beurger's disease, a narrowing of the small veins【静脉】 in the hands and feet that can cause great pain and lead even to amputation【截肢】 of limbs【肢体】. Smokers also die much more often from heart disease.

6、抽烟也影响心脏和血管。现已查明抽烟与伯尔格氏病有关。这种疾病使手脚的细静脉不断缩小,从而引起剧烈疼痛甚至会导致截肢。抽烟者死于心脏病的也比不吸烟的人多得多(much more)【注释:lead to 导致】

7. While all tobacco smoking affects life and expectancy and health, cigarette smoking appears to have a much greater effect than cigar or pipe smoking. However, nicotine consumption【消耗,消费】 is not diminished by the latter forms, and current research indicates a causal relationship【因果关系】 between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat. Filters【过滤 and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only marginally【略微】 reduce, not eliminate【减少】 the hazards.

7、尽管吸食各种烟草都会影响预期寿命和健康,但是抽香烟的影响要比抽雪茄和抽烟斗大得多。不过,后两种并不能减少对尼古丁的吸食,并且当前的研究指出各式各样的吸烟都和口腔癌、喉癌有某种因果关系。据称(are claimed to)过滤嘴香烟和低焦油烟草能使吸烟在某种程度上比较安全(to some extent safer),但是这只能略微(marginally)减少危害,而不能消除(eliminate)危害。【注释:(1causal因果关系的;casual偶然的,随便的。(2to saome extend 某种程度上】

12 East Meets West in Relaxing Macau澳门东西方文化的交汇点2016版新增

1.在经过112年葡萄牙殖民统治后,澳门于19991220日回归中国, 此后基本上保持原貌,游客们对此很欣赏。

2. Macau inhabitants【居民,resident regarded the handover【移交】 as a mere change of administration. Certainly, you see fewer Portuguese faces on the streets nowadays, but there remains the curious【好奇的】 mixture of European flair【才能;特别的风格】 and Far Eastern tradition that make the city so special.

2. 澳门的居民认为这次移交仅仅是管理上的变化。的确,在今天澳门大 街上你看不到多少葡萄牙人,但是这儿依然是欧洲风格与远东传统文化不同寻常的融合点,这使得它具有独特的城市风貌。

3. Like its larger neighbour Hong Kong, Macau is now a special administrative【行政的】 region of China, but its special capitalist【资本主义】 status【地位,身份】 is guaranteed for the next 50 years.

3. 与较大的近邻香港一样,澳门现在是中国的一个特别行政区,它保持资本主义制度的特殊地位将50年不变。

4. When you first glimpse【一瞥】 Macau on the ferry【渡船】 from Hong Kong, it looks less than impressive. The skyline【轮廓,地平线】 is dull compared to the imposing【壮观的】 glass skyscrapers【摩天大楼】 of Hong Kong, and most people do not take the time to revise this first impression, devoting no more than【仅仅,只是】 a day trip to it. But this does not do justice to【公平对待,正确处理】this city of two cultures, which hides plenty of interesting secrets.

4. 当你从香港开来的渡船上第一次瞥一眼澳门时,它看起来并不起眼。 同香港那雄伟壮丽的摩天大楼相比,澳门这个城市的轮廓显得并不鲜明,多数人只花不多于一天的时间去那里旅游,不愿多费时间去修正他们的第一印象。但是如此看待这座具有两种文化风格的城市是不公平的,这样很多有趣的东西就看不到了。

5. The Macau Museum, which opened two years ago, offers an excellent introduction to the peninsula’s【半岛】 past and present. Children love it because it is full of technical paraphernalia【设备】. You can press buttons to light up【照亮】 trade routes on maps, or to hear the different typical【典型的】 cries of Macau’s traders.

5. 两年前开放的澳门博物馆极好地展示了半岛的过去和现在。孩子们都喜欢它是因为里面有各种各样高科技含量的东西。你按一下按钮就能将地图上的贸易航线照亮,还可以听一听澳门商贩那各具特征的叫卖声。

6. Just a few metres from the museum is the city’s most photographed【拍照的】 symbol: the ruins【旧址,废墟,遗迹】 of Sao Paulo, the Jesuit church built in 1602, although today only its imposing【壮观的】 stone façade【正面】 remains.

6. 离博物馆不远处就是这个城市最具标志性的建筑:圣保罗旧址,建于1602年的耶稣会教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面仍保留下来。

7. While the majority of Macau’s inhabitants are Buddhist【佛教,佛教徒】, some seven per cent are Catholic【天主教徒,天主教的】 and the religious sites of Macau testify【证明】 to the special mix of eastern and western cultures here. As well as the numerous churches inherited【继承】 from Portuguese rule, there are very many different temples.

7. 大多数澳门居民是佛教徒,只有7%的居民是天主教徒,澳门的宗教故址就足以证明这里是东西方文化特殊的交汇点。除了葡萄牙人统治时期遗留下来的众多教堂之外,这里还有很多风格不一的寺庙。

8. The largest is the Kun lam Tong. In the main hall of this temple, giant【巨大的】 spiral【螺旋的】 joss-sticks【线香】 hang from the ceiling, raining small piles of ash on the heads of visitors. Along the sides are smaller ancestors rooms commemorating【纪念】 the dead. There is also a room of plants which includes a special bonsai【盆景】 tree, the trunk of which happens to be shaped like the Chinese sign meaning long life.

8. 最大的是观音堂。在这个观音堂的主厅内,巨大的螺旋形的香从天花板上垂吊着,它的灰烬落下来,一些落到了观光者的头上。堂的两厢是纪念己逝先祖的小房间。有一间房内放着盆景,其中有一棵树很特殊,这树的树干形状正像汉字的“寿”。

9. The contrast between the peace of these temples and the bustle【喧闹】 of Macau city could hardly be more stark【鲜明的】. The lively【活泼的,生动的】 pedestrian【行人】 zone flanked by【两侧是】colonial buildings with their teeming【丰富的】 side streets are not at all reminiscent【怀旧的】 of religious contemplation【沉思,意图】. Locals【当地人】 and tourists saunter【闲逛】 along with shopping bags.

9. 这些寺庙的宁静与澳门城市的喧闹形成鲜明对比。行人区内十分热闹,四边都是殖民地风格的建筑,小街纵横交错,这里一点宗教气氛都没有。当地居民和旅游者都带着购物的袋子闲逛。

10.Macau, on the southeast coast of China, consists of【由……组成】 the Macau peninsula【半岛】 and the two offshore islands of Taipa and Coloane in the Pearl River delta. Ninety-six per cent of the 450, 000 inhabitants are of Chinese origin【起源】. Anyone who stays a few days, soon realises that the city is small but charming. You soon start to recognise a few faces, even the city tramps【流浪者】 start to become familiar. Although the tourism industry would like to sell Macau as a racy【活泼的】, modem city, its real appeal is that it offers a very quiet, relaxing contrast to Hong Kong.

10.位于中国东南海岸的澳门,包括澳门半岛和两个位于珠江三角洲的凼仔岛和路环岛。45万澳门居民中96%的人祖籍是中国。无论是谁在这儿逗留 几天便很快意识到这个城市不大但富有魅力:你很快就能够辨认出一些面孔,甚至对这个城市的流浪汉也变得熟悉起来。虽然观光业想要把澳门作为一个富有特色的现代化城市,但其真正令人喜欢的是,与香港相比,它显得特别宁静和让人放松。

11.But Macau is one of the richest regions in Asia, with an annual per capita【人均】 gross national product国民生产总值】 of more than 17, 000 U.S. dollars. This is mainly thanks to gambling【赌博】. Forty per cent of all state income comes from the numerous casinos【赌场】 here, the only legally operating gambling halls on Chinese territory【领土,版图】.


13 The Positive Meanings of Love 爱的真谛

1. We’d like to share some of the positive【积极的】 meanings love has for us.

1、我们想与大家一起分享我们对爱的一些积极看法(love has for us是定语从句,修饰some of the positive meanings一些积极意义;would like to do sth. 想要做某事)

2. Love means that I know the person I love. I’m aware of认识到,知道】 the many sides of the other person-not just the beautiful side but also the limitations【局限性】, inconsistencies【不一致】 and faults【缺点】. I have an awareness of【意识到】the other’s feelings and thoughts, and I experience【感受,经历,体验】 something of the core of that person. I can penetrate【穿透,看透】 social masks【面具,伪装】 and roles and see the other person on a deeper level.

2、爱就意味着了解所爱之人。能够认识到(be aware of 知道)这个人的各个方面——不仅仅(not just)是美好的一面,还有(but also)他的局限、他的矛盾之处(inconsistencies inconsistency复数形式)、他的缺点。看到这个人的情感和思想,感受他的内心世界。要能够透过(penetrate)他在社交场合的表现(social marks 社会面具)和他的社会角色(roles)而看到他的内心深处(on a deeper level 在更深层次上;直译:从更深层面上了解这个人)(本段中出现的the person, the other person, that person都在讲“所爱之人”)

3. Love means that I care about【关心】 the welfare【幸福,福利】 of the person I love. To the extent就…来说that it is genuine【真正的,真诚的】, my caring is not possessive【占有的】, nor does it hold the other person back. On the contrary【相反】, my caring frees both of us. If I care about you, I’m concerned about【关心】 your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. Consequently【因此】, I don’t put up obstacles【障碍】 to what you do that enhances【提高】 you as a personeven though【即使】 it may result in【引起,导致】 my discomfort【不便,不适】 at times【有时】.

