
史上最全 老挝 中英双语介绍
History The early history of Laos was dominated by the wider Nanzhao kingdom, which was succeeded in the 14th century by the local kingdom of Lan Xang that lasted until its decline in the 18th century, after which Thailand assumed control of the separate principalities that remained. These then came under French influence during the 19th century and were incorporated into French Indochina in 1893. Following a Japanese occupation during World War II, the country became independent in 1949 as the Kingdom of Laos under the leadership of King Sisavang Vong. Political unrest in neighboring Vietnam dragged Laos into the greater Second Indochina War which was a destabilizing factor that contributed to civil war and several coups d"état. In 1975 the communist Pathet Lao backed by the Soviets and communist Vietnamese overthrew the royalist government of King Savang Vatthana who were backed by the US and France. After taking control of the country, they promptly renamed it the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.
在早期历史中,老挝被广阔的南召( Nanzhao )王国所统治。南召(Nanzhao)王国于14世纪由当地的兰湘(Lan Xang)王国兴起,直到18世纪逐渐衰落。在那之后,泰国就自认为控制了剩下的独立公国。后来为法国人的保控,并于1893年成为法国的保护

French Indochina接着,在二次世界大战期间,老挝又被日本所占领。该国在1949年独立,成为在琅勃拉邦希沙旺国王(King Sisavang Vong)的领导下的老挝王国。
邻国越南的不稳定局势,将老挝卷入了第二次印度支那大战(the greater Second Indochina War,这也是导致其内战和几次政变的重要不稳定因素。1975年,老挝共产communist Pathet Lao在苏联和越南共产党的支持下,推翻了由美国和法国扶植的萨旺・瓦达那(King Savang Vatthana)保皇政府。在取得政权之后,他们立即改称为老挝人民民主共和国(Lao People’s Democratic Republic)
Geography Laos is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar and China, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west. Laos has thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains, the highest of which is Phou Bia at 2,817 m, with some plains and plateaus. The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand, whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam. 地理 老挝是一个内陆东南亚国家,与缅甸和中国相邻,东接缅甸,南接柬埔寨,西邻泰国。境内多数为浓密的森林所覆盖,且多数由崎岖的山地所组成,最高峰是比亚山峰Phou Bia海拔2,817米,此外,还有一些平原和高原。
