


1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。




单项选择 1×15 = 15分)

1. _____ do you go shopping? Once a week.

A. What time B. How long C. How often D. How soon

2. _____ it is raining, _____ he is still working outside.

A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although

3. The book is _____. Most of the students are _____ in it.

A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested

C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting

4. Are you _____? Yes. I’m in good _____.

A. health; health B. healthy; healthy

C. health; healthy D. healthy; health

5. He’s good ___ swimming. Swimming is good ____ his health.

A. for, at B. at, for C. for, for D. at, at

6. There are bananas in the box. I will buy some this afternoon.

A. little B. a few C. few D. a little

7. Some bananas ______ in the bag. Some mutton ______ on the table.

A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are

8. —Ann, what kind of noodles would you like?

—I’d like some _____ noodles.

A. egg, tomato and mutton B. eggs, tomatoes and mutton

C. eggs, tomatoes and muttons D. egg, tomato and muttons

9. —Would you like ____ soccer with us?

—Sure. I like ____ soccer very much.

A. play; to play B. plays; to play

C. to play; playing D. playing; playing

10. I can see two _______ and three _______ in the picture.

A. cows; sheeps B. cows; sheep C. cow; sheep D. cow; sheeps

11. Tom studies _______. He _______ plays with his friends.

A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard

12. —Did you do last weekend?

— Not really, but I visited my sister.

A. anything interesting B. something interesting

C. interesting anything D. interesting something

13. This watch is _______, but I don’t have _______.

A. enough beautiful; money enough B. beautifully enough; money enough

C. beautiful enough; enough money D. enough beautiful; enough money

14.______ lovely weather! Let’s go for a school trip.

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

15. The bag is ______ heavy ______ I can’t carry it.

A. very, that B. too, to C. enough, to D. so, that

完形填空 0.5×10+1×10 = 15


Tim and Sara are brother and sister. They live __16__ their parents on a farm in the countryside. They are never __17__ because there is always something to do on the farm. Every day they get up early and help their parents __18__ the family's cows before school.

Their school starts at 9:00 a.m. and finishes at 3:00 p.m. They always walk there. They __19__ their time in the school. There every day is new and they can __20__ a lot from the teachers. Their favorite __21__ is science because they think it is really interesting.

In the evening, after they __22__ their homework, they always work on the farm. Weekends are their favorite time __23__ they can go for long walks in the countryside. When the weather is good, they always go camping.

In winter, when the village is white with snow, the children often go skating or __24__ snowmen.

They enjoy living in the countryside. “It gives __25__ a chance (机会) to know more about nature (大自然), they said.

16. A. for B. from C. with D. between

17. A. bored B. shy C. friendly D. afraid

18. A. save B. sell C. cook D. feed

19. A. show B. love C. lose D. worry

20. A. try B. keep C. learn D. remember

21. A. subject B. habit C. activity D. picture

22. A. order B. finish C. ask D. wonder

23. A. or B. but C. after D. because

24. A. make B. move C. wash D. describe

25. A. me B. her C. us D. them


I think friends are very important in people’s lives. Do you think so? Some friends have___26___ views and interests, and____27___ like the same things. Should friends be different____28___ the same? I don’t care. I have two best friends, Wang Mei and Lin Lei. Wang Mei___29____ like me. I am __30___ than most of the students in my class, and Wang Mei is also quiet. And we both enjoy__31____ . On weekends, we often go to the library to do some reading. But the other friend of mine, Lin Lei, is quite different___32____ me. She is ___33____ more outgoing, and she likes telling jokes and often makes me___34____ . She also likes playing sports, so she is more athletic. I don’t think differences are important in a____35___ . What’s your opinion?

26. A. the same B. different C. active D. free

27. A. some B. another C. other D. the other

28. A. and B. but C. or D. then

29. A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. does D. is

30. A. quiet B. quieter C. outgoing D. more outgoing

31. A. reading books B. playing games C. watching TV D. going to the movies

32. A. as B. of C. from D. to

33. A. very B. much C. quite D. many

34. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing

35. A. match B . concert C. family D. friendship

阅读理解 1×5+1×5+2×5+2×5= 30分)


House of Pizza(比萨)

We have three kinds of pizzas, small, medium and large. A small pizza with bell peppers(柿子椒), onions and olives(橄榄) is $3.50. A medium pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese is $4.70. A large pizza with olives and cheese is $5.00.

Wele to our house!

Lunch Special

We have some great specials. The pizza which has cheese and tomatoes is just $2.50. The cheaper for $1.50 has green peppers(胡椒) and onions. The pizza and salad lunch special is $2.90.

Time: 1100 am.—200 pm.

Pizza Express

Tel: 825­3933

The Californian pizza which has mushrooms, olives and green peppers is just $3.00. The pizza which has bell peppers and olives is $2.50. The hot dog is $1.50. The lemonade(柠檬汁) is $1.00. The juice is $0.50.

Order a meal today!

36. If you want to buy a small pizza, a medium pizza and a large pizza in House of Pizza, you need to pay ____.

A. $13.20    B.$8.20    C.$8.70    D.$12.70

37. If you go to the House of Pizza, you can buy a medium pizza with ________ in it.

A. bell peppers, onions and olives B. olives and cheese

C. green peppers and onions D. mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

38. If you only have $1.50 with you, you can buy ________ at lunchtime in Lunch Special.

A. a pizza with green peppers and onions in it

B. a pizza with cheese and tomatoes in it

C. the pizza and salad lunch

D. a pizza with bell peppers and cheese

39. If you want to order a pizza, you can call ________.

A.835­3933   B.825­8933   C.825­3933   D.823­3933

40. In the House of Pizza, you can buy ________.

A. lemonade  B. juice C. iced tea(冰茶)  D. a large pizza


Dear John,

Thank you very much for your letter. I am glad that you enjoyed your holiday with me. We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will both be able to e again next year. Perhaps you’ll be able to stay longer next time you e. A week is not really long enough, isn’t it? If your school has five weeks’ holiday next year, perhaps you’ll be able to stay with us for two or three weeks.

We have been long back at school for three weeks now. It feels like three months! I expect(期望) that you are both working very hard now that you are in Grade One. I shall have to work hard next year when I am in Grade One. Tom and Ann won’t be in Grade One until 2009.

They went for a picnic yesterday but I didn’t go with them because I cut my foot and I couldn’t walk very well. They went to an island and enjoyed themselves there. Do you still remember the island? That’s where all five of us spent the last day of our holiday.

Tom, Ann and I send our best wishes to Betty and you. We hope to see you soon.

Yours sincerely,


41. stayed with Michael for a holiday.

A. Only John B. Only Tom and Ann

C. Only John and his sister D. Only Tom

42. Their holiday lasted for .

A. one week B. two weeks C. three weeks D. five weeks

43. From the words of It feels like three months! we know that .

A. Michael’s teacher is very strict with the students.

B. Michael is pleased with his school report

C. Michael misses the holiday that they spent together very much

D. Michael works very hard at his studies

44. in Grade One now.

A. John and his sister are both B. John is

C. John’s sister is D. Michael is

45. Why didn’t Michael go to the island for picnic?

A. He had to go to school. B. He did not like the island.

C. Something was wrong with his foot. D. The water was bad that day.


In China, there're many different kinds of foods. Some of them are very popular. The real Chinese food is dumplings. Now let's talk about them, OK?

Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there are many different kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have sugar(), eggs and so on. Dumplings with vegetables and pork are my favorite. Usually people make dumplings at home. If you have no time to make them, you can buy them from any supermarket. Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar.

The Spring Festival(春节) is very important in China. When it es, we make dumplings, usually we put a coin(硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he or she will be lucky in the new year.

In the old days, people couldn't often eat dumplings because they were poor. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger(更强大的), and our people are richer(更富裕的). We can eat them very often. Now tell me, do you like dumplings?

46. In China, the real Chinese food is ________.

A. noodles   B. dumplings C. moon cakes   D. vegetables

47. The writer(作者) likes dumplings with________ best.

A. meat  B. seafood  C. vegetables and pork   D. vegetables

48. If you don't have time to make dumplings, you can buy them from ________.

A. your home  B. your school  C. supermarkets   D. libraries

49. The underlined(画线的) word vinegar means ________.

A.盐    B.酱油    C.辣椒    D.

50. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. The Chinese like dumplings very much.

B. If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he or she will be lucky in the new year.

C. In the old days, people could often eat dumplings.

D. Now people are richer and they often eat dumplings.


You want to know about life in the past, right? I can tell you. When I was a boy, things were different. I had to get up at six every morning. That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. And we didn’t have any hot water in the house. We had to wash in cold water. We didn’t have a bathroom(浴室). My dad had some chickens. I had to feed(喂养)them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister. It was about two miles(英里)to school and about two miles back in the evening. But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. There was a bus, but we didn’t have any money. And we had to go to bed at eleven o’clock every night because I had too much homework and housework to do. We couldn’t watch TV because there wasn’t any. On Sundays we had to go to church(教堂)three times morning, afternoon and evening. And we couldn’t play outside on Sundays. But it wasn’t all bad. We had some good times(时光).

We could go out and our parents didn’t have to worry about us. There weren’t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in. And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. We had to work hard and we weren’t able to buy all those things in the shops today. Life was hard, but it was simple(单纯的)and people were happier. I don’t think I’d like to be young today.

51. The writer usually went to bed _________ every night.

A. at six B. at eight C. at nine D. at eleven

52. The writer walked about ________ every day.

A. two miles B. three miles C. four miles D. five miles

53. Every morning the writer had to feed _______.

A. his little sister B. his lovely dog

C. his chickens D. his father’s chickens

54. The writer had a _______ but _______ family.

A. rich; happy B. poor; happy C. hard; poor D. rich; hard

55. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The writer had a little sister.

B. The writer couldn’t take the school bus.

C. The writer and his sister never had any good times.

D. The write had to get up at six.

根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 (有的单词需要变形) 1×10=10分)

56. Today there are three ________(特色菜)in our restaurant.

57. I don’t know the ________ (年龄)of John and his brother.

58. May I take your________(点菜)?

59. My mother does lots of __________ (家务) every day.

60. Susan goes to the shopping center __________ (两次) a month.

61. Alice is my good friend and she is a _______ (可爱的)girl.

62. The ring was too _______ (昂贵的)so he didn’t buy it.

63. My mother visited the _____ (自然的) History Museum last month .

64. Two years ago, I lived in __________(乡村).

65. His father is a  (商人). He makes lots of money every year.

用所给词的适当形式填空 (有的空不止填一个单词) 1×10=10分)

66. The guide showed the _________( visit) around the old temple(寺庙).

67. We go to see my uncle ______(one) a week.

68. The weather was __________ (real) bad and rainy.

69. We ____________ (feed) some hens and saw some baby pigs on the farm.

70. It was rainy, so they decided ________(visit) the Natural History Museum.

71. Don’t talk so _____ (loud)! The child is sleeping.

72. I do my homework for________(little) than one hour every day.

73. We should keep healthy ________ (live) habits.[

74. Mary usually goes __________(shop) with her friends on weekends.

75. My grandfather (exercise) every day.

句型转换 1×10=10分)

书面表达 10分)




last Saturday


go bike riding[##


go fishing


go to the movies

last Sunday

all the day

go sightseeing





班级:______________ 姓名:______________ 成绩:_____________

单项选择 1×15 = 15分)
















完形填空 0.5×10+1×10 = 15分)

























阅读理解 1×5+1×5+2×5+2×5= 30分)

























根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 (有的单词需要变形) 1×10=10分)











五.用所给词的适当形式填空(有的空不止填一个单词)(1×10 = 10分)











句型转换 1×10=10分)

76. He would like three cups of orange juice.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ he like?

77. Alice would like beef and carrot noodles.(对划线部分提问)

__________ _________ of noodles would Alice like?

78. He did his homework last night. (改为否定句)

He __________ ________ his homework last night.

79. We went boating on Sunday morning. (对划线部分提问)

What __________ you ___________ on Sunday morning?

80. We were late for school because it snowed heavily. (改为同义句)

We were late for school _______ _______ the heavy snow.

81. Jim’s weekend was very great.(对环线提问)

__________ __________ Jim’s weekend?

82. Did you play football yesterday? (给出肯定/否定答语)

Yes, I ____________./No, I ____________.

83. Jane went to the fire station last Monday. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________Jane go last Monday?

84. Every week he goes to the library.(last week 改写)

__________ week he ___________ to the library.

85. He spends 10 yuan on his breakfast every day. (改为同义句)

He spends 10 yuan his breakfast every day.