3、爱就意味着关心所爱之人的幸福(welfare = happiness)。真正的爱不是占有(not possessive),也不是束缚(nor does it hold the other person back 是由nor引导的“倒装句”,助动词does要置于主语之前) (to the extent that 就…来说genuine adj. 真实的,真正的;诚恳的;hold back 阻止;抑制)。相反(on the contrary),两人都在爱中得到自由。关心(care about)一个人就是关心(be concerned about)他的成长,希望他可以尽其所能有所成就(that you can become 作定语,修饰all)。因此(consequently),我不会为他的个人发展(what you do that enhances you as a person; enhance vt. 提高;加强)设置障碍(obstacle to 对…的障碍;后跟名词、名词性词组或句子,作定语),即使(even though)有时(at times)这样会给我带来不便(result in my discomfort)

4. Love means having respect for【尊敬】the dignity【自尊,尊严】 of the person I love. If I love you, I can see you as a separate【单独的】 person, with your own values and thoughts and feelings, and I do not insist that(引导宾语从句) you surrender【投降,放弃】 your identity【身份】 to match【适应,匹配】 an image of what I expect you to be for me. I can allow and encourage【鼓励】 you to stand alone and to be who you are, and I avoid【避免】 treating you as an object【物体】 or using you primarily【首先,主要地】 to satisfy【满足】 my own needs.

4、爱就意味着尊重所爱之人的尊严。(mean +句子或动名词; have respect for 尊敬; dignity n. 尊严;高贵)爱一个人,就是将其视作一个独立的(separate adj.)人,有他自己的价值观、思想和感情。我不会为了自己而坚持(insist)要他放弃个性(surrender your identity)来变成我所希望的他(to match an image of what I expect you to be,不定式作目的状语)。我能允许并鼓励他与众不同(to stand alone),成为他自己(to be who you are)。我不会视他如物,或利用它来满足自己的需要。(allow and encourage to do sth. 不定式作宾语;avoid doing sth. 动名词作宾语)

5. Love means having a responsibility【责任】 toward the person I love. If I love you, I respond to【回应,对……作出反应】 most of your major needs as a person. This responsibility【责任,职责】 does not include my doing for you what you are capable of【能够】 doing for yourself; nor does it mean that I run your life for you. Instead, it means acknowledging【承认】 that what I am and what I do affects【影响】 you, so that【因此,以便】 I am directly involved in【涉及,卷入】 your happiness and your suffering. A lover does have the capacity to hurt or ignore【忽视】 the loved one, and in this sense we see that love involves an acceptance【接受】 of some responsibility for the impact my way of being has on you.

5、爱就意味着对所爱之人负责(responsibility n.责任;义务)。爱一个人,就要对他作为独立的个体的需求做出回应(respond to 响应;对…反应,后接名词或名词性词组)。这种负责不包括你要为他做“他可以自己做的事情”(what you are capable of doing for yourself; be capable of v. 能够;有能力)也不是操纵他的生活nor does it mean that I run your life for you是由nor引导的“倒装句”,助动词does要置于主语之前)。相反(instead),这种负责是承认(acknowledge vt.)我的所作所为(what I am and what I do)会影响到他(that 引导宾语从句,what I am and what I do 是宾语从句中的主语),因此,他的欢乐和痛苦都与我休戚相关(be involved in 涉及到…;包括…中)。相爱着的人有时真的(does 加强语气)会伤害或忽略对方(have the capacity to 有…能力;the loved one 中的loved是过去分词作定语),所以,我们知道,爱就是要为自己的行为对对方产生的影响(the impact my way of being has on you; my way of being has on you 是定语从句,修饰the impact )承担某种责任。(这里I是“付出爱”的一方,you是“被爱”的一方。)

6. Love means making a commitment【承诺】 to the person I love. This commitment does not mean surrendering our total selves to each other; nor does it imply【暗示,意味】 that the relationship is necessarily【必需的】 permanent【永久的,不变的】. It does【自愿,乐意】 to stay with each other in times of pain, struggle, and despair【绝望】, as well as【也,又】 in times of calm and enjoyment.

6、爱就意味着对所爱之人做出承诺(make a commitment)。这种承诺并非意味着完全把自己交给对方(surrender to 屈服;selves n. 自己,自我,是self的复数;可译为:这种承诺并非意味着要完全屈服于彼此),也不是意味着(imply; that 引导宾语从句)这一关系一定要永远不变(necessarily adj. 必定地; permanent adj. 永久的) nor does it imply that the relationship is necessarily permanent是由nor引导的“倒装句”,助动词does要置于主语之前)。这种承诺真的(does加强语气)意味着不论在艰难困苦、失意绝望时,还是(as well as)在恬适欢乐时,都愿意厮守相伴(willingness n. 心甘情愿;意愿;stay with 同…住在一起;不定式to stay with 作定语,修饰a willingnessin times of 在…的时候;despair n. 绝望)

7. Love means trusting the person I love. If I love youI trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won’t deliberately【故意地,2014年考题】 hurt me. I trust that you will find me attractive, and that you won’t abandon【抛弃,放弃】 me; I trust the mutual【相互的】 nature of our love. If we trust each other, we are willing to【愿意,乐意】 be open to each other and reveal【揭露】 our true selves.

7、爱就意味着信赖所爱之人。爱一个人,就要相信他会接受我的关心, 接受我的爱,相信他不会故意地(deliberately adv.)伤害我;相信自己对他有吸引力,相信他不会抛弃(abandon vt.)我;相信爱是相互的(mutual adj. 共同的;相互的)。如果我们彼此信赖,我们就愿彼此开诚布公,敞开心扉(be willing to do sth.愿意;be open to 对…开放;reveal vt. 显示;透露)。

8. Love can tolerate【容忍,2013年考题】 imperfection【不完美】. In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving uptimes of real strain【压力,拉进】, and times I feel I can’t move forward. Authentic【真正的】 love does not imply enduring【持久的】 happiness. I can stay during rough times, however, because I can remember what we had together in the pastand I can picture【画,想像,描写】 what we will have together in our future if we care enough to face our problems and work them through【解决】. We agree with the idea that love is a spirit【精神】 that changes life. Love is a way of life that is creative【创造性的】 and that transforms【改变】. However, love is not reserved for【供……之用】 a perfect world. Love is meant for【命中注定】 our imperfect world where things go wrong. Love is meant to【打算】 be a spirit that works in painful situations. Love is meant to bring meaning into life where nonsense荒谬的】 appears to rule. In other words, love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live.

8、爱能够容忍不完美。爱人之间有时会感到厌烦(when引导的定语从句修饰times; 以下同为此用法),有时会想放弃(fell like doing sth.),有时感到压力,有时感到羁绊(move forward 向前移动;向前发展)。真正的(authentic adj.)爱并不意味着永远幸福(enduring adj. 持久的)。但是,在困难(rough adj. 艰苦的)时期我能坚守(stay vi.),因为我仍记得我们共同度过的往昔,我也能想象(picture vt.),如果我们愿意(enough to do sth. 足够…去做)直面问题,渡过难关(work them through),我们将共同拥有什么样的未来。我们一致认为(agree with 和…意见一致)爱是一种精神,这种精神能改变人生(第一个that引导的定语从句修饰the idea,第二个that引导的定语从句修饰a spirit)。爱是一种生活方式,它具有创造和改变的力量(thatand that…引导的定语从句修饰a way of life)。但是爱并不只是完美世界所独有(be reserved for 留作),爱本来就是为我们这个不完美、有缺陷的(where things go wrong)世界而存在的(be meant for 注定成为;where 引导的定语从句修饰our imperfect worldgo wrong 弄错;出毛病)。爱应该是一种能缓解痛苦的精神力量(be meant to 应该是;必须;that引导定语从句,修饰a sprite;可直译:爱是一种精神,这种精神于苦痛之中发挥着作用(work))。爱应该给我们这充满荒谬(where nonsense appears to rulewhere引导的定语从句修饰life)的生活带来意义(meaning(bring into v. 使开始;使进入某种状态)。换言之(in other words),是爱使我们在这个不完美的世界上生活下去(make it possible to do sth. 使做某事成为可能)

9. Love is open. If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. Although our love for each other and our commitment to each other might prohibit certain actions on our partswe are not totally and exclusively married to each other. It is a false love that cements one person to another in such a way that he or she is not given room to grow.

9、爱是大方的。爱一个人,就要鼓励(encourage)其与他人建立联系(reach out 伸出)。尽管对彼此的爱与承诺不允许(prohibit vt. 阻止,禁止)我们有某些行为,这种结合也不是全然排他的(totally and exclusively)(be married to嫁给某人,娶某人;与…结婚)。两个人密不可分(cement vt. 巩固;接合),再无其他发展的空间(give room 让开;腾地方),这样的爱是不明智的。

10. Love is selfish. I can only love you if I genuinely love, value, appreciate, and respect myself. If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness. If I feel that I’m complete and worthwhile in myself, then I’m able to give to you out of my fullness. One of the best ways for me to give you love is by folly enjoying myself with you.

10、爱又是自私的。如果我真正(genuinely)自爱、自重、自赏、自尊,才能(can only)爱别人。如果我空虚,那么我能给所爱之人的全部(all I can give you)也只有空虚(emptiness)(all 是句子的主语,I can give you all的定语)。如果我觉得自己是完满的、出色的(worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得的),那么我就能以自己的充实out of my fullness为所爱之人增光(give to 给予;赠给)(网上直译:假如我觉得自己充实完整并活得有价值,那么我也能给予你的就是充实完整)。表达爱的最好方法之一就是与所爱之人一起充分体验自己(直译:表达“我爱你”的最好方法之一就是和所爱的人一起做傻事)。

11. Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love. In my love for another, I view her or him as the person she or he can become, while still accepting who and what the person is now. By taking people as they are, we make them worse, but by treating them as if they already were what they ought to be, we help make them better.

