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   As we know , the listening bible is a quite hot topic here in the forum . Many people regard it as a powerful weapon to overcome the IELTS listening test . Others think that you have to be very carful to its misleading . I didnt know about it very much before . So I downloaded a 201X.11 edition last night and dipped into it to get a overlook of it . In my point of view , I agree with the second opinion , that is , you mustnt count too much on it , or you will be likely misleaded !!!

   Every thing is changing . I noticed that those who think the listening bible is a powerful weapon are those who have already passed the IELTS exam several year ago . Say ,19 xx ----201X. But nowadays , in fact , things have changed a lot ! Along with the time passed year by year , the bible is becoming longer and longer . From a simple stuff , to a complex one , finally come into a terrible mess !!!

   By the way , never count on those mp 3 s recorded in the examing room . they are too noisy and will give you more faint than help ! Those do need to be discarded right away .