书面表达 10分)


单项选择 1×15 = 15分)

















< class=' _18'>
















完形填空 0.5×10+1×10 = 15分)













































阅读理解 1×5+1×5+2×5+2×5= 30分)













































根据汉语提示写出正确的单词 (有的单词需要变形) 1×10=10分)

56. specials

57. age

58. order

59. housework

60. twice

61. lovely

62. expensive

63. natural

64. countryside

65. trader

五.用所给词的适当形式填空(有的空不止填一个单词)(1×10 = 10分)

66. visitors

67. once

68. really

69. fed

70. to visit

71. loudly

72. less

73. living

74. shopping

75. exercises

句型转换 1×10=10分)

76. He would like three cups of orange juice.(对划线部分提问)

___What______ __would______ he like?

77. Alice would like beef and carrot noodles.(对划线部分提问)

__What________ ___kind______ of noodles would Alice like?

78. He did his homework last night. (改为否定句)

He ___didn’t_______ __do______ his homework last night.

79. We went boating on Sunday morning. (对划线部分提问)

What ___did_______ you ____do_______ on Sunday morning?

81. We were late for school because it snowed heavily. (改为同义句)

We were late for school ___because____ ___of____ the heavy snow.

82. Jim’s weekend was very great.(对环线提问)

___How_______ ____was______ Jim’s weekend?

83. Did you play football yesterday? (给出肯定/否定答语)

Yes, I _____did_______./No, I __didn’t__________.

84. Jane went to the fire station last Monday. (对划线部分提问)

___Where_______ ____did______Jane go last Monday?

85. Every week he goes to the library.(last week 改写)

____Last______ week he ___went________ to the library.

86. He spends 10 yuan on his breakfast every day. (改为同义句)

He spends 10 yuan in buying his breakfast every day.

书面表达 10分)



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。







) 21.A.sound B. country C. found

) 22.A.drew B. flew C. few

) 23.A.kite B. knee C. knock

) 24.A.fact B. fan C. famous

) 25.A.picked B. pushed C. wanted


( ) 26. It's sunny today, why not go out for walk with me?

A. a B. an C. the

( ) 27. --- What do you think about the classical music?

--- . I like it very much.

A. Cold B. Hard C. Perfect

( ) 28. John hurried school after having breakfast just now.

A. after B. towards C. under

( ) 29. All of us felt when we heard the news.

A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. excited; exciting

( ) 30. He was not in the classroom, he wasn't in the library,

A. either B. too C. also

( ) 31. --- Were there any vegetables in the fridge?

--- . We went to the supermarket later.

A. Yes, there were B. No, there weren't C. Yes, there are

( ) 32. He didn't go to bed he finished his homework.

A. until B. so C. and

( ) 33. --- Where are these tomatoes from?

--- Tom them yesterday.

A. bought B. buys Cbuyed

( ) 34. --- Can you speak ?

--- Yes, I can. And I'm going to study in .

A. Russian; Russian B. Russian; Russia C. Russia; Russian

( ) 35. --- Did he play football in the playground yesterday?

--- . And I was there too.

A. Yes, he does B. Yes, he did C. No, he didn't

( ) 36. She decided a singer when she finished school at eighteen.

A. to be B. being C. to being

( )37--- did it take you to go to school?

--- About ten minutes.

A. How soon B. How long C. How often

( ) 38. --- When did you Paris?

--- Two days ago.

A. arrive in B. arrive at C. get

( ) 39.--- teacher he is!

--- Yes, he always works hard.

A. What good B. What a good C. How good

( ) 40. --- Remember to ask him to e back by 10 o'clock.

A. Never mind B. Good idea CAll right



Today it is quite natural to find people shake hands in some situations. People all over the world shake hands for many different 41 . We shake hands when we meet new people 42 during special festivals. Players often shake hands before or after 43 . Business people shake hands when they make a deal.

Why do people shake hands instead of other body languages? This is 44 a long time ago most people 45 knives or guns. If some of them decided that they did not want to 46 , they would show their empty hands. 47 people shook hands so that they could not 48 knives in their sleeves(袖子).Later on, handshaking became a symbol of 49 .

Now we don't have to 50 people with guns or knives. However, we still shake hands all the time! The reason is simple-it is still a way to show friendship.

( ) 41.A.ideas B. reasons C. thoughts

( ) 42.A.or B. but Cso

( ) 43.A.games B. speeches C. exercises

( ) 44.A.if B.so C. because

( ) 45.A.lost B. bought C. carried

( ) 46.A.drop B. fight C. speak

( ) 47.A.Perhaps B. Carefully C. Luckily

( ) 48.A.hide(隐藏) Bpull Cpush

( ) 49.A.success B. experience C. peace

( ) 50.A, talk about B. worry about C. learn about


阅读下列三篇语言材料,根据语言材料的内容,从每小题所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项.


A mouse was having a very bad time. She could find no food at all. She looked here and there, but there was no food, and she grew very thin.

At last the mouse found a basket, full of corn. There was a small hole in the basket, and she came into the hole that she could just get through.

Then she began to eat the corn. Being very hungry, she ate a great deal, and went on eating and eating. When she felt full, she was very happy.

When the mouse tried to climb out of the basket, she could not. She was too fat to pass through the hole.

How shall I climb out? said the mouse. Oh, how shall I climb out?

Just then a rat came along, and she heard the mouse.

Mouse, said the rat, If you want to climb out of the basket, you must wait till you are as thin as you were when you went in.

The mouse heard that, she was very sad and couldn't stop crying.

( ) 51. Why did the mouse grow very thin?

A. Because her mother didn't give her any food.

B. Because she couldn't find any food.

C. Because she found nothing in the basket.

( ) 52. The mouse came into the basket to .

A. get some B. sleep well C. enjoy the hole

( ) 53. Why did the mouse eat a great deal of corn?

A. Because she felt very sad.

B. Because she loved the .

C. Because she was very hungry.

( ) 54. The phrase came into is opposite of .

A. get to B. go along C. climb out

( ) 55. Which of the following is TURE?

A. The rat liked the basket very much.

B. At last, the mouse could pass through the hole of the basket.

C. The mouse became so fat in the basket.


When Abe Lincoln was just a boy, he had to help his father to look after his farm. It was hard work and there wasn't any interesting thing for him. Abe wanted to go to school, but there was no school there. Abe was sad most of the time.

Mrs. Lincoln loved the boy very much. She tried her best to make Abe happy: One early morning she got up early and went to the town. That was a long way and it took her along time to get to the town. She bought something there and went back. And it was late in the evening when she got home.

The next morning Mrs. Lincoln said to Abe, Today is your birthday. We're going to have a party. She put out some food on the table, then brought out a present. a book! Abe cried. It was an old book, but he liked it. A smile came to his face. He looked up at Mrs. Lincoln and

said, Thank you, Mum.

( ) 56.Abe Lincoln's father was a .

A. doctor B. farmer C. worker

( ) 57.Abe Lincoln couldn't go to school because .

A. his family had no money.

B. his mother wanted to teach him herself.

C. there was no school near his home.

( ) 58. On the farm, most of the time, little Lincoln was .

A. unhappy B. happy C. worried

( ) 59. It took Mrs. Lincoln to make a trip to town.

A. a whole day B. half a day C. two hours

( ) 60. What was the present for Abe's birthday?

A.A schoolbag B. A new book C. An old book


When you hear Westerns say Drop in an time(随时来玩) or e and see me soon. You should realize that it doesn't mean you are wele to e over to their houses anytime. It's wise to telephone before visiting someone.

Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to e. If you are unable to e after accepting the invitation, be sure to tell those who invite you in advance(提前) that you will not be there.

When you accept(接受) the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink flowers and chocolate. Sometimes Westerns may take you out to dinner in a restaurant and it does not necessary mean that he is going to pay the b111(买单) at the end of the meal. He might want you to go Dutch, which means each person pays his own bill.

) 61. The best title(标题)of this passage is .

A. Drop in anytime B. Westerns C. Invitations in western countries

( ) 62. When Westerns say Drop in an tune or e and see me soon, it means .

A. You are wele to visit them anytime.

B. You are wele to visit them, but you still need to call them before going to their houses.

C. They don't want you to visit them.

( ) 63. If a westerner invites you to go to his house, .

A. You may refuse if you don't plan to go.

B. You have to accept the invitation even you don't want to go.

C. You can accept the invitation, and then you must go.

( ) 64. If you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, what kind of gifts will you bring?

A. Money B. Televisions C. Flowers

( ) 65. The underline part go Dutch means in Chinese.

A.去荷兰 B.请客 C.实行AA



A. Mum is, but Dad works in Sydney.

B. When were you born?

C. Where were you born?

D. How long did you love there?

E. Why did you live there?

F. Where were your parents born?

G. May I ask you some questions?

(A is a new student. Mr. Li is asking him some questions.)

Mr. Li: You are new here, am I right?

A: Yes, you are right, Mr. Li.

Mr. Li: 66

A: Yes.

Mr. Li: 67

A: On June 21, 2001.

Mr. Li: Where were you born?

A: I was born in Sydney in Australia.

Mr. Li: 68

A: For about eight years.

Mr. Li: 69

A: They were born in Sydney, too.

Mr. Li: Are they living in China?

A: 70 He is ing soon.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.



Many famous people had dreams when they were young. They often worked hard to make their dreams e true. When I was only 14 years old, I first thought about what I should do in the future. I used to (曾经)dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player, or a baseball player. However, because I was short, I gave up these dreams. Then I thought about going into music, so I bought a guitar. But I couldn't play it very well. Then I had to give up my dream again. After that I thought about being a report.er and worked really hard. At the age of 25, my dream came true and I became a reporter.

Finally, I learned the truth about making dreams e true. I should never give up and I must work hard.

71. Why did the writer give up his guitar dream? (根据短文内容回答问题)

72. What did the writer became finally? (根据短文内容回答问题)

73. What is the truth about making dreams e true? (根据短文内容回答问题.

74. 翻译文中划线的句子.

I used to dream about being a basketball player, a soccer player, or a baseball player.

75. In this passage, the underlined word it refers to



leave excite music play live

76. The teacher told the boy not to spend too much time puter games.

77. She is a child and everyone likes her.

78. My mother was when she heard I passed the exam.

79. In 1898, Lu Xun his home town for Nanjing to study.

80. Mozart is a world-famous .


81.We have a new house w a garden.

82.It's p to stand up when you answer your teacher's questions.

83. J 1st is Children's Day, children are happy that day.

84. The bedroom is small, but it looks (舒适的).

85. (事实上),I don' like classical music at all.


请以“My Trip”为题,根据以下要求,写篇短文,根据个人经历,记叙你的一次旅行.







When and where did you go?

Who did you go with?

What did you do there?

How did you feel about the trip?

My Trip



I. 1-5 CABED

II. 6-10 CCAAB


IV. 16-20 BAACC


V. 21-25 BCACC 26-30 ACBCA 31-35 BAABB 36-40ABABC

VI. 41-45 BAACC 46-50 BAACB

VII. 51-55 BACCC

56-60 BCAAC

61-65 CBACC


IX71.Because he couldn’t play the guitar very well.

72.A reporter.

73. You should never give up and you must work hard.

74.我曾经梦想成为一名篮球运动员,一名足球运动员, 或者一名棒球运动员.

75. The guitar.

X. A) 76. playing 77. lively 78. excited 79. left 80.musician

B) 81. with 82.polite 83. June 84. comfortable 85. In fact




1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。




知识运用 20分)

第一节 单项选择 10

21 My father is talking ________the phone now.

A. to B. on C. in

22 He looks _______ his father..

A. like B. love C. likely

( ) 23 I’d like dumplings ______ dinner.

A. of B. for C. to

( ) 24 It is easy _______ Lisa ________ ride a horse.

A. for, to B. of, to C. for, of

( ) 25 The school trip is __________ boring.

A. kinds of B. a kind C. kind of

( ) 26 I read books ___________ three hours everyday.

A. at B. on C. for

( ) 27 My grandfather is strict _________ me. So I am a little afraid of him.

A. with B. to C. for

( ) 28 My father is ________ in driving.

A. interesting B. interested C. interest

( ) 29 I am good at _______ English.

A. speaking B. speak C. spoke

( ) 30 Bob always go _______ with his friends on weekends.

A. fish B. fishing C. fishes

第二节 完形填空 10

Yesterday was Sunday. The   31   was hot. Let’s go to the beach(海滩)! Dad said to Polly. Polly was very happy because she could    32   there. Polly went to the beach   33   Mom and Dad.

When they   34   there, they saw many people on the beach. Some people swam (游泳)in the water   35   some played with a beach ball. Polly ran happily. Let’s swim! she said to Dad.