11、爱就要看到所爱之人的内在潜力we love the person的定语)。爱他/她,就要接受今日之所作所为(accepting who and what the person is now),也要视其所能为(she or he can become the person的定语;viewas…认为…是…;把…看作…)。视人静止不变(take as 把…看作是…),则令其退步(make the worse),待他如同他的潜力已经发挥(treat as if 把…看作好似…),则助其进步(help make them betterhelp 使役动词,后跟不带to的不定式)。

12. To sum it up, mature love is union under the condition of preserving one’s individuality. In lovetwo beings become one and yet remain two.

12、归根结底(to sum it up; to sum up 总之),成熟的爱就是保持个性(preserving one’s individuality)条件下的双方结合(union)。两个人(two beings)由于爱合二为一,又仍是两个独立的个体。

14 Taking chances, Making chances 抓住机遇,制造机遇

1.Lecturer Charles Hobbs sometimes tells about a woman who lived in London over a century【世纪】 ago. She saved what little仅有的一点 money she could working as a scullery maid【女帮厨】 and used it (little money) one evening to hear a great speaker of her day. His speech moved【感动】 her deeply and she waited to visit with【与……闲谈】 him afterward【过后,以后】. "How fine it must be to have had the opportunities you have had in life【一生中】," she said.

1.演说家lecturer查尔斯·霍布斯经常会在他的演说中引用(tell about)这样的故事。一百多年前伦敦住着一位女士她以给人帮厨为生。生活虽然很艰难,她还是省吃俭用地攒了一点儿钱(she saved what little money),并用这点儿钱去听了一场演讲。演讲者是一位在当时非常著名的演说家。他的演讲深深地感染了她,也触动了她。演讲结束之后,她并没有立即离去,而是去拜访了那位演说家。“要能像您这样一生中拥有这么多的机会那该有多好啊!”她羡慕道。

2."My dear lady." he replied, "have you never received an opportunity【机会】?"


3."Not me. I have never had a chance," she said.


4."What do you do?" the speaker asked.


5.She answered, "I peel【削皮,剥】 onions and potatoes in my sister's boarding house寄宿公寓."

5.我在我姐姐开的寄宿公寓(boarding house)里帮厨剥剥洋葱削削土豆。她答道

6."How long have you been doing this?" he pursued【追赶,继续】.


7."Fifteen miserable【悲惨的,令人痛苦的】 years!" “都已经干了15年了,难熬的15年啊!”

8."And where do you sit?" he continued.


9."Why, on the bottom step in the kitchen." She looked puzzled【困惑的】.


10."And where do you put your feet?" 那么您把脚放在哪里呢?”

11."On the floor," she answered, more puzzled.

放在地板上啊。”她惊讶地望着演讲家。(puzzled adj. 困惑的;茫然的;搞糊涂的)

12."What is the floor?" “那地板是什么样的?”

13."It is glazed【光滑的】 brick【砖】." “是用釉面砖铺就的。

14.Then he said, "My dear lady, I will give you an assignment【任务,工作】 today. I want you to write me a letter about the brick."

14.著名的演讲家说道:“亲爱的女士今天我要给您布置一项任务(an assignment)。我想让您写一封信给我,谈一谈您对砖的认识。

15.Against her protests【反对,抗议】 about being a poor writer, he made her promise 【承诺】to complete【完成】 the assignment.


16.The next day, as she sat down to peel onions, she gazed at the brick floor. That evening she pulled one loose, took it to a brick factory and asked the owner to explain to her how bricks were made.


17.Still not satisfied【满意的】, she went to a library and found a book on【关于】 bricks. She learned that 120 different kinds of brick and tile【瓦】 were being produced in England at the time. She discovered【发现】 how clay【粘土】 beds, which existed for millions of years, were formed. Her research captivated【迷住】 her imagination【想象力】 and she spent every spare moment learning more. She returned to the library night after night and this woman, who never had a chance, gradually began to climb the steps of knowledge.

17.对于厂长的解释她并不满意,于是,她又跑到了图书馆。通过查阅资料,她了解到,在当时的英国,一共有一百二十多种砖瓦(120 different kinds of brick and tile)在生产(were being produced 过去进行时的被动语态)。她还发现了已经存在了数百年的粘土层是如何形成的。她已经完全沉浸在她的研究之中了,她的思想也已经被她的研究完全占据了。每天晚上,她都会准时到图书馆查阅资料。

18.After months of study, she set out to write her letter as promised. She sent a 36-page document【文件】 about the brick in her kitchen and, to her surprise【令她吃惊的是】, she received a letter back. Enclosed【被附上的】 was payment【报酬】 for her research. He had published【出版】 her letter! And along with the money came a new assignment - this time he asked her to write about what she found underneath【在…….下面】 the brick.

18.经过几个月的研究之后她按照演说家的要求写信(set out to write her letter as promised)。在这封长达36页的信中,她详细地介绍了厨房里地砖的有关情况。令她吃惊的是(to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是),不久以后,她就收到了回信。随信而来的(enclosed),还有她的研究所获得的报酬。原来,那位演讲家把她的信拿去发表了!不仅如此,演讲家又给她布置了一项新任务:写一些她在厨房地砖下面发现的东西。

注释:under:垂直,不接触(over),Iwant to have a rest under the tree.

below:不垂直,不接触(above,There is a lake below the mountain.

underneath:接触,或者接近,I found an ant underneath the rock.

19.For the first time in her life she could hardly wait to迫不及待get back to the kitchen! She pulled up the brick and there was an ant. She held it in her hand and examined【仔细检查】 it.

19.女士一生中第一次受到极大的鼓舞她迫不及待地can hardly wait to do 迫不及待返回厨房她撬起一块砖头一看发现下面有一只蚂蚁。她把它拿在手心仔细地观察。

20.That evening, she hurried back to the library to study ants. She learned that there were hundreds of different kinds of ants. Some were so small they could stand on the head of a pin【大头针】; while others were so large one could feel the weight of them in one's hand. She started her own ant colony【群体,殖民地】 and examined ants underneath a lens【透镜】.

20.那天晚上一下班,她便急匆匆地赶到图书馆,去查阅有关蚂蚁的书籍了。通过研究,她了解到世界上有好几百种各种各样的蚂蚁。有的蚂蚁很小很小,小到可以站在针尖上,而(while)有的则很大很大,大到放在手上都能感觉到它们的重量。为了便于研究,她还专门养了一群蚂蚁,每天都拿着放大镜(a lens)仔细观察。

21.Several months later she wrote her findings in a 350-page "letter". It, too, was eventually【最后,终于】 published. She soon quit【辞去】 her kitchen job to take up writing.


22.Before she died, she had traveled to the lands of her dreams and had experienced more than she ever imagined possible! This is the woman who had never had a chance.


注释:(1)more than +数词+名词,超过;We have studied English for more than ten years.(2)more than+名词:不仅仅是,不只是,Mary is more than a neighbor,she is a good friend of mine as well.(3)more than+形容词和分词:非常;We are more than glad to help you. (4)more……than……与其说……倒不如说,He is more diligent than clever.(5) no more than 仅仅,只是;He is no more than w worker;(6)more than one 不止一个+谓语动词单数

23.Some people wait for opportunity to come knocking. Here is a person who soughtseek寻找】 it out, proving again that we can be more than victims【受害者】 of mere circumstance【环境,条件】.

23.有些人等着机会来敲门而这个人却是去寻找机会seek it out。她再次证明我们不应该仅仅成为环境的受害者(victim),我们可以做得更多。

24.If given a chance, will you take it? If given no chance, can you make one?


15 Conventional Petroleum Reservoir常规油气藏 2016版新增

1. A petroleum reservoir【储藏,水库】, or oil and gas reservoir, is a subsurface【地下的】 pool of hydrocarbons contained in permeable【可渗透的】, porous or fractured rock formations【岩层】, with most reservoir rocks being limestones【石灰石】, dolomites【白云石】, sandstones【砂岩】, or a combination【混合,结合】 of these. The three basic types of hydrocarbon reservoirs are oil, gas and condensate. The formation of petroleum reservoirs can be divided into【划分】 four stages:

1. 油藏或油气藏,是储藏于地下滲透性、孔隙性或有裂缝的地层中的碳水化合物。大部分储集岩是石灰岩、白云岩、沙岩或混合性岩石。油气藏有三种基本类型:油藏、气藏和凝析气藏。油藏的形成可以分为以下四个阶段:

1) With burial【埋葬,埋葬的】 of plankton【浮游生物】, algae【藻类】 and other protein rich life forms under layers【下层】 of sand and mud at a source rock【原岩】, and continuous【连续的】 accumulation【积累】 of sand, the buried material heats up at 50°C to 70°C.

1) 浮游生物、海藻或其他富含蛋白质的生物埋藏于烃源岩砂泥层中,随 着沙子的不断沉积,埋藏生物温度上升到5070摄氏度。

2) High temperature, combined with【连同,联合】 pressuretriggers【触发】 a cooking process.

2) 地下高温、高压触发了“蒸煮”的生油过程。

3) Eventually, the buried residue【残渣】 transforms into【把……转变成】 liquid hydrocarbons.

3) 最后,埋藏的生物残骸会转换成流体状的烃类物质。

4) Later on they migrate from【从……迁移】 the source rock to porous rocks and get trapped in impermeable【不可渗透的】 layers of rock.

4) 然后,这些烃类物质从烃源岩运移到有孔隙的岩石,并且成藏于非渗透性岩层之间。

2. Oil Reservoir 油藏

3. An oil reservoir generally contains three fluids - gas, oil, and water - with oil the dominant【占优势的,predominant product. In the typical【典型的】 oil reservoir, these fluids occur in different phases【阶段】 because of the variance【变化】 in their gravities【重力】. Gas the lightest, occupies【占领】 the upper part of the reservoir rocks; water, the lower part; and oil, the intermediate【中间的】 section.

3. 油藏通常有三种流体:油、气和水,其中油是主要产品。这三种流体 由于重力差异呈现不同的形态,三者中最轻的气处在油藏的最上部;水处在 最底部;油位于中间。

4. Although the structural traps【构造圈闭】 in which oil accumulates【积累】 exist in various【各种各样的,diverse forms, the oil usually occurs in association with 与……相联系,与……联合】gas and salt water. A certain amount of water always occurs together with the oil in the middle zone. The proportion【……的比例】 of water to oil is usually about 10 to 30 percent. Water also occurs in the gas cap【气顶】, but the proportion of water to gas is frequently【频繁地】 lower than the proportion of water to oil. However, while some interstitial water【间隙水】 is always present in the oil zone, the latter is not always underlain【位于……之下】 by a continuous【连续的】 body of water. Where a considerable【相当大的】 volume of water does underlie the oil in the same sedimentary【沉积的】 bed it is referred to as the ccaquifer【地下蓄水层】,and being under pressure also, it contributes to【有助于,促成,捐献】 the total energy of the reservoir. 4.聚集石油的构造圈闭虽然有多种形式,但石油通常总是和天然气、盐 水伴生的。总有一定量的水和中部原油共生。水与油之比通常约为10%30% 水也会产生在气顶中,但是水与气之比常常要比水与油之比低。含油带中虽 然总是存在一定量的隙间水,但在含油带的下面又并不总是存在着连续的水 体。在同一沉积岩中,石油的下面如果确实存在数量可观的水体,就称之为

“含水层”。而且,因为含水层也承受着高压,所以能对形成油藏的总能量有 一定的作用。

5. The oil itself, when under pressure, contains an appreciable【相当可观的】 quantity of dissolved gas【溶解气】. The actual amount of gas will be governed by the pressure and temperature inside the reservoirand the oil is said to be saturated【饱和的】 if it cannot dissolve【溶解】 any more gas under these particular【特别的】 pressure and temperature conditions.

On the other hand, the oil is said to be undersaturated【欠饱和的】 if it could dissolve more gas at the same pressure and temperature. In many cases there can be more gas in the reservoir than the oil is capable of【能够】 holding in solution【在溶解状态】. This extra【额外的】 gas being lighter than the oil, will have formed a gas cap, above the oil accumulation. If the pressure of a saturated oil reservoir is reduced for any reason, gas will come out of solution, and this is an important factor【因素】 in the production【生产】 of oil from the reservoir.

5. 在高压条件下石油溶解有相当数量的天然气,天然气的溶解数量受油藏内部压力和温度制约。如果在特定的压力和温度条件下,石油再也不能溶解更多的天然气,就说石油“饱和”了。反之,如果在相同压力和温度条件 下,石油还能够溶解更多的天然气,就说石油“没有饱和”。在许多情况下, 油藏中的天然气比石油所能溶解的天然气数量要多,这些多余的天然气由于 比油轻,就会在石油的凝集面上形成“气顶”。如果饱和油藏的压力因为某种 原因而减少,天然气就会从石油中游离出来。这是从油藏中开采出石油的一 个重要因素。

6. The reservoir crude【原油,粗糙的】 may range from a very heavy viscous oil【高粘度油】, containing little or no dissolved gas under very low pressure, to an extremely【非常,极端地】 light, thin, straw-colored【淡黄色的】 oil containing a large amount of dissolved gas under considerable【相当大的】 pressure. The viscosity【粘度】 of the oil depends roughly on its gravity and also to a large extent on the quantity of gas which it holds in solution. The less viscous an oil is, and the more gas it has in it, the more readily【乐意地,容易地】 will it flow through the interstices【空隙】 of the rock into the bottom of the well. The interstices of the whole of the reservoir rock were originally【期初,原来】 occupied【占用】 by salt water. When the oil migrated into the upper part of this rock, it displaced【替换】 the salt water from it. Not all of the salt water was displaced, however, and a certain amount remained in the interstices of the rock along with the oil. This remaining【剩余的】 water is called “connate water【原生水】” or “interstitial water” and has to be taken into account【考虑】 when working out【解决,计算出】 the volume of oil present in the reservoir rock.

6. 储层原油多种多样,有非常粘稠、在低压下很少含气或根本不含气的重质油,也有稀薄、淡黄色、在相当压力下含有溶解气的轻质油。石油的粘度大致取决于密度,同时在很大程度上也取决于溶解气的多少。石油粘度越小,溶解的天然气就越多,也就越容易透过岩石的间隙流入井底。储集岩的孔隙原先都是充满盐水的。当石油运移到岩层上部时,油就把盐水置换出来。然而,并不是全部盐水都会被置换的,总有一定数量的盐水和石油一起留存在岩石的孔隙里。这些残留的水称为“原生水”或者“隙间水”。在估算储油岩中的石油含量时,必须考虑原生水的存在。

7. Gas Reservoir and Gas Condensate Reservoir气藏和凝析气藏

8. In addition to【除……之外】 its occurrence【发生,出现】 as a cap or in solution, gas may accumulate independently【独立地】 of the oil; if so, the reservoir is called a gas reservoir. Associated with the gas, in most instances, are salt water and some oil.

8. 除了以溶解气或气顶的形式存在外,气也可以独立存在,这就叫做气藏。大部分情况下,气藏中还会有一些伴生盐水和油。

9. In certain instances gas reservoirs of high pressure and temperature, which are usually found at great depth【深处】, produce substantial【丰富的,实质的】 quantities of liquid petroleum along with the gas. This liquid does not come from a separate【单独的,分开的】 oil zone, but exists as a gas in the reservoir and is made up of that part of the reservoir gas which condenses as its pressure is reduced by production. The liquid fraction【部分】 is known as【被称为】“condensate【凝析油】” and the type of reservoir is known as a “gas condensate reservoir”.

9. 某些通常位于地层深处的高压高温气藏,在生产天然气的同时还生产相当数量的液态石油。这种液态石油并非产生于独立的油层,而是呈气态存在于地下气藏中的。气藏中的这部分天然气,在生产过程中因压力下降而凝结,成为液态即“凝析油”,这种类型的气藏就是通常说的“凝析气藏”。

10.As the pressure of a condensate reservoir falls as a result of production, the gas will start to precipitate【凝结,沉淀】 the condensate partly in the reservoir and partly in the well bore. This complex phenomenon, which is the reverse【倒转,颠倒】 of what usually happens under less extreme conditions of temperature and pressure, is known as “retrograde 【反的】condensation”.

10.当凝析气藏的压力因为开采而下降时,会有一部分天然气在气藏里凝聚,还有一部分在井筒里凝聚。因为通常在温度、压力不是很高的条件下发生的情况正好相反(气体会从油藏中逸出而不是凝聚),所以,这种复杂的现 象叫做“反转凝析”。

11.Most of the condensate【凝析油】 which falls out in the reservoir will remain there where its recovery is not a practical proposition【建议,主张】. If, therefore, the reservoir is being produced for the sake of【为了】 its condensate only it is important to prevent retrograde condensation taking place【发生】 in the reservoir. This is achieved【实现,获得】 by maintaining【保持,维持】 the pressure of the reservoir by re-injecting or cycling the produced gas back into the reservoir after the condensate liquid has been extracted【提取】 from it at the surface. Alternatively, if the dry gas has a ready sale, the reservoir pressure can be maintained by water injection【注水】. Gas recovery as such【本身】 is, unlike oil, not improved sufficiently【足够地】 by water displacement【替换】 to justify【证明……有理】 the expense【花费】 of such an operation【操作】.

11.在气藏中凝聚的大部分凝析油将停留在原地,想要开采出来是不大可能的。因此,如果确实仅仅是为了获得凝析油而开采这个气藏,防止在地下发生反转凝析就很重要。可以通过保持气藏压力做到这一点,方法是把地面上脱去凝析液的气体再度注入气藏,也称为“干气回注”。如果干气准备销售, 可以改用注水的办法维持气藏压力。和注水驱油情况不同,用注水提高天然气采收率的作法尚不十分完善,结果往往得不偿失。

16 Unconventional Oil and Gas 非常规油气(2016版新增

1. One of the universally【普遍地】 accepted definitions【定义】 for unconventional【非常规的】 oil and gas is that they are extracted【开发,提取】 using techniques other than【不同于,除了】 the conventional method. In terms of【就而言】 the chemical composition【成分】, unconventional oil and gas are identical to【与相同】 conventional. Unconventional oil consists of【有组成】 oil sands, extra heavy【超重的】 oil and shale oil, which need advanced【先进的】 technology to be extracted. Unconventional gas is found in highly compact rock or coalbeds and requires a specific set of production techniques.