Polly and Dad were   36   and thirsty (口渴的) after swimming. They drank (喝)some water and had a rest(休息). Mom bought(买) them some ice cream. It is   37  ! Thank you, Mom, said Polly. Then Polly   38   some beautiful shells (贝壳) on the beach. When it became dark, Polly and   39  parents decided (决定)to leave. On their way home,(在他们回家的路上) they went to a   40  and had dinner there. Today is great! said Polly.

(  )31.A.dish       B .food           C .weather

( )32.A.sing       B. swim          C. dance

(  )33. A. with      B. to       C. for

(  )34. A. got     B. lived   C. left

(  )35. A. or      B. if C. and

(  )36. A. scared   B. tired        C. lucky

(  )37. A. terrible  B. cheap        C. delicious

(  )38. A. picked   B. bought         C. grew

(  )39. A. his    B. their    C. her

(  )40. A. bank     B. restaurant      C. library

阅读技能 40分)

第一节 阅读图表 从每题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳选项 10


I like sandwiches best. This morning, my mom makes a sandwich for me. It tastes very good. I also have a cup of milk for breakfast.

--- Tina

It is my birthday today. I have a large bowl of long noodles with an egg for lunch. They are a symbol(标志) of good luck.

---- Jimmy

Pizza is my favorite food. My dad teaches me how to make it tonight. Look! It is very delicious, isn’t it?

--- Tom

41 Tina has _ in the morning.

A a sandwich B a cup of tea C a hamburger

42 What size bowl of noodles does Jimmy have today?

A A small bowl B A medium bowl C A large bowl

43 Who teaches Tom to make pizza?

A Tom’s mother B Tom’s brother C Tom’s father


e to the party on Friday night! Our party will(将要) start at 8:00. everyone in Class 2 Grade 3 can e. You can sing and dance here. Don’t forget(忘记) to wear beautiful clothes!

44 The party will start at 8:00 on ____.

A Friday evening B Friday morning C Saturday evening

45 What can the students do at the party?

A They can eat delicious food.

B They can sing and dance.

C They can buy beautiful clothes.

第二节 阅读短文,从每题所给的ABC 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题 20


It’s a sunny and warm Sunday morning. My parents, my sister and I are all at home. My parents don’t have to go to work(去上班), and my sister and I don’t have to go to school. We are all in the yard (院子). Look! My father is cleaning his bike. He often goes to work by bike. The bike ride takes him about ten minutes. My mother is watering(浇水) the flowers. The flowers make our yard very beautiful. We all like the flowers. My sister is playing with a dog. It’s her pet dog. The dog is very smart(聪明的). My mother often takes the dog out for a walk after dinner. What am I doing? I’m drawing(画画). I like drawing very much. I want to join the art club at school.

It’s a nice day and we’re busy in the yard. We are very happy today!


(  )46. How’s the weather today?

A. It’s sunny.       B. It’s windy. C. It’s cloudy.

(  )47. How many people are there in the family?

A. Three.             B. Four. C. Five.

(  )48. How does the father often go to work?

A. By subway.       B. By car.  C. By bike.

(  )49. What’s the mother doing?

A. She’s cleaning the yard.

B. She’s reading a book.

C. She’s watering the flowers.

(  )50. Which of the following is Not TRUE(正确)?

A. The sister goes to school today.

B. The father likes the flowers.

C. The mother often walks with the dog after dinner.


Molly is a 12-year-old girl. She has blonde hair(金色头发) and black eyes. She’s of medium height. She’s very friendly. She has a lot of friends and her best friend is a 14-year-old boy. She is always the center of attention (关注) and everyone loves her.

Jeff is an 11-year-old boy. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He’s of medium build. His parents are very busy. They don’t have much time to stay with him. He spends(花费) most of his time with his grandparents. He doest’t like to talk in front of people. But he’s very smart.

Joe is a 13-year-old boy. He has black hair and big eyes. He’s very tall. He’s very nice and everyone loves him. He likes sports a lot. He’s on the school basketball team. His friends think he can be a great basketball player in the future(在未来), but he wants to be a doctor.


(  ) 51. How old is Molly’s best friend?

A.  14 years old.      B. 12 years old.    C. 13 years old.

(  ) 52. Jeff spends most time with his _____.

A. friends            B. parents       C. grandparents

(  ) 53. What does Joe like a lot?

A. Sports.             B. Music.          C. Drawing.

(  ) 54. Both Molly and Jeff have ______.

A. brown eyes    B. black hair    C. blonde hair

(  ) 55. Which of the following is TRUE(正确)?

A. Molly is shy and has few friends.

B. Joe wants to be a doctor in the future.

C. Joe is on the school table tennis team.




John and his friends planned to go on a road trip.(56)___

Because John bought a new car three days ago.They wanted to drive to Washington. John prepared(准备)something for their  trip. He bought CDs with their favorite songs.They would sing beautiful songs(57)_____They could eat the food on the way. John met his friends in the early morning.After five hours,they got to a new place.John

showed them a map. There were many dots()on it. (58)____

said Mary. She knew(知道) that those places were very interesting.

(59)_____said John. So all his friends found a big hotel to sleep They were so tired

A We should visit these places one by one(一个接一个)

B. what's the best time to visit China

C. They would like to drive a car

D Lets have a good rest now

E. John also took a lot of delicious food

写作技能 40分)

第一节 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答所提问题 10

Dear Selina,

I have some rules at my house. I have to stay at home on school nights. I have to do my homework and practice the violin. I can’t watch TV. Well, I can go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but I have to be home before 9:30 p.m.

What rules do you have at your house? Write and tell me about them.



Dear Molly,

I also have rules at my house. On school nights I usually can’t go out. But sometimes I can do my homework at a friend’s house. Well, I can watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. On Saturday afternoons, I can go shopping (购物) with my friends. I can buy my own clothes. That’s nice, right?



60. Can Molly go out on school nights?


61. What does Molly have to practice at home?


62. What time does Molly have to be home on Saturday nights?


63. How long can Selina watch TV at night?


64. Who does Selina go shopping with on Saturday afternoons?


第二节 中英文互译 10

65. It’s cloudy.


67. Is he short or tall?

68 我想要大碗的。

69. 她与她同学去的。

第三节 根据下面的方框内容完成对话,补全对话内容 10

A: Hello, Amy speaking.

B: Hi, Amy. This is Tina. ___70 _____?

A: Not bad. _71_________?

B: I’m visiting the History Museum in Beijing.

A: __72____________________?

B: Yes, it’s sunny and hot in Beijing now.

A: ___ 73______________

B: I came to Beijing with my parents.

A: I hope you’ll have a good time.

B: __ 74_______.

You’re wele.

Thank you.

How’s it going?

What did you do?

What are you doing?

Is it sunny now?

Who did you go with?

第三节 情景作文 12

My last weekend



Saturday morning

Visit the farm and ride a horse

Saturday afternoon

Put up a tent and camp by the lake

Sunday morning

Fly a kite

Sunday afternoon

Go home and have a rest

Sunday evening

Do homework



1-5 ACBBA 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CACBB 16-20 CACBA


21-25.BABAC 26-30. CABAB 31—35.CBAAC 36—40.BCACB


41-45.ACCAB 46—50.ABCCA


51-55.ACACB 56---59 CEAD


60.No,she can’t./No. 61. Practice the violin. 62.Before 9:30 p.m.

63.For half an hour. 64.With her friends.


65. 今天多云。 66. Is there a bank near here?

67他是矮还是高? 68.I’d like a large bowl. 69. She went with her classmates.


70.How’s it going?

71.What are you doing?

72. Is it sunny now?

73. Who did you go with?

74. Thank you.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。




一、单项填空(共6分,每小题0. 5分)


1. —Is this bag Betty's?

—No, it's not __________. It's Lingling's.

A. hers B. yours C. his D. mine

2. My parents and I are going to have a picnic __________ Sunday morning.

A. at B. of C. in D. on

3. I walk to school __________ I live near my school.

A. so B. but C. because D. or

4. —__________ you play the piano?

—No, I can't, but I can sing.

A. Do B. Can C. Did D. Will

5. —What's your brother doing?

—He __________ the car.

A. washes B. is going to wash

C. is washing D. washed

6. People often __________ things when they're traveling or when they're in a hurry.

A. lose B. loses C. losing D. lost

7. I think there __________ underwater cities in the future.

A. were B. be C. are D. will be

8. Tony __________ good at sports when he was in primary school.

A. is B. was C. are D. were

9. I live in Beijing now, but I __________ in Shanghai three years ago.

A. live B. will live C. am living D. lived

10. __________ bring any food or drink into the lab next time.

A. Don't B. Can't C. Won't D. Not

11. —__________ boxes of strawberries do you want?


A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How long

12. —What are you going to do tomorrow, Jane?

—I __________ some friends from Russia.

A. meet B. am going to meet

C. am meeting D. met


第一节:从下面方框中选择恰当的单词填在横线上,补全短文。(共4分,每小题0. 5分)

camp, cheer, sightseeing, fun, collect, forward, wins, hope

Martin and his friends are going to watch their favourite football team play and 13 the players. It's going to be great 14 and they 15 their team gets the best score and 16 the match.

Zhang Sijia is going to do something with her family and friends on May Day. They're going to take a walk or go swimming. There's a lot of litter in the park, and on May 2nd, they're going to 17 it.

During her summer holiday, Lucy is going to a summer 18 and is going to stay with an Australian family. They're going to the beach and are going 19 . She's really looking 20 to her holiday in Australia.


money, spend, bought, game, try, save

I Want to Buy a puter Game

Bob was excited. The new puter game he wanted was finally in stores. "The 21 is here!" he told his mum. "Can we go and buy it?"

"How much is it?" Bob's mother asked.

"Thirty-five dollars," he answered.

"That is a lot of 22 , Bob. Do you have enough to buy it yourself?"

He shook his head.

"You know, Bob, we have to 23 our money carefully. We have to pay for our house and food. We need to buy clothing and books. Our money goes to things we need."

"But I really want this game!" answered Bob. "What can I do?"

"You get eight dollars a week for doing housework," his mum said. "Try to 24 it. Before long, you will have enough to pay for the game. "

"I do not think so," said Bob. 'By then, all the games will be sold. "

" 25 it," said his mother.

Weeks later, Bob came home happily. "Guess what, Mum? I did what you said. I saved the money. Then I saw the game was on sale. Today I 26 it for twenty-eight dollars. "

"And," his mother added, "you did it with your own money!"




School News for March

Special Dates ,

·March 4 Mrs. Mohan's class will take a trip to North Park Zoo. The bus will leave school at 12:00 P. M. and e back at 3:00 P. M. Wear good walking shoes.

·March 16 School will end at 12:30 P. M.

·March 30 This is School Picture Day. Wear a big smile to school!

Ways You Can Help:

·Bring back the books! Mrs. Nolen says many students need to bring back school library books. She has sent out notes about missing books.

·Should our school have a science fair(科技节)? Jan Lee thinks so. She wants to start one. But she needs other parents to help her. If your parents want to help, call Jan at 555-6791.

Other News:

·This spring, Mrs. Bain's class will take care of the school's flower garden near the front door.

·Laurie Burks visited Mr. Wayne's class. She sang some of her songs to the class. The class gave Laurie a big hand.

27. When will school end on March 16?

A. At 12:00 P. M. B. At 12:30 P. M.

C. At 2:30 P. M. D. At 3:00 P. M.

28. If your parents want to help with the science fair, they should__________.

A. go to school library B. visit Laurie Burks

C. call Jan at 555-6791 D. buy some science books

29. Whose class will take care of the school's flower garden?

A. Mr. Wayne's. B. Mrs. Mohan's. C. Mrs. Bain's. D. Mrs. Nolen's.


Vincent van Gogh was born in the Netherlands on March 30,1853. During his 37 years' lifetime, Vincent painted some of the most famous paintings of our time.

Vincent van Gogh left school when he was only 15 and then he went to England. There he began to work as an art dealer (经销商). After seven years, Vincent became unhappy with his work and decided to be an art teacher at a school for boys. In the following years, Vincent went from job to job, living in different cities in Europe. Finally in 1880, he went to Brussels to begin studies in art. During the next ten years, Vincent van Gogh painted 872 paintings.

Vincent van Gogh is a world-famous artist today, but not many people thought his paintings were great while he was alive (活着的). He only sold one painting during his lifetime. For most of his life he was very poor, often spending his money on art supplies (用品) but not food.

30. What did Vincent van Gogh do when he left school?

A. He travelled to different cities. B. He began to teach at a school.

C. He started to draw paintings. D. He worked as an art dealer.

31. When did Vincent van Gogh start to study art?

A. In 1853. B. At the age of 15.

C. In 1880. D. At the age of 37.

32. While Vincent van Gogh was alive, he __________.

A. lived a poor life B. became world-famous

C. sold most of his paintings D. spent most of his money on food



Stratford-upon-Avon is in the middle of England and is famous because it is the birthplace of William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of poems and plays. Stratford is in the beautiful countryside on the River Avon.

Where to stay

The Dukes Hotel and the Swans Nest are two lovely places to stay in Stratford. The Dukes Hotel is a three-star hotel in the centre of the town, and the Swans Nest is next to the River Avon. They are both quiet and friendly places.

Places to visit

For sightseeing, get on an open-topped double-decker bus and see the town. You can also visit New Place-Shakespeare's home, or go for a walk in the beautiful Bancroft Gardens. Another interesting place to visit is Warwick Castle (城堡), one of the oldest castles in Britain.

Eating out

There are some fantastic restaurants in Stratford, too. Have lunch at one of the many restaurants in Sheep Street-the food is delicious-or have a romantic dinner at the restaurant on a boat in the Canal Basin.


Buy yourself something nice in one of Stratford High Street's excellent shops. However, for gifts, the street market in Rather Street is the best.

What to do in the evening

There aren't many places to go to in the evening, but you can see Shakespeare's plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. You can also go for a walk along the riverside under the moon and stars.

Stratford is a small town, but it is the ideal place for an interesting holiday. e and visit it when you are free.

33. What do we know about Stratford?

A. The Swans Nest is a beautiful garden.

B. There are many restaurants in High Street.

C. Warwick Castle is an interesting place to visit.

D. People can see Shakespeare's plays at New Place.

34. Which of the following can be the heading of Paragraph 5?

A. What to shop for. B. Where to shop.

C. When to shop. D. How to shop.

35. Where may this passage be from?

A. A travel magazine. B. A history textbook.

C. A news report. D. A story book.


What Did You Say?

People use sayings (谚语) every day. You may ask an unhappy friend why she's "feeling blue". If you've done only a small part of a big job, you might call it "a drop in the bucket".

These sayings don't mean exactly what the words say. But it's easy to tell why we use them. Blue is a cool, quiet color. So it's a good word for "sad". A bucket holds too many water drops to count. So just one drop is very little.

Some sayings are difficult to understand(理解). When you go to bed, you "hit the hay(干草)". If you want to know the meaning of the saying, you must know where it came from. It was first used in the 1930s. At that time, many Americans were out of work. Some went from place to place, looking for jobs. At night they were very tired. They often made a bed of hay in a field or barn. As soon as their heads "hit the hay", they fell asleep.

Here is another saying. When you are not feeling well, you might say you are "under the weather". But why? This saying is more than 200 years old. It began in the days when many people went from place to place by boat. When the strong winds rocked the boat, people often felt unfortable. The boat was sailing(航行) "under the weather".

Old sayings can be hard for children to understand. But new sayings e along every day. Children often understand new sayings better than older people do. That's why your grandmother might not know what you mean when you say "chill out" or "give me five". She might think you're "off your rocker".

36. The saying "hit the hay" means "__________".

A. go to sleep B. look for jobs

C. go to work D. make a bed of hay

37. Which of the following can be hard for children to understand?

A. "Feel blue". B. "Give me five".

C. "Under the weather". D. "A drop in the bucket".

38. From the passage we can know __________.

A. old people know more about sayings

B. people used sayings a lot in the past

C. sayings are difficult to understand

D. some sayings have a long history

四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10分,每小题 2)

The Clean-up Team

Mrs. Green lived next door to Tina. Every afternoon, Mrs. Green took a walk. She said it helped her stay healthy. Tina liked to talk with Mrs. Green when she came back. Mrs. Green was always happy after her walk. She often showed Tina something she had found, like a beautiful red leaf.

One afternoon, Mrs. Green looked sad when she met Tina. Tina asked her why.

Mrs. Green held up a bottle. "I am sad about all the litter on the street," Mrs. Green said. "I never saw so much litter in this neighbourhood (社区) ! What happened?"

"Mr. Trent used to(过去常常) go out each morning and pick up the litter, but he moved away. I often saw him on my way to school," said Tina.

Mrs. Green looked surprised. "I thought I knew everything about this neighbourhood!" she said. "But you see more than I do!"

"I wish I could do Mr. Trent's job, but my back is stiff(僵硬的). It's hard for me to pick things up. "

"I could do that," said Tina.

Mrs. Green smiled. "I will carry the litter bag! You can use my gardening gloves so your hands stay clean." Tina put on the gloves, She' picked up pieces of paper. She picked up bottles. Lots of people stopped to thank Mrs. Green and Tina. The street looked much better when Tina and Mrs. Green finished their job.

"Thanks, Tina," said Mrs. Green. "Let's call ourselves the clean-up team!"

39. What did Mrs. Green do every afternoon?

40. How did Mrs. Green feel when she met Tina one afternoon?

41. Why did the neighbourhood have so much litter?

42. What did Mrs. Green and Tina do for the neighbourhood at last?

43. What do you think of Mrs. Green and Tina?




44. 旅行可以开阔视野,增长见识。你校英文刊物正在举行以一次有趣的旅行为主题的征文活动。请你用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:去了什么地方,你什么时候去的,你在那里做了什么,你为什么觉得这是一次有趣的旅行。

提示词语:visit, museum, see, wonderful, learn

提示问题:·Where did you go and when did you go there?

·What did you do there?

·Why do you think it was an interesting trip?










1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A

7. D 8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C 12. B



13. cheer 14. fun 15. hope 16. wins

17. collect 18. camp 19. sightseeing 20. Forward


21. game 22. money 23. spend 24. save

25. Try 26. bought



27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. A

33. C 34. B 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. D


39. She took a walk.

40. She was very sad.

41. Because Mr. Trent used to pick up the litter but he moved away, and nobody picked up the litter.

42. They picked up the litter in the neighbourhood.

43. I think they are very kind and helpful. /I think they were a good team. /I think they did something good for the neighbourhood. /I think they should ask more people to care for the neighbourhood.



44. One possible version:

Last month, I went to Xi'an with my classmates.

On the first day, we visited some museums and we saw a lot of Chinese traditional paintings. They were wonderful. In the evening, we had some special food. It was delicious.

The next day, we went to some famous places in Xi'an, such as the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower. Of course, we took a lot of photos.

I think it was an interesting trip because I learned a lot about Chinese history.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。






My name is Mike. My family is having a21time visiting Harbin It's22 here. The 23is cold and snowy. People here are wearing hats and thick 24. I am so happy to see the 25world. My father and i are 26 on the lake. My mother 27 a snowman. We are having fun. My friends are inAustralianow. It's 28and sunny there. They are having a good time on the  29. Some are 30 in the sea. some are playing volley ball.

21.A. boring    B. great    C. terrible

22. A spring    B. summer    C. winter

23. A. weather    B. people    C. rain

24.A. T-shirts    B. shorts    C. coats

25.A. green   B. white    C. yellow

26.A. skating    B. riding    C. growing

27.A. makes    B. make    C. is making

28.A. cool    B. warm    C. hot

29.A. mountain    B. beach    C. street

30. A. swimming    B. driving    C. cutting


第一节  阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。符合的写“A”,不符合的写“B”。


Dear bill

I'm very glad you are arriving in my city at 3: 00 p. m. this Sunday. We will meet in the Blue Sky Restaurant Now let me tell you the way. First take a taxi when you get out of the bus station and go along New Bridge Road. When you see a bank turn right and go along Bank Street. You'll pass three one- way 1i street: Sixth Street Seventh Street and Eighth Street. When you see a big McDonalds(麦当劳), turn left. Then go along green Street until(直到) you see New Park. The Blue Sky Restaurant is on your right. I hope you have a good trip



A31. Larry will meet Bill in a restaurant.

B32. Bill goes to Larry's city by train.

A33. If Bill goes the right way he can see a bank.

A34. Bill must turn left when he sees McDonalds.

B35. The New Park is on Eighth Street.


第二节  阅读下面ABC三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的ABC三个选项中,选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。


Tom and mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Good Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports music and puters. They are both very glad to hearTitthis.Tom can play basketball and volleyball and he can swim too. Mike can play the violin the trumpet the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like puters very much Can they join the Summer Camp?


36. Tom and Mike want to        .

A.join the Summer Camp

B. get help from the Camp

C. make friends in the Summer Camp


37. What does the Summer Camp need help with?

A. Flying kites

B. Drawing pictures

C. Sports music and puters


38. Tom can play        .

A. bal

B. violin

C. music


39. What does the underlined word"trumpet mean?





40. What do Tom and Mike like?

A. Sports

B. puters.

C. Swimming.



In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day. There are also two big elephants and a baby one. Children like to ride them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas In the zoo we can see different kinds of pears brown bears and black bears. They are all slow and clumsyFHH BJ. They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much. Do you like pandas? There's only one in the zoo. Her name is Jingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo a lot. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting.


41. What do tigers and lions like eating? They like eating          .

A. fruit

B. meat

C. milk


42. How many elephants are there in the zoo? There are       .

A. three

B. two

C. one


43. What color are the bears in the zoo?

A. Black

B. Brown

C. A and B


44. Bears stand on their          legs and lift their            legs to ask for food.

A. front: back

B. front: front

C. back: front


45. Which one of the following is NOT right?

A. Children like to ride the elephants in the zoo

B. The bears are slow and friendly.

C. Elephants like bananas very much



Carol teaches geography at a middle school. Last week she took Class 156 to the dinosaur Museum. they went there by school bus the ride took them one and a half hours. The children had a great time and enjoyed the school trip a lot. Carol thought it was great too. When they were in the museum Martin showed them around(四周,周围). Here is a letter(信) from Carol to martin.

Dear martin

I am writing to thank you for a great day on   monday. The children had a wonderful time in the museum All the 52 children   and i thought the school trip was really interesting and educational(有教育意义的) The children were very interested in what   you told them. They learned a lot. Thank you very much.

Best wishes



  46 What does Carol do?

A. She is a student.

B. She is a teacher.

C. She is an artist.


  47. How did the children go to the Dinosaur Museum?

A. By train

B. by bus

C. by car


  48. What did Martin do during the school trip?

A. He showed the children around the museum.

B. He drove the children to the museum.

C. He sang some nice songs for the children.


  49. When did the children visit the museum?

A. On Friday.

B. On Sunday.

C. On Monday.


  50. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Fifty-one children went to visit the museum.

B. Martin wrote a thank-you letter to Carol.

C. It took the children ninety minutes to get to the museum.


第三节  阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的ABCDE五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能使用一次。


English Teachers Wanted

Are you good at English? Do you like children 51.  B   Yes? e and join us Call John at 378-5788 for more information.

Chinese characters(汉字)Club

Can you write Chinese characters well? Do you want to know the interesting stories behind them? 52.   D    Call Tony at 345-1238.

Class time: 5:30 pm-6 30 p. m from Monday to Friday

Soccer Club

Do you like soccer? Do you want to play soccer well? 53.   C    You can e to the schools sports center every Saturday afternoon. Please call 555 6208.54.   E   

Do you like music? Can you sing or dance? Can you play any instruments Sat Wele to our Star Live Please call Mrs. White at 398-3443 55.   A  


A. or send(发送)ane- mail to starlive@l63.

B. Can you help them with English on the weekend?

C. Mr. Brown can teach you.

D. Please join Chinese Characters Club.

E. Musicians Wanted.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共40分)



In many countries people have birthday cakes with candles on their birthday. The number of candles is the person's age The birthday person must make 56       wish and blow out the candles. If he or she57        blow out all the candles in one go the wish will e true. In the UK people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is58        luck.

59         China many people eat long noodles on their birthday.60       themnever cut up the noodles61       the long noodles are a symbol $ iE of long life. Some Chinese people also eat62-eggon their birthday. They63        bea symbol of life and good luck.

All of the birthday foods may be64       differently), but the ideas are the same. they bring good luck to 65       birthday person.



A: Hello Weicheng Restaurant!

B: Hi! i want to order some food.

A: Sure! What would you like?

B: I'd like some noodles please.

A:66.                        ?

B: Beef and cabbage noodles please.

A: Anything else?

B:No.67.                        ?

A: They are 20 yuan. 68.                       ?

B:I’ m Mary Brown.

A:69.                        ?

B: I live at No 10   Park Road.

A: OK. I see.

B:70.                      ?

A: You're wele.