1. 非常规油气的一个广为接受的定义是它们是以非常规手段开发的油气。从化学成分上来看,非常规油气和常规油气是相同的。非常规石油包括油砂、超重石油和页岩油,但需要先进技术开采。非常规天然气存于高度致密的岩石或煤层中,需要使用特殊开采技术才能获得。

2. Oil Sands 油砂

3. Tar sands are a combination【混合,结合】 of clay, sand, water, and bitumen【沥青】, a heavy black viscous oil. Tar sands【焦油砂】 can be mined【开采】 and processed【加工】 to extract the oil-rich bitumen, which is then refined【提炼】 into oil. The bitumen in tar sands cannot be pumped from the ground in its natural state; instead tar sand deposits【沉积物】 are mined, usually using strip mining【露天采矿】 or open pit【露天开采】 techniques, or the oil is extracted by underground【地下的,地铁】 heating with additional【额外的】 upgrading【升级,浓缩】.

3. 焦油砂是一种粘土、砂、水和沏青(一种重质黑色稠油)的混合物。 通过开采和加工焦油砂,可获取富含石油的沥青质,然后再将沥青质炼制成 石油。油砂中的天然沥青无法从地下泵上来,但油砂沉积物可以开采出来, 通常使用露天开采技术或地下加热处理技术开采。

4. Tar sands deposits near the surface can be recovered【恢复,从新获得】 by open pit mining techniques. New methods introduced in the 1990s considerably【相当大地】 improved the efficiency【效率】 of tar sands mining, thus reducing the cost. These systems【方法,系统】 use large hydraulic【液压的】 and electrically powered shovels【挖土机】 to dig up【挖掘】 tar sands and load【装载】 them into enormous【巨大的】 trucks that can carry up to 320 tons of tar sands per load.

4. 近地表的焦油砂沉积物,可以通过露天采矿技术进行开采。20世纪90年代引进的新方法大大提高了焦油砂的开采效率,从而降低了成本。这些方法包括使用大型液压挖土机和电动挖土机挖掘焦油砂,然后装载到巨型卡车 上,这种卡车每次可负载多达320吨的焦油砂。

5.After mining【开采】, the tar sands are transported【运输】 to an extraction plant提炼厂, where a hot water process separates【分离】 the bitumen from sand, water, and minerals. The separation takes place【发生】 in separation cells【小室,细胞】. Hot water is added to the sand, and the resulting slurry【泥浆】 is piped to the extraction plant where it is agitated【搅拌】. The combination【混合,结合】 of hot water and agitation releases【释放】 bitumen from the oil sand, and causes tiny air bubbles【气泡】 to attach to【依附】 the bitumen droplets【微粒】, that float to the top of the separation vessel, where the bitumen can be skimmed off【把…撇去,从…挑选出】. Further processing removes【去掉】 residual【残余的】 water and solids. The bitumen is then transported and eventually upgraded【提升,升级】 into synthetic crude oil.

5.焦油砂挖出后,运至提炼厂,经过热水处理,沥青质便与砂、水以及矿物质分离开来,该分离过程一般在分离间进行。焦油砂加高温热水后产生泥浆,泥浆通过管道运至提炼厂,进行搅拌。经过热水混合搅拌后,沥青就从焦油砂中释放出来;微小气泡附着在沥青质微滴的表面,使沥青质微滴漂浮到分离器的上部,从而将沥青质撇出去;然后再去掉残余水和固体残留物, 将沥青质运走,最终精炼成合成原油。

6.About two tons of tar sands are required to produce one barrel of oil. Roughly【大体上】 75% of the bitumen can be recovered from sand. After oil extraction, the spent【废弃的】 sand and other materials are then returned to the minen.,水雷;pron.我的;v.开矿】, which is eventually reclaimed【再生,回收利用】.


7.In-situ【原位,现场】 production methods are used on bitumen deposits【沉积物,存款额】 buried too deep for mining to be economically recovered. These techniques include steam injection, solvent【溶剂】injection, and firefloods【火烧油层法, in which oxygen is injected and part of the resource burned to provide heat. So far steam injection has been the favoured method. Some of these extraction methods require large amounts of both water and energy (for heating and pumping).

7.现场开采法适用于埋藏太深不宜开采,且开采不经济的沥青质沉积物。 现场生产技术包括注蒸汽法、注溶剂法和火烧油层法(注入氧气,燃烧部分油砂提供热量)。目前为止注蒸汽法最受青睐。在这些提取方法中,有的需要大量的水和能量(用于加热和泵送)。

8.Unconventional Gas 非常规天然气

9.Unconventional gas refers to a part of the gas resource base that has traditionally been considered difficult or costly to produce. Here we focus on【重点在于,专注于】 the three main categories【种类】 of unconventional gas: shale gas, tight gas and coalbed methane.

9.非常规天然气是天然气资源中的一部分,人们一直认为其开发难度大, 成本高。本文将重点涉及三种主要的非常规天然气:页岩气、致密气和煤层气。

10.Shale gas is natural gas contained within a commonly occurring rock classified【分类】 as shale. Shale formations are characterized【…特点在于】 by low permeability【渗透率】, with more limited ability of gas to flow through the rock than is the case with a conventional reservoir. These formations are often rich in organic matter and, unlike most hydrocarbon reservoirs, are typically the original【原始的】 source of the gas, i.e. shale gas is gas that has remained trapped in, or close to, its source rock【生油岩】.

10.页岩气是一种常见岩石即页岩中的天然气。页岩层的特点是渗透率底,与常规油藏相比,气体在页岩中的流动能力较差。页岩层富含有机质, 与大部分油藏不同的是,页岩层是典型的天然气生油母质,也就是说页岩气是吸附在生油岩表面或聚集在其内部的天然气。

11.Coalbed methane, also known as coal seam【煤层】 gas, is natural gas contained in coalbeds【煤层】. Although extraction of coalbed methane was initially undertaken【承担,保证】 to make mines safer, it is now typically【通常】 produced from non-mineable【不可开采的】 coal seams.

11.煤层气,也称为煤层甲烷,是煤层中的天然气。最初开采煤层甲烷是 为了使矿场更安全,但现在通常是从不可开采煤层中生产煤层气。

12.Tight gas is a general term【泛称】 for natural gas found in low permeability formations. Generally, we classify【分类】 as tight gas those low permeability gas reservoirs that cannot produce economically without the use of technologies to stimulate【刺激,激励】 flow of the gas towards the well, such as hydraulic fracturing. Tight gas is often a poorly defined category with no clear boundary between tight and conventional, nor between tight gas and shale gas.


13.Although the development cycle【开发周期】 for unconventional gas and the technologies【技术,科技】 used in its production have much in common with【和…一样】 those used in other parts of the upstream industry【上游产业】, unconventional gas developments do have some distinctive【有特色的,与众不同的】 features【特征】 and requirements【要求】, particularly in relation to【与…有关】 the perceived【察觉】 higher risk of environmental damage and adverse【不利的】 social impacts. This helps to explain why the issue of unconventional gas exploitation【开发,开采】 has generated 【引起】so much controversy【争论,争议.

13.尽管非常规天然气的开发周期和生产技术与上游工业中其他类生产 有很多共同点,但非常规天然气开发确实有其不同的特性和要求,尤其明显 的是所面临的环境破坏风险较高,以及由此带来的不良社会影响等。这就解 释了为什么非常规天然气开采引发了如此多的争议。

14.The main reason for the potentially【潜在地】 larger environmental impact of unconventional gas operations is the nature of the resources【资源】 themselves; unconventional resources are less concentrated【集中的】 than conventional deposits and do not give themselves up easily. They are difficult to extract because they are trapped in very tight or low permeability rock that impedes【阻碍】 their flow. Since the resources are more diffuse【分散的】 and difficult to produce, the scale【规模】 of the industrial operation required for a given volume of unconventional output【产量】 is much larger than for conventional production. This means that drilling and production activities can be considerably【相当】 more invasive【侵害性的】involving a generally larger environmental footprint【足迹,脚印】.

14.非常规天然气开采会给环境带来较大的潜在影响,主要原因在于资源 本身的特性:非常规资源比常规资源的沉积更加分散,而且不易开采。非常 规天然气聚集在致密或低渗透率的岩石中,流动阻碍较大,因此难以开采。 由于这些资源比较分散、难以开采,所以要生产一定量的非常规天然气,其 生产规模要远大于常规天然气开发。这就意味着其钻井和生产活动更加具有 侵害性,将造成更大的环境问题。

17 The Province of Alberta 阿尔伯达省2007版)


1.Alberta is located【坐落】 in the western part of Canada and is the westernmost【最西的】 among the Prairie【大草原,牧场】 Provinces. To its west is British Columbia【不列颠哥伦比亚省】 while to its east is Saskatchewan【萨斯喀彻温省】. Its south borders on【接壤】 the U.S. state of Montana【蒙大拿】 while its north borders on the Northwest Territories【西北地区】. Alberta is a most popular【最受欢迎的】 place for people to go to on their vacations because of its beautiful scenery【风景】. The Canadian Rockies【落基山脉】 running through it have earned【获得】 for it the proud name of "Fifty Switzerland【瑞士】 in One."


1、阿尔伯达省位于(locate in)加拿大的西部,也是草原诸省中最西部的(westernmost)一个省份。它的西边是不列颠哥伦比亚省British Columbia,东部是萨斯喀彻温省Saskatchewan,它的南部与美国的蒙大拿州接壤,而北部则与西北地区(the northwest territories)相连。由于阿尔伯达省风景优美,人们都很喜欢去那里度假。纵贯(running through)全境的加拿大落矶山脉为它赢得了“集50个瑞士于一省”的美名。

2. With an area of approximately【大约】 255,212 square miles【英里】, equivalent【相当于】 to 661,000 square kilometers【公里】, it is the fourth largest【第四大的】 province in Canada. Although it has a population of only 3.26 million, about one fifth of the population of Shanghai, it ranks also 4th in population among Canadian provinces. The province was named after Princess Louis Caroline Alberta, a daughter of Queen Victoria of England. It became a province of Canada in 1905.