I am Mike. I live on Green Street. It is a good place to have fun. You can see a hotela supermarket a bank a bookstore and a zoo on it. It is a very busy street. There are always lots of people and cars in it. My house is across from the hotel. 74. The hotel is between the bookstore and the bank. My favorite place is the bookstore. There are lots of interesting books in it. I often spend time there on weekends. If you want to see animals you can go to the zoo.75.它紧挨着那个超市There is also a big restaurant near the supermarket. It is clean and quiet. You can enjoy your lunch in it. Wele to Green Street.



71. Can people see a hotel and a post office on Green Street?


72. Where is Mike's house?


73. How's the restaurant?








假如 Julie是你的新朋友,请根据表格内容提示用英语写一篇60词左右的短文介绍她。可适当发挥。



第一题  听力技能(20分)









































第二题  完形填空(10分)




















第三题  阅读理解(50分)



















































第四题  语法填空(10分)

56. a                              57. blows          

58.   lucky                    59. In              

60. They                      61. because         

62.   eggs                        63. are            

64. different                   65.   the           

第五、六题  补全对话+阅读表达(20分)

66. What   kind of noodles would you like?

67. How much are they? 

68. What’s your name? /May   I have your name? 

69. Where do you live? 

70. Thank you.

71. No,(they can’t.

72. It is across from the hotel on Green   Street./ It is across from the hotel. 

73. It is clean and quiet. 

74. 宾馆在书店和银行之间。 

75. It is next to the/   that supermarket.  

第七题  书面表达(10分)(略)



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。




二、完形填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)


Forty students were having an interesting class. The teacher asked them to play a game. He took them to a 16 and gave each student a balloon(气球). He asked them to write their names on the balloons. Then he 17 all the balloons into another room. Then the teacher took 18 to the room with 40 balloons. He asked the students to 19 their own balloon in five minutes.

Everyone ran quickly together to get their own balloon. Five 20 later, no one could find their own balloon. It’s really a(n) 21 job. What could they do? The teacher asked every student to get one balloon and give it to the student with his or her name 22 it. In five minutes, all the students got their own balloon.

This is like our life: We are always busy getting 23 , but we don’t know 24 it is. If we help others find their happiness, we can get our own happiness 25 . Don’t you think so?

16. A. room B. pool C. table D. desk

17. A. sold B. put C. bought D. lost

18. A. her B. him C. them D. us

19. A. find B. fly C. make D. wash

20. A. weeks B. days C. hours D. minutes

21. A. easy B. boring C. difficult D. interesting

22. A. on B. in C. under D. near

23. A. time B. luck C. money D. happiness

24. A. how B. when C. what D. where

25. A. hard B. easily C. quietly D. differently

三、阅读理解 (本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)




Eskin Street, Keswick

Tel: (017687) 72305

Great American style(风格) guest houses(客房)

Ten minutes’ walk from Keswick Center


Rosthwaite, Keswick

Tel: (017687) 77124

Special home cooking

Six minutes’ walk from south of Keswick


Compston Road, Keswick


Lovely quiet guest houses

Five minutes’ walk from Keswick Center

Call us now at (017687) 72324


Penrith Road, Keswick Large Park

All rooms with color TV

Two minutes’ walk from Keswick Center

Overlooking(鸟瞰) Fitz Park

Tel: (017687) 73109

26. If you want to have a room at Hunters Way, you can call_________.

A. (017687) 72324 B. (017687) 72305 C. (017687) 73109 D. (017687) 77124

27. The passage tells us _________ is the nearest to Keswick Center.

A. Royal Oak Hotel B. Linnet Hill C. Compston House D. Hunters Way

28. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Hunters Way is in Russian style.

B. Royal Oak Hotel has no TV at all.

C. You can smoke at Compston House.

D. You can eat home-made food at Linnet Hill.

29. You may find the passage in a __________.

A. storybook B. notebook C. newspaper D. science book

30. From the passage, we can see that Keswick may be a name of a(n) __________.

A. hotel B. club C. animal D. place


People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word mouth.

For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest and say Do not bad-mouth me! Another situation is, when you thought someone said something bad about you, he might say, Do not put words in my mouth!

Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later feel sorry, or they tell the person something they were not supposed(应该的) to tell. The speaker might say I really put my foot in my mouth this time. In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.

Sometimes a person has a bad or unhappy experience with another person. He might say that experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

You might say a person was born with a silver spoon in his month. This rich person is the opposite (相反的) of a person who lives from hand to mouth. This person is very poor and only has little money for the most important things in life---like food.

31. What does the underlined word protest mean in Chinese?

A. 同意 B. 屈服 C. 感激 D. 抗议

32. Do not put words in my mouth has the same meaning to ____________________.

A. I did not say that. B. Please don’t ask me. C. That’s too dirty. D. I am full.

33. What can you say when you feel sorry for saying the wrong thing?

A. Do not put words in my mouth.

B. I really put my foot in my mouth this time.

C. I left a bad taste in my mouth.

D. There is something with my mouth.

34. How do you like a man born with a silver spoon in his mouth?

A. He is friendly. B. He is rich. C. He is strong. D. He is cute.

35. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. English language is interesting.

B. It is important to get on with people around.

C. Many expressions have something to do with mouth.

D. Our mouth is useful in everyday life.


Years ago, I lived in a building. There was a woman who lived next door. I often saw her reading by her window in the afternoon. A few months later, I began to find that her window was dirty. I couldn’t see her clearly. I said to myself, Why doesn’t she clean the window? It really looks terrible!

One morning, I decided to clean my room, including cleaning the window. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window for a rest. What a surprise! I could see her clearly. Her window was clean! Then I knew that I looked at her through my dirty window.

That was an important lesson for me. From then on, whenever I wanted to judge(评判) someone, I asked myself first, Am I looking at him through my dirty window? Then I tried to clean the window of my own world so that I could see the world clearly.

36. Where did the woman live?

A. Above the writer’s room.

B. Below the writer’s room.

C. Next door to the writer.

D. In the same house with the writer.

37. What did the writer think of the woman’s window at first?

A. It looked terrible. B. It looked clean.

C. It looked small. D. It looked bright.

38. Why couldn’t the writer see the woman clearly a few months later?

A. Because the woman didn’t sit there.

B. Because the woman’s window was dirty.

C. Because the woman moved away.

D. Because the writer’s window was dirty.

39. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer didn’t clean the window when he cleaned his room.

B. The writer knew the truth(真相) after cleaning his room.

C. The woman was too lazy to clean her window.

D. There was something wrong with the writer’s eyes.

40. What can we learn from the passage?

A. We should clean the window as often as possible.

B. We should judge others if they do something wrong.

C. We should not be too lazy to clean our window.

D. We should think of ourselves before judging others.

试卷II (非选择题 40分)

四、词汇运用 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)

A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次 (每空一词)

excite we fly hundred piano

41. Miss Yang is our English teacher. She teaches __________ English very well.

42. It is nine ___________ meters from his home to the bus stop.

43. All in all, it was a(n) ___________ day and we had great time.

44. You can get ___________ at very good prices in that shop.

45. Last week, my father _________ to Thailand for his job.

B. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)

A few days ago, a baby in England saved her mother with a mobile phone. The baby named Amelia was only 11 months old. But do you know how she could save her mother at such a young 46 (年龄).

On a 47 (多云的) day, the mother, Elizabeth got unconscious(晕倒) at home. Her husband just went 48 (在外面). At that time, the mobile phone rang. Amelia, the 11-month-old baby with curly hair, picked it up and answered it. The phone was from Elizabeth’s mother, Linda Wright, about 49 (五十). Linda 50 (听见) Who is that? and Mama on the other side of the line. She knew that her daughter had a history of such an illness and her daughter didn’t let her baby play with the phone. So she called 911. Soon Elizabeth was in 51 (医院).

When she 52 (醒来) up, Elizabeth was surprised to find herself there. Then she knew 53 (一切). She said she was lucky to have her baby. She is 54 (聪明的), Elizabeth said, like one of my 55 (宠物). I’m proud of her.

五、语法填空 (本题有10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)


Last summer, I spent my vacation with my parents. We 56 (drive) to a holiday resort(度假村) in another city. After we stopped the car there, we climbed the mountain first. It was a little cold on the top of the mountain. 57 , we took our clothes with us. It didn’t take us a long time 58 (get) to the top, just half an hour.

We had lunch at the top of the mountain. When we finished our lunch, it was already two o’clock. At that time, we found a small animal 59 (eat) something in the tree, 60 we didn’t knew its name. My parents were interested 61 it.

After going back to the resort, we relaxed and 62 (feel) happy. The food in the resort was quite delicious. I enjoyed a big bowl of beef noodles with 63 (potato) . At about 8 o’clock, we had a party. I played 64 guitar, and then I danced with others. We also played games.

We really had so much fun there. We hope we can 65 (visit) there again one day.



Summer is coming, most of us may think of outdoor fun. So it seems easy to lose weight(重量) in summer. But in fact, it’s quite easy for us to put on weight. The good news is that we don’t need to worry about it if we know what to do. Here are five ways.


When we don’t have a plan, it’s easy to spend summer moving from bed to computer. So it’s necessary to make a work or a study plan, like learning to swim or working at a job.


Because we don’t have to go to school, it’s easy to sleep late and eat too much food. So it’s necessary to make sure your summer days follow a schedule(日程表) ——getting up at the same time each day and eating meals at usual times.


When you are free, find something to do, like making a dinner for your family. But remember: cut your time on TV, no more than two hours a day.


If it’s too hot outdoors or you don’t like going to a gym, you can do exercise indoors. If you love being outdoors, try swimming or running in the early morning or evening.


Don’t eat too much meat. Choose some fresh fruit. It’s better to spend more time talking with your family and friends. Also, don’t eat too much ice-cream.

A. Keep Busy B. Keep off the Heat(炎热)

C. Ask Doctors for Help D. Make a Plan

E. Think about What to Eat F. Follow a Schedule


“美德少年”的正能量感染了身边的每一个人,为同学们树立了积极向上的榜样。假如你是《绍兴晚报》的小记者,你对“美德少年”Steve 进行了采访。请根据采访记录,用英语写一篇稿件,向读者介绍他的情况,并谈谈你对他的看法。







写作要求:1.内容必须包含所有要点,可适当发挥; 2.条理清楚,语句连贯,行文流畅; 3.词数:80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

Steve is the most beautiful teenager in our city.____________________________________



一、 听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分,共计20分)

1—5 B A B C C 6—10 A B B C A 11—15 B C A A C


16—20 A B C A D 21—25 C A D D B


26—30 B A D C D 31—35 D A B B C 36—40 C A D B D


41. us 42.hundred 43. exciting 44. pianos 45. flew

46. age 47. cloudy 48. outside 49. fifty 50. heard

51. hospital 52. woke 53. everything 54. smart 55. pets


56. drove 57. Luckily 58. to get 59. eating 60.but 61.in 62. felt 63. potatoes 64. the 65.visit

六、任务型阅读 (本题有5小题,每小题1分,共计5分)

66—70 D F A B E


Steve is the most beautiful teenager in our city. He is 14 years old. He’s tall. He has short black hair and a small round face. He studies hard and often helps others. He is always friendly to everyone around him. He likes doing sports. He rides to school every day. He is never late for school.

Last Saturday morning, he went to the old people’s home with his classmates. They helped them clean the rooms. In the afternoon, he read books in the library.

What an excellent boy he is! We should learn from him.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。




二、选择填空 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

21. When Amy was in _______hospital, she played _______violin every day last year.

A. a; / B. / ; a C. / ; the D. the; the

22.Which of the following cities is the capital of the UK?

A. London B. Tokyo C. Ottawa D. Paris

23. Which of the following words is pronounced /sneik/ ?

A. snack B. snake C. stone D. bone

24. Suqian is famous _______a civilized city(文明城市).

A. with B. about C. as D. for

25. --- _______ he _______ lunch? ---Yes, he did.

A. Did; have B.Does; have C.Do; has D.Did; has

26. ---Daniel is _______years old. Today is his _______birthday.

--- Let’s go and buy a present for him.

A. twelve; twelfth B. twelve; twelve

C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelveth

27. "Friend" rhymes with _______.

A. bubble B. ball C. parrot D. end

28. _______ mothers are both nurses in a hospital.

A. Tim’s and Peter’s B. Tim and Peter’s

C. Tim’s and Peter D. Tim and Peter

29. --- _______ I smoke here? --- Sorry, I’m afraid you _______.

A. May; can B. Can; could C. Could; couldn’t D. Could; can’t

30. Which of the following words has a different sound from the others?

A. played B. lived C. visited D. turned

31. ,he met one of his old friends.

A. On his way home B. In his way home

C. On his way to home D. In his way to home

32.---You are sad all the afternoon. Maybe you need _______like me to make you happy.

---Thank you, Millie.

A. no one B. someone C. anyone D. everyone

33.---Hello, may I speak to Mary? ---Sorry, she isn’t at home at the moment. _______?

A. Who are you B. Where are you from

C. May I take a message D. Why do you call her

34. The music _______ wonderful. Young people all like it.

A. sound like B. sounds like C. sound D. sounds

35.Soon the firemen came and _______ the fire.

A. put out B. put into C. put up D. put on

三、 完形填空 先读通下面的短文,然后从各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

It has been some time since(自从) Jack saw the old man. In fact, Jack moved away from the country and was busy 36 his work. There, Jack had 37 time to think about the past and often had no time to 38 with his wife and son. He was working for his future.

One day, his mother 39 him over the phone that Mr Belser, their neighbour had died and the funeral(葬礼) would be 40 WednesdayIt took a long time 41 Jack gave an answer because he had not thought of Mr Belser for a long time. “Well, he didn’t 42 you. Every time I saw him, he’d ask 43 you were doing. He’d 44 the days you spent with him, ” Mum told him.

It had been about two weeks since Mr Belser died. One day, Jack 45 a package(包裹). There, inside was a gold 46 The box was from Mr Belser. Jack’s hands shook(晃动) as he read the note inside. “Upon my death(死亡) please give this box to Jack Bennett. It is the thing I value most( 珍视) in my life.” There inside he 47 a beautiful gold packet watch. He opened the cover. Inside he found these words,Jack, thanks for your 48 !——Harold Belser.”Jack held the watch for a few 49 , then called his office and canceled (取消) his meetings for the next two weeks. He needed some time to spend with his wife and son.

No matter how( 无论怎么样) busy we are, we should always remember to spend some time with the person we love. They are 50 part of our life.

36Afor Bat Cwith Dby

37Alittle Bfew Ca little Da few

38Aspend Btake Ccost Dpay

39Aasked Bsaid Cspoke Dtold

40Ain Babout Con Dfrom

41Auntil Bbefore Cafter Dwhen

42Aremember Bsee Ccall Dforget

43Ahow Bwhere Cwhy Dwhen

44Atalk with Btalk over Ctalk about Dtalk to

45Agot Blent Cborrowed Dbought

46Abox Bwatch Cnote Dbook

47Alooked for Bfound Clooked at Dwatched

48Agift Bmoney Cpackage Dtime

49Ayears Bdays Cweeks Dminutes

50. Athe most important Bmost important

Cthe least important Dleast important

四、阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


Guitar Player Wanted (招聘)

Are you a lover of music? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing or dance? Join our Sunshine Rock Band. Please call Mike at 5487-6598 or send email to sunshine@yahoo.com.

Hot Club

Do you like to play table tennis? Do you want to play it well? Mr. Zhang is a good teacher. You can come here every Saturday afternoon from 230 to 530.

Telephone: 8665-7868 Address: Room 15, Lantian Hotel

Summer Job

Do you like to talk with people? Do you like to write stories? Would you like to work for a magazine? Then come and work as a reporter. Please call Karen at 5561-8823.

51. Sunshine Rock Band needs____________ .

A. a guitar player B. a reporter C. a swimming coach D. a table tennis coach

52. If you like writing, you can call___________for a job.

A. 8472-9999 B. 8665-7868 C. 5561-8823 D. 5487-6598

53. The above ads(以上的广告)are probably(可能)from____________.

A.a newspaper B. a story book C. a science book D. a history book


Mum gave little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom went shopping. He got on the bus and sat down next to an old woman. Then he saw the old woman’s bag was open. There was ten yuan in it. He quickly looked into his pocket. The money wasn’t there now! Little Tom was sure that the old woman was a thief(小偷). He decided to take back the money from the old woman’s bag. So he carefully put his hand into the old woman’s bagtook the money and said nothing. Suddenly the old woman shouted,“Where is my money? I can’t find it. There is a thief in the bus. Little Tom felt strange. Then he saw his own ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now,“Am I a thief ?

54. __________ sat beside little Tom.

A. A young woman B. An old woman C.A young man D. An old man

55. Little Tom saw _________ ten yuan under his seat.

A. his own B. the old woman’ s C. the thief’ s D. the driver’ s

56. Which of the following is right?

A. Little Tom is a bad boy. B. Little Tom often steals(偷)things.

C. Mum gave little Tom twenty yuan. D. Little Tom makes a mistake .


Everyone knows it is winter in China. But when I was in the south of China for the Chinese New Year, it almost felt like summer! I am lucky to see a lot of China when I travelled all over China.

In Qingdao I drank beer and swam in the sea. But in Harbin it was very cold. I saw the beautiful ice and snow sculptures. In Chongli, Hebei, I learned to snowboard in the snow! Shanghai is like a European(欧洲的) city. There are lots of western cafes and restaurants and it is quite warm.

Guilin is another lovely, warm place. I visited the old buildings and walked around a beautiful lake. Yangshou is my favourite city. I took photos of the mountains and the Li River. It was -25 in Harbin, but was 22 in Yangshou. The Sun was so hot that I even got sunburnt! I rode a bicycle along the Yulong River. I ate strawberries and drank tea from the farms in the mountains.

57.Where did the writer learn to snowboard?

A. In Qingdao. B. In Chongli C. In Shanghai D. In Harbin

58. Which city does the writer like best?

A. Qingdao. B. Shanghai. C. Yangshou D. Harbin

59. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 “sculptures” mean in Chinese?

A. 雪山 B. 丛林 C. 雕塑 D. 湖泊

60. What didn’t the writer do in Yangshou?

A. He took photos of the beautiful view.

B. He drank beer and swam in the river.

C. He rode a bicycle along the Yulong River.

D. He ate strawberries and drank tea from the farms.


Monkeys are clever, but they are very greedy (贪婪的) as well. They have suffered (吃亏) a lot because of this. But they never change this way.

In India, people use monkeys’ greed to catch them. Do you know how they can catch monkeys? Here are some instructions.

Make a hole(洞)in a big pumpkin. The hole must be just right—not too big or too small.

Put some jujubes () in the hole.

Leave the pumpkin under a tree. Make sure there are some monkeys in the tree.

Hide yourself and watch the monkeys.

When you leave, the monkeys come down to the pumpkin. When they find a hole in the pumpkin, they don’t know what’s in it and one of them puts its hand into the hole to find out what is inside. When it touches the jujubes, it will clench (攥紧) some of them in its hand. So it isn’t able to take its fist () out of the hole. You can’t come close at this time. Will the monkey drop off the pumpkin? Don’t worry. It seems it likes the pumpkin better than its life. It will run with the pumpkin, clenching its fist more tightly. Finally, people can catch it easily.

61.What does “this” refer to(指的是) in the first paragraph?

A. clever  B. lively  C. greedy  D. naughty

62. The hole must be just right means it is ________.

A. big enough for the monkey to put its hand in B. smaller than a monkey’s hand

C. bigger than a monkey’s fist D. bigger than a monkey’s hand but smaller than its fist

63. Seeing the hole in the pumpkin, a monkey will ________.

A. be interested B. be afraid

C. run away at once D. throw the pumpkin away

64. Which of the following is true?

A. Indians often catch the monkeys in this way.

B. As soon as the monkey comes to the pumpkin, it will eat it at once.

C. As soon as the monkey comes to the pumpkin, you can run to catch it.

D. In India, monkeys like pumpkins very much.

65.What does the writer want to tell us?

A. We should catch monkeys in this way. B. One mustn’t be greedy.

C. We should protect monkeys. D. Think of another way to catch monkeys. 

第二卷 (非选择题,共40分)



66.You needn’t (抱怨) too much . This bag isn’t that heavy.

67. Don’t forget to take the (照相机) with you, and you can take a lot of photos.

68.A (世纪)means one hundred years.

69. Don’t (触摸) this kind of animals. They are dangerous.

70. Can you hear anything / 'streindʒ / in the bush?

71. Amy is afraid of (老鼠). She thinks they might bite her.

72. Li Yundi became interested in playing the (钢琴) when he was young.

73. My father likes sitting on the / 'səʊfə / watching TV after dinner.

74.Lin Tao is / 'breiv / enough to save his neighbour from a fire.科网ZXXK]

75. The little boy likes to (重复) his parents’ words.


76. Hobo, bring me something (eat).

77. —Do you like pets? —Yes, I’m looking forward to ( keep) my own pet cat.

78. My classmate (not be) able to swim when he was four years old.

79. There are at (little ) 1000 students in our school .

80. My parrot is very clever. I want to teach him (speak).

81. My sister likes drawing. She would like to be an (art) in the future.

82.When I walked past, I saw her (build) camps out of sticks.

83. I asked her if she was ready for the exam, and she (nod) .

84.There (be) a school trip the day after tomorrow.

85.My grandpa wants to learn how (search) on the Internet.

六、 翻译句子 (每题1分,每空0.5分,共5分)

86.Alice 个子太矮了,够不着桌子上的钥匙。

Alice was short reach the key on the table.


it or , I can fly.


I like watching my goldfish .

89.我的表妹 Annie现在不再害怕动物了。

My cousin Annie isn’t afraid of animals now.


It’s amazing that the twin sisters entered college the time.

七、任务型阅读 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 每空只填一个单词。

There are different outdoor activities for different seasons. In spring we can fly kites .In summer, we can go swimming or sailing. In autumn, It is a good idea to camp or hike. In winter, we can go to ski or skate. They bring us a lot of fun .They make us strong and fit, too. So it is important for people of all ages to take part in some outdoor activities at the right time.

There are many group activities ,like football and basketball .The members work together for the same goal(目标). So group activities need team spirit(团队精神). It is very useful for a person to have team spirit. It is good for us in life and work.

Old people like walking and jogging .These outdoor activities dont need much strength(气力). Young people like exciting activities ,like diving(潜水), skiing and horse riding. Children like fun activities like flying kites .

Some outdoor activities are dangerous, like climbing rocks. So we must be careful when we take part in them .

Title :outdoor______(91)

Activities in different______(92)

Spring is a good season for______(93) kites .

In summer ,we can sail or ______(94) .In autumn ,we can go ______(95)or hiking .In winter, it is a good idea to go skiing or ______(96).

______(97) activities 

Football and basketball can help build team spirit.

Activities for______(98) people 

Old people can walk and jog. Young people can dive ,ski and______(99) horse .Children can fly kites . 

______(100) activities 

Not all outdoor activities are safe .We must be careful with some outdoor activities like climbing rocks.


 假如你是Daniel,请根据下列表格中的要点写一封推荐信,推荐你班的Simon 为本年度的青年奖获得者。








上周,一个八岁的小男孩迷了路,他把小男孩送到警察局,和他玩,并和他呆了两个小时。小男孩的父母很感谢他(be grateful to sb)。



Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I want to recommend Simon for this year's Youth Award.

Yours faithfully,




1—5 ABAAB 6—10 BCCAA 11—15 BCCAC 16—20BCABC

二、选择填空 (15小题;每小题1分,满分15)

21---25 CABCA 26---30 ADADC 31---35 ABCDA

三、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

36—40 CAADC 41—45 BDACA 46—50 ABDDA

四、阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)

51—53 ACA 54---56 BAD 57---60 BCCB 61---65 CDAAB


A 66. complain 67. camera(s) 68. century 69. touch 70. strange

71. mice 72. piano 73. sofa 74. brave 75. repeat

B 76. to eat 77. keeping 78. wasn’t 79. least 80. to speak

81. artist 82. building 83. nodded 84. will be 85. to search

六、 翻译句子 (每空0.5分,共5分)

86. too; to 87 . Believe; not 88. swim around

89. any more 90. at; same


91.activities  92.  seasons 93. flying 94. swim 95. camping

96.skating  97.Group 98. different    99. ride   100. Dangerous


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I want to recommend Simon for this year's Youth Award. He is kind, friendly and helpful. He likes reading books about the superman. Simon likes outdoor activities. After school, he always looks after his pets. Last week, an eight-year-old boy lost his way. Simon took him to the police station. He played with the boy,and stayed with him for two hours. The boy’s parents were thankful to him.

I will be very happy if he can get this award. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,




1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。





请认真阅读下面各题,从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将正确答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。

16.Do you know how to spell word "square" in English?

Yes. It begins with "s".

A. the; a B. the; an C. a; the D. the; the

17.Excuse me, can I use your puter? is broken.

Certainly. But don't forget to return before lunch.