2、该省面积约(approximately)为255212平方英里,相当于(equivalent)661000平方公里,是加拿大第四大省。虽然它的人口只有326万,仅及上海人口的约五分之一(one fifth),但在加拿大诸省中它的人口数也居第四位。阿尔伯达省是以英国维多利亚女皇的一个女儿路易斯·卡洛琳·阿尔伯达公主的名字命名的(be named after)。它1905年成为加拿大的一个省份。

注释:same:相同的,同一的;We workin the same office.

identical:同一的(细节也相同),Two identical fingerprint

similar:大致相似的,My bag is similar to ypurs

equal平等的,Men and women have equal right

equivalent相当的,One dollar is equivalent to about 6.8 yuan.

3. The people of Alberta originally came from many different countries. More than half of the Albertans came from Britain. Others came from Austria, Russia and the Scandinavian countries. As only a small number were French Canadians, who migrated to Alberta from the eastern part of Canada, the major language spoken in the province is English, with the exception of a few bilingual towns north of Edmonton. Although there are only a limited number of Indians living on reservations now, two hundred years ago they were the only inhabitants in what is now called Alberta.

3、阿尔伯达省的人民最初来自很多不同的国家。其中一半以上(more than half of)来自英国,另一些人(others)来自奥地利、俄国和斯堪地那维亚国家。由于(as)只有少数从加拿大东部迁来的法裔加拿大人(French Canadians),因此除了(with the exception of)在埃德蒙顿北部有几个双语种(bilingual)小镇之外,该省所使用的主要语言是英语。现在,虽然只有人数有限的印第安人(a limited number of Indians)居住在保留地上(living on reservations),但是在两百多年前,他们是居住于现在称之为阿尔伯达省的(in what is now called Alberta)唯一居民。

4. The first settlers of Alberta were cattle ranchers. Even now, raising cattle is still one of the leading branches of economy. But at present many more Albertans are farmers, who raise millions of tons of wheat, oats and barley, they also plant sugar beets and potatoes in the southern part of the province. In the northern part, like the Indians who lived there before them, the hunters trap such fur-bearing animals as squirrels, beavers and foxes. Alberta is also rich in forest resources, coal and oil. It is one of the main timber producing provinces in Canada. Owing to its rich deposit in oil, petroleum industry has become one of the most important industries of the province, with many oil fields and refineries. Alberta also produces more coal than any other province.

4、阿尔伯达省的首批移民是牧场经营者(cattle ranchers)。即使时至今日畜牧业(raising cattle)仍然是经济的主要部门之一。但现在阿尔伯达人中更多的(many more 修饰可数名词)是农民,他们生产成百万吨(millions of tons)的小麦、燕麦和大麦。在该省的南部他们还种植甜菜和土豆。在北部,猎人们像生活在他们之前的印第安人一样捕捉(trap)毛皮兽(fur-bearing anmials),诸如松鼠、河狸和狐狸等。阿尔伯达还有丰富(be rich in 含有丰富的…)的森林资源、煤矿和石油。它是加拿大木材的主要生产省份之一。由于该省石油蕴藏量丰富,石油工业已成为该省最重要的工业之一,油田和炼油厂比比皆是。阿尔伯达出产的煤也多于其他任何省份(any other province)

5. The provincial capital Edmonton, with a population of about 1,016,000, is the second largest city in the province. The largest city is Calgary. In 1967, it had a population of about 330,000. But after a lapse of 40 years (2007), it now has more than 1,060,000 inhabitants. The third largest city is Lethbridge, having a population of about 67,000 persons. People in those cities work in meat-packing plants, flour mills, dairies and refineries. Some work in canneries and beet-sugar factories.

5、省会埃德蒙顿人口约为101.6是该省第二大城市。第一大城市是卡尔加里,1967年的人口是33万,但时隔40年之后(after a lapse of 40 years),它的居民总数已超过106万。第三大城市是莱斯桥,约有人口67万。这些城市的居民大多在肉类加工厂(meat-packing plants)、面粉厂(flour mills)、乳制品厂(dairies, 单数dairy)和炼油厂(refineries, 单数refinery)工作。有的则在罐头食品厂(canneries, 单数cannery)和甜菜制糖厂(beet-sugar factories)工作。

6. The climate in Alberta is pleasant, particularly in summer, when the average temperature is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In winter, it is much colder and in the north, the temperature can drop to 20 degrees below zero. Although the best season for traveling is the summer months of June, July and August, many tourists are attracted to the first rate skiing ground at the resorts of Banff and Jasper.

6、阿尔伯达气候宜人,特别是夏天,平均气温为华氏60度左右((60-32)/1.8=15.56)。冬天的气候则要冷得多,北部的气温有时可降到零下20度((-20-32)/1.8=-32.59)。虽说旅游的最佳季节是678月的夏季,但是旅游胜地(resorts)班夫和嘉思帕的第一流的滑雪场地(the first rate skiing ground)也吸引了很多游客。

7. Alberta is located in the Mountain Standard Time Zone. 12 o'clock at Noon in Edmonton is 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.


18 Unleashing Your Creativity 释放你的创造力(2016版新增

1. I’ve always been an optimist【乐观主义者】 and I supposed that is rooted in 【扎根于】my belief that the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.

1. 我一直是个乐观主义者。我认为创新和智慧可以让世界更美好。这一观点已经深深扎根于我的信念中。

2. For as long as【只要】 I can remember, I’ve loved learning new things and solving problems. So when I sat down at a computer for the first time in seventh grade, I was hooked【入迷的】. It was a clunky【笨重的】 old teletype machine and it could barely【几乎不】 do anything compared to the computers we have today. But it changed my life.

2. 从记事起,我就很喜欢学习新知识,解决问题。所以当我七年级第一次坐在电脑旁的时候,我一下子被吸引了。其实只是一台眶当作响的旧机器,跟现在的电脑比起来几乎什么都做不了。但是它改变了我的生活。

3. When my friend Paul Allen and I started Microsoft 30 years ago, we had a vision【幻想】 of a computer on every desk and in every home, which probably sounded a little too optimistic at a time when most computers were the size of refrigerators. But we believe that personal computers would change the world. And they have.

3. 30年前,我和朋友保罗艾伦开办微软的时候,我们有一个构想,那就是“每家每个桌子上都有一台电脑”。那时候大部分电脑和冰箱一样大,所 以可能这个想法听起来有些太乐观了。但是我们相信个人电脑将改变世界。 现在己经实现了。

4. And after 30 years,I’m still as inspired【受鼓舞的】 by computers as I was back in seventh grade.

4. 30年之后,我仍然像上七年级的时候那样为计算机而着迷。

5. I believe that computers are the most incredible【不可思议的】 tool we can use to feed our curiosity【好奇心】 and inventiveness【创造性】, to help us solve problems that even the smartest people couldn’t solve on their own.

5. 我相信电脑是最不可思议(incredible)的工具。我们可以用它来满足我们的好奇心, 发挥我们的独创能力,并帮助我们解决最聪明的人都不能独立解决的问题。

6. Computers have transformed【改变】 how we learn, giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge. They’re helping us build communities【群体,社区】 around the things we care about【关心】 and to stay close to the people who are important to us9 no matter where they are.

6. 电脑己经改变了我们的学习方式,为孩子们提供了一个在任何地方都可以学习世界所有知识的窗口。电脑帮我们围绕我们关注的事物建立“群”, 让我们和那些对我们来说很重要的人保持密切联系,不管他们身处何方。

7. Like my friend Warren Buffett, I feel particularly lucky to do something every day that I love to do. He calls it tap-dancing to work. My job at Microsoft is as challenging【挑战性的】 as everbut what makes me tap-dance to work is when we show people something new, like a computer that can recognize your handwriting or your speech, or one that can store a lifetimes worth of photosand they say: I didnt know you can do that with a PC!

7. 像我的朋友沃伦巴菲特一样,我为自己可以每天做喜欢的事情感到非常幸运。他把这个称之为“跳着踢踏舞去工作”。我在微软的工作总充满挑 战,但是让我“跳着踢踏舞去工作”的是当我们给人们介绍新产品的时候, 比如一台可以识别指纹或者语音的电脑或者一台能够储存一生的珍贵照片的电脑,人们惊讶地说:“我无法想象你竟然可以用个人电脑做到这个。”

8. But for all the cool things that a person can do with a PC, there are lots of other ways we can put our creativity and intelligence to work to improve our world. There are still far too many people in the world whose basic needs go unmet【未满足的】. Every year, for example, millions of people die from diseases that are easy to prevent or treat in the developed world.

8. 但是,除了能用电脑做出很酷的事情之外,我们还可以用其他方式发挥创造力和智慧以改变世界。世界上还有很多很多人连基本需要都无法被满足。比如,每年有数百万人死于在发达国家很容易预防和治疗的疾病。

9. I believe that my own good fortune【财富,wealth brings with it a responsibility【责任】 to give back to the world. My wife, Melinda, and I have committed to【决心从事……】 improving health and education in a way【在某种程度上】 that can help as many people as possible【尽可能】.

9. 我相信我自己的巨额财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。我的妻子梅林达和我致力于为尽可能多的人改善健康和教育。

10.As a father, I believe that the death of a child in Africa is no less【仍然,依旧】 poignant【心酸的】 or tragic【悲剧的】 than the death of a child anywhere else and that it doesn’t take much to make an immense【巨大的】 difference in these children’s lives.


11.I’m still very much an optimist【乐观主义者】, and I believe that progress on even the world's toughest【困难的,difficult problems is possible — and it’s happening every day. We’re seeing new drugs for deadly【致命的,fatal diseases绝症】, new diagnostic【诊断的】 tools, and new attention paid to the health problems in the developing world.


12. I’m excited by the possibilities【可能性】 I see for medicine, for education and, of course, for technology. And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and willingness【自愿】 to solve tough problems, were going to make some amazing achievements【成就】 in all these areas in my lifetime.

12.我为医药、教育,当然还有技术发展的诸多前景而欢欣鼓舞。我相信, 凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔的品格,在我的有 生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就。

19 The Principles of International Trade国际贸易原理

1. International trade is the exchange【交换】of goods【商品】 and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country. There are several reasons why international trade exists【存在】.

1、国际贸易是一个国家所生产的商品和服务和另一个国家所生产的商品和服务之间的交换(produced in one countryproduced in another是过去分词作定语,修饰它们前面的goods and services)。这样做的原因是多方面的(可译为:国际贸易存在的原因是多方面的)

2. The distribution【分布】of natural resources【自然资源】 around the world is somewhat【稍微】 haphazard【随意的】: some nations possess【拥有】 natural deposits【矿藏;储蓄】 in excess of 【超出;多于】their own requirements【需要】 while other nations have none. For example, Britain has large reserves【储量】of coal but lacks【缺少】 many minerals such as nickel, copper, aluminum, etc., whereas the Arab states have vast【巨大的】oil deposits【油田;石油矿床】but little else. In the cultivation【培育】 of natural products climate plays a decisive【决定性的】 role. Some products will only grow in tropical【热带的】 climates whereas others, such as citrus【柑橘】 fruitsrequire a Mediterranean climate【地中海气候】. Moreover, some nations are unable to produce sufficient【足够的】quantities of a particular【特别的】 product to satisfy【满足】a large home demand【需求】. For example, Britain does not produce enough wheat to meet the needs of its population【人口】. These are the reasons why international trade first began.

2、世界自然资源的分布是带有随意性的(haphazard adj.)。有些国家所拥有的天然资源超过(in excess of)了本身的需要,而(while)别的国家则没有。例如,英国煤的储藏量很丰富,但是(but)很多矿藏,如镍、铜和铝等都很缺乏(lacks);而(whereas)阿拉伯国家拥有巨大的石油矿藏,但是其他资源则很少。在天然作物的培育(cultivation)过程中,气候起到决定性的作用(climate plays a decisive role)。有一些作物只适宜在热带气候的条件下生长,而(whereas)像柑桔类的水果等其他作物则需要地中海型的气候(mediterranean climate)。此外(moreover),有些国家的某个产品的生产不能满足国内的巨大需求(直译为:有些国家无法生产足够数量的某种产品,以满足国内的需要;to satisfy...不定式作目的状语),例如英国的小麦就是这样(直译为:例如,英国不能生产足够的小麦以满足人口的需要;to meet... 不定式作目的状语)。这些就是国际贸易开始出现的原因。

3. With the development of manufacturing【制造业】 and technology, there arosearise出现】 another incentive【刺激;动机】 for nations to exchange their products. It was found that it made economic sense【经济上合算】 for a nation to specialize in【专营;专门研究】 certain activities and produce those goods for which it had the most advantages【优势】and to exchange those goods for the products【产品】of other nations which had advantages in different fields. This trade is based on the principle of comparative【比较的】advantage.

3、随着制造业和技术的发展,出现了新的因素促使国家之间进行产品交换。(arise-arose-arisen vi. 出现;to exchange their products不定式作定语,修饰another incentive;可译为:国家之间出现了进行产品交换的新因素)人们发现(It was found that),如果一个国家专门从事一定的生产活动(specialize in 专门研究),生产它拥有最大优势的产品,并用这些商品与在不同领域拥有优势的其他国家所生产的产品进行交换,那在经济上是合算的。这种贸易是在比较优势原则的基础上进行的。

for which it had the most advantages是定语从句,修饰those goodswhich 指代those goods,做介词for的宾语advantage for sth.占优势的事物which had advantages in different fields是定语从句,修饰the products of other nationswhich指代the products,在定语从句中做主语exchange A for B AB it made economic sense for a nation 可译为:对国家而言具有经济意义。the principle of comparative advantage的基础上进行的(be based on ...为基础)

4. The theory of comparative advantage, also called the comparative cost【成本】theory, was developed by David Ricardo and other economists【经济学家】in the nineteenth century. It points out【指出】that trade between countries can be profitable【有益的;有利可图的】 for all. Even if【即使】one of the countries can produce every commodity【商品】more cheaplyas long as【只要】there are minor【较小的】relative【相对的】differences in the efficiency【效率】of producing a commodityeven the poor country can have a comparative【比较的;相当的】 advantage in producing it. The paradox【似非而是的观点;悖论;反论】 is best illustrated【举例说明;阐明;给……插图】 by this traditional example: the best lawyer in town is also the best typist【打字员】in town. Since this lawyer cannot afford to give up precious【宝贵的】time from legal affairs【法律事务】a typist is hired who may be less efficient than the lawyer in both legal and typing matters. But the typist’s comparative disadvantage is least in typing. Therefore, the typist has a relative comparative advantage in typing.

4、比较优势学说又称比较成本学说,是由大卫李嘉图和其他19世纪(in the nineteenth century)的经济学家所建立的(本句使用了被动语态)。该理论指出(points out),即使(even if)有某个国家能以较低的成本生产每一种商品(commodity),国家之间的贸易对所有国家仍会有好处。只要(as long as)在生产一种商品的效率上存在着小的相对的差别(there are minor relative differences),即使是穷国在生产上也会有比较优势。这种似非而是的理论能够用下面的传统例子最恰当地予以说明(本句使用了被动语态;paradox n. 似是而非的论点;illustrate vt.举例说明)。某城最好的律师同时也是最好的打字员。因为(since)这个律师不能放弃他处理法律事务的宝贵时间(afford to做;give up 放弃;precious 宝贵的;legal affairs 法律事务),就雇用了一名打字员本句使用了被动语态;hire vt. 雇用。这个打字员可能在法律和打字方面都不如这位律师(who... 引导定语从句,修饰a typist;本句的定语从句翻译时,将一个句子拆成两个句子,被修饰的部分作为第二个句子的主语),但是这个打字员的比较劣势在打字方面是最小的(little-less-least小的-比较小的-最小的)。因此,这名打字员在打字方面就有相对的比较优势。

5. This principle is the basis【基础】 of specialization【专门化】 into trades and occupations. At the same time, complete【完全的】 specialization may never occur even when it is economically【经济上】 advantageous【有利的;有益的】. For strategic【战略的】 or domestic【国内的】 reasons, a country may continue to produce goods to which it does not have an advantage. The benefits of specialization may also be affected by transport【运输】 costs: goods and raw materials【原材料】 have to be transposed【转调】 around the world and the cost of the transport narrows the limits between which it will prove profitable to trade. Another impediment【障碍】 to the free flow【自由流通】 of goods between nations is the possible introduction【介绍;引进;采用】 of artificial【人造的】 barriers to trade【贸易壁垒】, such as tariffs【关税】 or quotas【定额】.

5、这个原则是实行贸易和职业专业分工的基础(specialization n. 专门化;特殊化)。但是(At the same time 同时;然而),完全的专业分工可能永远也不会实现,即使从经济的角度来看时是有利的(advantageous adj.)。由于战略和国内的原因(For strategic or domestic reasons; strategic adj. 战备的; domestic adj.国内的),一个国家可能仍然要生产它并不具有优势的产品(to which it does not have an advantage是定语从句,修饰goods;本人认为to which = where,指在这个国家,仅供参考)。专业分工的好处也可能会受到运输费用的影响(be affected by 受到...的影响),因为要在世界范围内(around the world)进行货物和原料(raw materials)的运输,运输的费用使得贸易获利的范围缩小(narrow vt. 使变狭窄),它将证明在运输中哪一种贸易是有利可图的。国家之间货物自由流通的另一个障碍(another impediment)是可能采用人为的贸易壁垒(introduction of 引进;引入;barrier to trade 贸易壁垒;artificial adj. 人造的),例如关税(tariffs)和配额(quotas)

6. In addition to visible trade【有形贸易】which involves the import【进口】 and export【出口】 of goods and merchandise【货物】, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations.

6、除了有形贸易(即指商品和货物的进出口)以外,还有无形贸易。(in addition to ...之外;)这是指国家之间服务的交换。(两个which引导的从句是非限制性定语从句,第一个which指代visible trade,第一个which指代invisible trade

7. Nations such as Greece and Norway have large maritime【海上的】 fleets【海上商船队】 and provide transportation service. This is a kind of invisible trade. When an exporter arranges【安排】 shipment, he rents space in the cargo compartment of a ship.