A. My; one B. My; it C. Mine; one D. Mine; it

18.Look! The old man is in the middle of the street. It's too dangerous.

Let's help him go the street before the traffic lights turn red.

A. past B. over C. across D. through

19.There a fashion show in our school tonight. Would you like to watch it?

Why not?

A. are going to have B. are going to be C. is going to have D. is going to be

20.Please who broke the window.OK, we will.

 A. find out   B. look out C. put out D. work out

21.You mustn't swim here. Look at the sign. It "No Swimming".

Oh, I notice it. Thanks for telling me.

A. says; don't B. writes; don't C. says; didn't D. writes; didn't

22.Who lives together with your grandmother? .She lives alone. I often go to see her.

A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody

23.Could you e to my party tomorrow afternoon?

Sorry, I . I have to take care of my little sister.

A. mustn't B. needn't C. couldn't D. can't

24.What did you have for your hard work?A free trip to Singapore.

A. message B. idea C. award D. problem

25.Look! exciting news report!

Yes. Our school came first in the basketball match.

A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How

26.Who can read the number 20,108 in English?Let me try. That's .

 A. twenty thousands, one hundred, eight    B. twenty thousand, one hundred, eight

 C. twenty thousands, one hundred and eight   D. twenty thousand, one hundred and eight

27. He was to see a snake in the bushes and looked at it with his mouth .

  A. amazing, open wide   B. surprised, open wide

 C. amazing, opened wide   D. surprised, opened wide

28. kilograms does your pet weigh? -About 4 kilograms.

  A. How much  B. How heavy C. How many   D. How far

29. When the baby the light music, he stopped .

  A. heard; to cry    B. heard; crying C. listened; crying D. listened; to cry

30.It's a fine day today. Shall we go cycling?

! But we need to get home before six p.m.

A. Good idea B. Have a nice time C. You are right D. Not at all


请先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并将正确答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。

One morning, Lillian was sitting in the garden.

She was looking at the wonderful 31 of every colour. Her favourites were the big yellow sunflowers. They had 32 yellow faces.

She 33 that the sunflowers turned their big heads towards the sun as it rose in the east. "Wow! That's why people call them sunflowers," she thought.

"Do sunflowers 34 LOVE the sun?" she wondered.

At noon, Lillian looked at the sunflowers again. 35 !The sun moved across the sky. And all the sunflowers turned their heads to 36 it as it moved.

That evening 37 the sun was setting(下山)Lillian noticed that the sunflowers were all facing west- 38 the setting sun. Their faces turned again!

"Sunflowers really do love the sun," she thought to 39 . "They follow it across the sky each day, turning their faces to 40 as much sun as they can."

The sunflower-what an interesting name and plant!

31. A. trees B. flowers C. plants D. bushes

32. A. big B. small C. long D. short

33. A. checked B. guessed C. noticed D. searched

34. A. sadly B. suddenly C. carefully D. really

35. A. Amazing B. fortable C. Dangerous D. Popular

36. A. answer B. end C. follow D. get

37. A. before B. after C. till D. as

38. A. away B. towards C. on D. in

39. A. itself B. himself C. herself D. yourself

40. A. reach B. catch C. watch D. match


请认真阅读下列短文,然后从每小题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将正确答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。


Local markets are interesting places. People go to markets early in the morning to buy fruits, vegetables, meat and fish. People also love local markets because the food is very fresh and cheap.

Fruits, vegetables and meat often e from the farm the same day they are sold. The fish are often very fresh and e to the market straight from the fishing boat. But the market doesn't sell the same things every day. You can only buy some fruits and vegetables during some certain(特定的)season.

At the market, vendors(小贩)sell chicken, pork and beef. Just tell the vendor what kind of meat you want. Then say how much you want, and they will prepare the meat for you. If you don't want to cook, you can also buy cooked food at the market. Then you can take it home and eat it.

Do you need any non-food items(非食品)?You can find those at the market, too! You can buy toys or books there. Do you need some new clothes or new shoes? You can also buy those at the market. Many people like to shop at the market. They can buy almost everything they need in one place.

41. What can't you buy at local markets?

A. Fish. B. Toys. C. Meat. D. Cars.

42. How many kinds of non-food items are mentioned(提及)in this article?

A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.

43. You can buy at local markets if you don't want to cook.

A. cooked food B. non-food items C. fresh fish D. meat

44. Why do people love to buy food at local markets?

A. Because local markets are interesting. B. Because the food there is fresh and cheap.

C. Because local markets sell the same things. D. Because people there are friendly and nice.


Matt jumped into bed. His father sat down beside him.

"What kind of day did you have?" he asked.

"It was a bad day for me," Matt answered. "I had a fight with Ned. The teacher sent a note home about me. And Mom talked about it with me."

"Yes, part of the day was bad," Mr. Gold said. "But there were good parts, too. Now it's time to go to sleep. So, tell me about the best thing today."

Matt smiled. "After school I went fishing," he said. "No one wanted to go with me. So I had to go alone. I didn't think I would have any fun. But I did! I caught a fish!"

"I'm glad you had a good time," Mr. Gold said. "Think about it until(直到)you go to sleep. Happy dreams!"

"Good night, Dad," Matt said.

His father kissed(亲吻)him good night.

Every night, Mr. Gold and Matt have a little talk like this.

Every night, Matt answers the same question. "What was the best thing that happened to you today?"

Every night Matt goes to sleep thinking about the best thing. He has many happy dreams!

Sometimes he has to think hard to find the best thing. Sometimes it is a very small thing. But he always finds one good thing to think about.

Matt's father taught his son a good way to end his day. You may want to try it. If you do, why not begin this every night?

45. At home, talked with Matt after he had a fight with Ned.

A. Ned B. Mrs. Gold C. Matt's brother D. Matt's classmate

46. What does Matt do every night?

A. He has a talk about the best thing with his father.

B. He has a talk about the bad day with his father.

C. His father teaches him a good way to study.

D. His father teaches him a good way to fight.

47. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Matt tries to think about the best thing every night.

B. Matt had a good time after school on that day.

C. Matt has nice dreams every night.

D. Mr. Gold was angry about Matt's fight.

48. The best title(标题)for this article might be .

A. A Bad Day B. A Fun Day C. Happy Endings D. Sad Endings




49. This kite is made of paper and (木头).

50. My grandma is so (虚弱)that she has to stay in bed all day.

51. Helen (点头)with a smile when she met me.

52. We're getting ready for our little son's (第二)birthday.

53. The painting on the wall is that (艺术家).

54. We are walking slowly (沿着)the river.

55. Don't park your car here, or you may get into .

56.Which city is the of Japan? Tokyo.

57.The fireworks are very dangerous, so be with them. OK, I will.

58.What is Mom cooking in the kitchen?

Fish, I guess. How nice it !



59. Can you ride a bike?

you to ride a bike?

60. He got a letter from his cousin yesterday.

He his cousin yesterday.

61. He left the classroom. But he said nothing.

He left the classroom saying .










David found that he was a bit fat these days. He went to buy an exercise machine so that he could try to lose some weight(减肥).

At first, he put it in the basement(地下室).But he did not use it often. He seldom went into the basement.

Next, he moved it into his bedroom. But he still didn't use it very often. That's because he would only go into the bedroom when it was time for him to go to sleep.

Finally, he moved it into the living room. He put the machine next to the window. His wife thought maybe this would finally work. He could exercise and look outside at the beautiful garden at the same time.

After a week or so, his wife asked David how his exercise was going. He said, "Well, yes, I do a little more exercise these days. Every time I want to open the window, I have to walk around the exercise machine."

67. What did Tom buy? (1)

68. Where did Tom put the machine in the living room? (2)

69. Do you think David can lose weight? Why or why not? (3)
















Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to remend Sunny Garden for The Nicest munity Award of this year.

Yours faithfully




1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。






16. The first Disneyland was open in _______. But I don't know _______ exact year.

A. 1950, an B. the 1950s, the C. 1950, the D. the 1950s, an

17. Mark joins the Riding Club so his father gave him a _______ as his present on Children's Day·

A. basketball B. camera C. wallet D. bike

18. I was _______ last weekend. I stayed at home alone and there was nothing to do.

A. bored B. difficult C. worried D. busy

19. _______ watch is it?

Mary bought one yesterday. It may be _______.

A. Whose, her B. Who, her C. Whose, hers D. Who, hers

20. Hi, Alice. Could you come to my party next Friday?

Sorry, I _______. I will go travelling with my parents.

A. can't B. couldn't C. don't D. didn't

21. Qinghe Park is quite beautiful with a river running _______ it and there are many bridges _______ the river.

A. through, on B. across, on C. through, over D. across, over

22. ----Did you check your email on the Internet last night?

----No. I _______ it this evening.

A. checked B. check C. am checking D. will check

23. _______ did Cao Xueqin spend on the famous book The Story of the Stone?

Nearly 10 years. That's _______ this book is so classical and famous.

A. How longwhy B. How muchbecause

C. How longbecause D. How muchwhy

24. _______?

My mother is nice to all her students. And she gets on well with all her friends.

A. What's your mother?

B. What's your mother like?

C. What does your mother look like?

D. What does your mother like?

25. Every family will have a robot in the future so we needn't do any housework.


A. That'll be great! B. That's OK!

C. Not at all! D. Of course not!



Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who lived with her father in the forest. One day, a lion came to their house and told the father to let the girl 26 him. The father and the girl were very 27 of the lion. He knew that if his daughter did not get married to the lion, the lion would be very angry and kill them 28 . So he had to find a way of 29 the lion.

After thinking a lot, he said to the lion, "I will be 30 to marry my daughter to you, but she is very afraid of your teeth and claws. If you let me take 31 all out, you can marry her. I am sure my daughter will then make a good 32 ."

"No problem!" The lion said. He could 33 think of how much he loved the girl and wanted her to be his wife. So he let the father take out all his teeth and claws. As soon as the lion was toothless and clawless, the father began hitting him 34 a heavy stick. The lion could not defend himself 35 he had no teeth, or claws. Finally, he ran away. He was also unable to kill animals for food. So he soon died.

()26. A. know B. marry C. notice D. remember

()27. A. sure B. tired C. careful D. afraid

()28. A. all B. either C. both D. everyone

()29. A. eating B. holding C. pushing D. killing

()30. A. happy B. sad C. silly D. unlucky

()31. it B. her C. them D. you

()32. A. wife B. girl C. friend D. daughter

()33. A. even B. only C. still D. also

()34. A. for B. on C. in D. with

()35. A. because B. so C. but D. and




Do you know Cocoa 3D film by Lee Unkrich? It is one of my favourite movies and its score gets to as high as 9.1 of 10 on a Chinese website Douban. I was lucky to be the first one to watch it in China on November 24th, 2018.

The film Coco tells a story about a twelve-year-old boy called Miguel Rivera. Coco was his grand-grandmother. Miguel had a musical dream but his family didn't like his dream. However, he still worked hard for it secretly and never gave up. One day, he went into a place full of the dead after touching a special guitar. Luckilywith the help of his grand-grand-grandfather, a great musician named Ekotto, he had a wonderful time and returned to the real world.

You can still watch Coco on the Internet! Don't miss it! You will like it!

36. Who made the movie Coco?

A. Coco. B. Lee. C. Miguel. D. Ekotto.

37. When could you see the movie in the cinema in China?

A. On November 21st, 2018. B. On November 22nd, 2018.

C. On November 23rd, 2018. D. On November 25th, 2018.

38. Who helped Miguel return to the real world?

A. His mother.

B. His father.

C. His grand-grandmother.

D. His grand-grand-grandfather.


Today we often see people shake hands with each other. They do that in different places at different times. People always shake hands when they meet for the first timebut sometimes they shake hands to say goodbye. Sports players often shake hands before games. And when people meet visitors or during special festivalsthey shake hands too.

Why do people shake hands? Why don't they shake feet or other parts of the body? Here is a story. A long time ago people used knives or other dangerous things in fighting for their food or land. If some of them decided to stopthey would show there were no knives or other dangerous things in their hands. People shook hands to show there weren't these things in any part of their clothes. Later, shaking hands became a symbol of peace.

Now we shake hands all the time! It is still a way to show we are friendly.

39. From the passage, we can know that people shake hands ________.

A. only with good friends B. in different situations

C. always with good hopes D. in different ways

40. The underlined word "fighting" here means "________" in Chinese.

A. 战斗 B. 玩耍 C. 交流 D. 和谈

41. Why do people still shake hands?

A. Because they can't shake feet.

B. Because they love shaking hands a lot.

C. Because shaking hands shows they are friendly.

D. Because shaking hands becomes a symbol of fighting.


Five years is a short time in the long history of China. But as for the digital world, there are a lot of changes.