7、希腊、挪威等国拥有庞大的海运船队(maritime fleets)。提供运输服务,这是无形贸易的一种。当一个出口商安排货运时,他就可以租用船只货舱的舱位(cargo compartment 货舱)

8. The prudent【谨慎的】 exporter purchases【购买】 insurance for his cargo’s voyage. While at sea, a cargo is vulnerable to【易受……的伤害】 many dangers. Thus, insurance is another service in which some nations specialize. Great Britain, because of the development of Lloyd’ of London, is a leading【主要的】 exporter of this service, earning fees for insuring other nations, foreign trade.

8、谨慎的(prudent)出口商为他的货物运输购买保险(purchases insurance)。在海上,货物会遇到各种危险(vulnerable to 易受...的侵害; vulnerable adj.易受攻击的;易受伤害的)。所以一些国家专门从事保险服务。由于伦敦劳埃德保险公司的发展,英国(Great Britain)是这种服务的主要出口国,它为其他国家的对外贸易(foreign trade)承担保险而赚取费用。(fee n. 费用)

9. Some nations possess little in the way of【关于……方面】 exportable【可输出的】 commodities or manufactured goods, but they have a mild【温和的】 and sunny climate. During the winter, the Bahamas【巴哈马群岛】 attract【吸引】 large numbers of tourists【旅游者】 who spend money for hotel accommodation【住处】, meals, taxis, and so on. Tourism【旅游业】, therefore, is another form of invisible trade.

9、有些国家没有可供出口的初级产品或者制成品,但是这些国家风和日丽、气候宜人。在冬季,巴哈马群岛(the Bahamas)吸引着大量的旅游者,他们住旅馆(accommodation n. 住处)、就餐、坐出租汽车等方面(and so on)都要花钱。因此,旅游业是无形贸易的另一种形式。

10. Invisible trade can be as important to some nations as the export of raw materials or commodities is to others. In both cases, the nations earn money to buy necessities【必需品】.


20 A World without Oil 假如世界没有石油2013版新增)


1. Have you ever stopped to think how your life would change if the world ran out of【用完】 oil? Take a look at your day. The roof of your home is probably made waterproof【防水的】 by an oil product, bitumen【沥青】. The same product is used for the road surface【表面】 outside your home. Before you leave to go to work or school, just examine【检查;调查】 your surroundings【环境;周围的事物】. Is the room warmer than the cold air outside? Oil, or electricity【电】 from oil-fed generators【发电机】 may be keeping you comfortably warm. If you are comfortably cool in a tropical【热带的】climate, your air conditioning【空调】 unit【装置】 may also depend on【依靠;依赖】 oil-fed generators.

1.你曾想过没有,如果世界上用尽了石油,你的生活会发生什么样变化呢(虚拟语气)?请看一看你的日常生活。你家的屋顶可能是用一种叫沥青的石油产品做成防水的。沥青同样可用来铺你家外面的路面road surface。在你离家去上班或上学之前,请观察一下你周围的环境。房间里会比外面冷空气暖和吗?这是石油或由燃油发电机(oil-fed generators)发出来的电使你感到舒适温暖。如果你在炎热的气候里感到舒适凉爽,那么你家的空调器可能也是靠燃油发电机工作的。

Stop to do 停下来去做某事;stop doing停止做某事)

2. In the kitchen and the bathroom you will probably see some plastic【塑料的】 fittings日用的器具 such as tiles【瓷砖】 and working surfaces【工作台】; polystyrene【聚苯乙烯】 cups; curtains【窗帘】 made from synthetic【合成的】 materials; disinfectants 【消毒剂】and detergents【洗涤剂】. All owe their origin【来源;起源】 to the oil known as petroleum (Latin/Greek 'petra', rock, and Latin 'oleum', oil), found deep in the earth. Look inside the medicine cupboard【橱柜;碗柜】 for more petroleum products, medical paraffin【石蜡】 and petroleum jelly【凡士林】. Cosmetics【化妆品】 such as face creams【面霜】, lipsticks【口红;唇膏】 and hair preparations洗发剂 are often based on petroleum.

2、在厨房和浴室里你可能看到一些塑料器具fittings),如塑料地板和塑料操作台面、聚苯乙烯杯子、合成材料的浴帘(curtains made from synthetic materials)、消毒剂和去污剂。所有这些都是来自称为“Petroleum”的石油(all owe their origin to the oil known as petroleum)。“Petroleum(石油)是由拉丁或希腊文"petro"(岩石)和拉丁文"oleum"()组成,深埋在地下。向药厨medicine cupboard里看看,你可以找到更多的石油产品,如药用石蜡和凡士林。化妆品如雪花膏、唇膏、洗发剂等,常用石油作为基本原料(are often based on petroleum)

origin 指一个东西的来源,出处;source源头,水源;resourses 指一个国家或个人拥有的资源或者财力)

3. When you're out, notice the fields and gardens. Fertilizers【化肥】 and insecticides【杀虫剂】 made from petroleum can improve【提高】 crop production【产量;产品】. Recently protein【蛋白质】 feeds for animals have been developed by growing yeast【酵母】 in a petroleum based stock【基本原料】. As you head for【出发;前往】 your bus, train or car, all of which use petroleum products in the form of fuel to move them and lubricants【润滑油】 to keep them in working order【处于正常运转状态】, take a look in the mirror. What are you wearing today? A polyester【聚酯】 shirt or dress, nylon【尼龙】 socks or stockings, and acrylic【腈纶;丙烯酸的】 sweater-a raincoat of PVC (polyvinyl chloride聚氯乙烯)? All of these are based on petroleum products.

3、当外出时你会看到农田和花园。化肥和杀虫剂是由石油制取的可以使农作物增产。最近已经研制出一些动物食用的蛋白质饲料(protein feeds for animals),它们是用石油作为基本原料(in a petroleum based stock)加上酵母而制成的。公共汽车、货车或小轿车,都是靠石油产品作燃料开动的(to move them),用润滑油保持这些车辆正常工作(to keep them in working order)。当你去乘车之前要照一照镜子(as you head for your bus, take a look in the mirror)。看看今天穿什么衣服好?是化纤服装(衬衫还是外套),是尼龙袜(短袜还是长袜),晴纶毛衣还是塑料雨衣?而所有这些都是用石油产品作原料的(all of these are based on petroleum products)

4. Scientists predict【预言】 that the world's known oil resources【资源】 will run out【用花;耗尽】 early in the next century. But long before then the world will have to decide on【决定】 its priorities【优先权】. Can we afford to use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring? Should airlines【航空公司】 compete【竞争】 on similar【类似的】 routes【路线】 allowing planes to fly long distances with empty passenger seats? What alternative【可替代的】 energy resources can be developed?

4、科学家预言世界上已探明的石油资源(the world's known oil resources)将在下个世纪初用尽。但远在那时候以前(but long before then)世界就必须确定石油是优先考虑控制使用的物资。石油储量既然有限,我们还能把那么多的石油用于私人汽车吗?难道航空公司还应该为了在类似的航线上竞争而允许他们的客机有空座的长途飞行吗?能开发出什么样的替代能源呢?

run out 主语是物,用完;耗尽;run out of 主语是人)

5. There is an old English saying, "Necessity【需要】 is the mother of invention【发明】," which means that when you are faced with a need you will discover【发现】 some way of fulfilling【满足;完成】 it. Already scientists are proposing【提出】 some fascinating【吸引人的迷人的】 solutions. There is one suggestion【建议】 that the wheeled traffic and the footsteps of crowds walking the streets in major cities could generate【产生】 energy. One company has presented【提出提供呈现】 an idea in which metal strips【金属条;钢带】 inserted【插入;嵌入】 in pavements and roads operate【运转】 fly wheels by means of a piston【活塞】 action using hydraulic fluid【液压用液体】. They say the human and wheeled traffic in a busy city center could provide enough energy to light【照明点燃】 the streets of an entire town or power【向……提供动力】 the heating system for a hospital or school. Some people are developing sophisticated【复杂的】 versions【版本】 of the windmill【风车】. Engines can run on alcohol, so surplus【过剩的】 sugar cane【甘蔗】 could be used to produce energy. An air ship powered by energy from the sun has been suggested. Such "sun ship" would have a large enough surface area to carry the enormous number of solar cells necessary to move any appreciable【可评估的相当可观的】 load【负荷】. Such "sun ship" might travel at over one hundred kilometers an hour. In such circumstances【条件】, of course, the tropical【热带的】 parts of the world would have a head start【领先】 in the race to find new energy sources.

5、英国有一句古话需要是发明之母(Necessity is the mother of invention.)。这意味着当你面对(be faced with)一种需要时你将发现一种方法满足它(some way of fulfilling it)。科学家们已经在提出一些迷人的(fascinating)解决方案。有一个建议提出,在大城市街道上,拥挤的人群走的脚步和路面上往来行使的车辆可以用来生产能量。一个公司提出这样想法:嵌在人行道和路面上的金属条用液压活塞的作用(a piston action using hydraulic fluid)使飞轮转动。他们说,在繁华大城市的中心,人群和过往车辆可提供足够的能量为整个城镇的街道照明或者为一个医院或学校提供供暖系统的动力。某些人正在研制高级的风车技术(sophisticated versions of the windmill)。发动机可用乙醇作燃料开动,因此,过剩的甘蔗(surplus sugar cane)可用来产生能量。还有人建议用太阳能作动力来驱使飞艇(air ship)。这种“太阳能飞艇”(sun ship)必须要很大的面积以携带大量的太阳能电池(to carry the enormous number of solar cells),这样才有可能运载可观的载荷(any appresiable load)。这种“太阳能飞艇”也许每小时能航行100多公里。当然倘若这样(in such circumstances),世界的热带地区在寻找新能源的竞赛中将会领先一步(would have a head start)