Now we can talk easily with friends on Wechat. When shopping, we needn't carry much cash because most of the stores accept Wechat Pay and Alipay. And online shopping becomes a part of our life. For example, we can buy train and plane tickets on different apps in a minute. If we want to go somewhere, it is easy to find a Mobike as well as a sharing car on the street.

We may not realize how these changes decide our life, but we never stopped and will not stop moving forward. China decided to set up the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province on April 1st, 2018. It will be a smart city in China in the future. What's more, robots will play an important role in looking after the old people in five years. In an old people's home of Hangzhou, the robots called Ah Tie work quite well.

Thanks to the developing digital world, our life is becoming better and better.

42. The topic of this passage is ________.

A. a smart city

B. online shopping

C. the history of China

D. the developing of science

43. The second paragraph is about ________.

A. when we have changes

B. how our life changes

C. why there are a lot of changes

D. what will change in the future

44. Which of the following is the writer's idea?

A. There will be few changes in five years.

B. We can pay for products by Alipay in every store.

C. It's easy to buy train tickets with the help of some apps.

D. Ah Tie robots help the old people in the old people's home of Hebei Province.

45. How does the digital world make your life different?


A. 在方框中选择恰当词的正确形式填空,使句子通顺流畅。

cry fan excited till maybe

46. Look at the black clouds. ________ there will be a heavy rain.

47. The boy was ________ because it was his first time to take a plane.

48. My mother met her old friend in my school. They kept talking ________ it got dark.

49. The 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup is on. Thousands of football ________ go to Russia for their teams.

50. Hawking, a famous English scientist, died on March 14th, 2018. Many people ________ at the bad news.

B. 根据所给的中文提示,在空格处填上恰当的词,使文章通顺流畅。

Nan Cunhui, a successful and famous businessman in China. He was ________ (出生)in Liushi in 1963. At the age of 15, he left school ________ (没有)finishing it because his father's ________ ()was broken. He had to work for his big family. He worked as a shoemaker for almost ________ ()years. During these yearshe worked very hard and did his ________ (最好的)for his customers. He said he ________ (学习)a lot from this experience. Later he opened a factory with his friend. Then he ________ (创建)his own company in 1991. His products are not only good but also at right ________ (价格). Now he is very rich and often helps others in need. In his opinion, ________ (每件事)will be better if he tries to do it and he ________ (相信)to be honest is the most important.


A. 按要求写句子


61. Betty went to Paris with Jenny. (对划线部分提问并补全句子)

________ ________ Betty ________ to Paris with?

62. We can't shout at others. (改写成祈使句)

63. It was wonderful music. (改写成what引导的感叹句)

________________________ it was!

64. The beef is very cheap. It doesn't look flesh. (请从andbut中选择一个词连接两个句子)

65. Yueqing is a small city. There is clear water and green trees.(with整合两个句子)

B. 根据题目要求,写一篇小短文

66. 人与人之间成就的不同,主要在于业余时间不同利用。请以"My Free Time"为题,写一篇80字左右的短文,介绍你的业余时间安排。内容需包括以下部分,可适当拓展:

1. What do you usually do in your free time? What do you think of it?

2. Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do? Why?

注意:1. 标题和开头已给出,不计入总数;2. 文中不得出现真实学校、班级、姓名等。

My Free Time

As a middle school studentI spend most of my time on schoolwork. When I am free,


cash n. 现金 claw n. colorful adj. 多姿多彩的

defend v. 保卫 developing adj. 发展的 digital adj. 电子的

kill v. 杀死 knife n. meaningful adj. 有意义的

peace n. 和平 stick n. 棍子 symbol n. 标志

topic n. 话题 wife n. 妻子 situation n. 情况,场合




1-5 BABCA 6-10 BAABC 11-15 CBACB


16-20 BDACA 21-25 CDABA


26-30 BDCDA 31-35 CABDA


36-38 BDD 39-41 BAC 42-44 DBC

45. 要点如下:

I can pay for something by Wechat and Alipay.

I can go somewhere by Mobike.

I can shop online.

I can buy train and plane tickets on different apps.


A. 在方框中选择恰当词的正确形式填空,使句子通顺流畅(5分)

46. Maybe 47. excited 48. till 49. fans 50. cried

B. 根据所给的中文提示,在空格处填上恰当的词,使文章通顺流畅(10分)

51. born 52. without 53. leg 54. three 55. best

56. learnt/learned 57. started/set up/built (up)/created/founded 58. prices

59. everything 60. believes


A. 按要求写句子(本题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


61. Who, did, go

62. Don’t shout at others. / Never shout at others.

63. What wonderful music

64. The beef is very cheap but it doesn’t look fresh.

65. Yueqing is a small city with clear water and green trees.


66. 书面表达的评分关注以下要点:

1. 审题要正确,根据所给的提示,紧紧围绕My free time这一主题

2. 内容要完整,学生既需要用一般现在时描述平时的业余时间安排,又需要用一般将来时描述这个暑假的计划和安排。

3. 结构规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,词汇丰富、没有语法或少有错误。



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。





The person



The place

In California

in Hollywood

The weather


cool and 26.

The activity(活动) they are doing

She is 27. some cards

He is 28 . computer games.

The thing the father is doing

Sally’s father is 29. .

Eric’s father is 30.

. 单项填空。选择最佳答案,将字母编号填在题前的括号内。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15)

( ) 31. Bo luo is ___ nice town of Huizhou City. We like to take ___ walk in its beautiful villages.

A. a; a B.an; an C. the; a D.the; the

( ) 32. ---May I use your computer?

---______ works better than ______.

A.His; hers B.Theirs; mine C. Your; my D.Yours ; mine

( ) 33. Lizzie’s sister can play table tennis very well but her brother _____.

A. can B.can’t C. does D.wasn’t

( ) 34. The child and his aunt _____________ the famous man tomorrow.

A. is going to visit B. are going to visit

C. visited D. didn’t visit

( )35. Bikes _____________ very popular in China in the 1870s.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

( ) 36. You can see many famous old _____ in the European countries.

A. church B. churches C. chalk D. museum

( )37. We should know that National Day is _______October 1st .

A. at B. in C. on D. from

38. Mr. Liu ________ students art in a school in 2002.

A. is teaching B . teaches C. will teach D. taught

( )39. Little Tom often starts to have a painting lesson in the drawing room____ have a football lesson on the playground at 7:30 on Sunday morning .

A. if B. or C.but D.and

( ) 40. Martin sent a letter to his grandmother three days ago and he ______her reply(回信)now .

A. is looking forward to B. was careful with

C. is making friends with D.were going over

( ) 41. _____is going well with Peter and David so don’t worry about them.

A. Nothing B. Anything C. Everything D. Something

( )42.The young man was very ________ in selling tea eggs and he became rich at last .

A. difficult B. strange C. successful D. rude

( )43. _____will do the heavy and difficult jobs so people will live an easier life.

A.Strawberries and lemons B.Machines and robots

C. Supermarkets and clubs D.Composers and writers

( )44. Mother loves me very much and she ____ a gift for me on my birthday every year.

A. will buy B. bought C. buys D.is buying

45.---Why didn’t you help me do the dishes a moment ago (刚才)? What did you do ?

---Sorry , Mom. I ___ with my friend about the travelling plan on the phone.

A. talked B. played C. did the dishes D. moved

. 完形填空。通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)。

It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs. Edwards opened her curtains (窗帘)and 46 out, she smiled and said,Its going to be 47 beautiful day.She woke(唤醒) her small son up at eight-thirty and said to 48 ,Get up Teddy. Were going to go to the zoo today. 49 your hands and facebrush your teeth and eat your50. quickly. Were going to go to New York by train.

Teddy was six years old. He was very happy now51 he liked going to the zoo very much. And he also liked going by 52 . He said,I dreamed(做梦) about the zoo last night, Mommy.

His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and53. at her small son.You did, Teddy?she said.And 54. did you do in the zoo in your dream?

Teddy laughed 55. and answered,You know, Mommy! You were there in my dream, too.

46.A.brought B.found C. held D.looked

( )47. A.a B.an C.the D. /

( )48.A.her B.him C. them D. us

( )49.A.Touch B. Draw C.Wash D. Kiss

50.A.breakfast B.lunch C. supper D. meals

( )51. A.or B.because C.but D. so

( )52.A.bus B. car C.train D.bike

( )53.A.cried B. smiled C.collected D.promised

( )54.A.when B. where C. what D.how much

55.A.carefully B.busily C. safely D.happily



My name is Ted Pike.I am twenty years old. I like playing basketball or drink tea with friends. I also enjoy listening to music and read some books in the evening.

Today I am very happy because I will start to work tomorrow. I will work in a big nice store at night from Sunday to Thursday. Every morning I will come home at half past six and have breakfast at seven. After breakfast, I will go to bed and I will get up at half past two. I will have lunch at ten to three and supper at twenty to eight. I will take a bus to go to work at half past eight and I will get to the store at nine. I will look after the store every night till six next morning. I think I will enjoy my working hours.Not many customers will come to the store in the evening. It’s quiet and I can have free time to enjoy music or read some stories. On Friday and Saturday I don’t need to work. I can have a rest at home.When I get the salary(工资) , I will buy a pair of shoes and a watch for myself.

( )56. Ted Pike will work _______.

A On Friday B. on Saturday C. in the morning D. at night

( )57. Ted Pike will work __________.

A. in a bank B. in a school C.in a store D. in a hospital

( )58. Which is RIGHT ?

A.Ted Pike will come home at 6:00.

B.Ted Pike will have breakfast at 7:10.

C. Ted Pike will get up at 2:30.

D. Ted Pike will have lunch at 3:10.

( )59.How will Ted Pike go to work everyday?

A.By bike B.By bus C. By train D. On foot

( )60. When Ted Pike gets the money , he will ________.

A.do some travelling B. buy a pair of shoes

C. invite his friends to have dinner D. see a movie with his families.


Wanted (招聘广告): An English Tutor

Do you like kids? Are you outgoing(开朗的)? Do you have over three years experience(经验) as an English teacher? Do you have free time on Saturday and Sunday? I need a woman teacher for my daughter. She is twelve and she is not good at English.

You will:

1. Teach from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m..

2. Play with my daughter.

3. Tell her stories in English.

Our address: Beihai Road, Garden District.

If you want to know more information(信息), please call Mrs. Huang at 82569876.

( )61. An English Tutor. 划线单词Tutor 的中文意思是:_________

A. 保姆 B. 牙医 C. 营养师 D.家庭教师

( )62. If you want to work for Mrs. Huang, you must teach the daughter for _______on weekends.

A. three hours B. four hours C. six hours D.a day

( )63. If you want to be the tutor, you need to ________.

be beautiful have over five years’ teaching experience

have time on weekends be a woman

A. ①② B. ②③ C. ③④ D. ①②③

( )64. If you want to know more about the job, what can you do?

A. Write an email to Mrs Huang. B. Make a phone call to Mrs Huang.

C.Go to visit Mrs Huang. D. Write a letter to Mrs. Huang.

( )65.What do you know about Mrs. Huang’s daughter?

A. She is good at English. B. She is eleven years old.

C. She is free on the weekend. D. She loves maths.



( )66. Lily lost it in a taxi.It is her best friend’s present. She can use it to take photos.

( )67. John loves her very much.He often takes her to walk after supper.She can swim very well. She is fat. They are good friends. Now he can’t find her. He is worried about her safety.

( )68.David works in the factory and it is far away form his house. He often goes to work on it but now he had to take a bus . He lost it on April 3rd.

( )69. Mr. Smith often loses things when he is in a hurry. On Saturday evening he drank coffee in a shop and then got on a bus . When he got home, he couldn’t find it . Now he can’t contact (联系)others with it.

( )70.Betty is talking to a worker at the lost and found office in the airport. She left it on the plane. She is looking for it. There is something important in it.

A. A handbag

Someone found it on the plane. There is a pen ,a notebook and keys in it. Besides, there is a wallet with credit cards and some money in it. The owner contacts us at 5678666.

B. An electronic dictionary

Someone found it in the English reading-room on the 2nd floor of the new library in the east district of our school.

C. Digital camera

On the afternoon of March 9th, 2018 , Someone lost a Samsungdigital camera in a taxi. It’s new and expensive.

D. Pet dog

Her name is Luna. Her hair is white . She’s fat and lovely. She was missing. Luna is a strong swimmer .Pick up Luna and call John at 467326.

E. A mobile phone

Someone left it in the coffee shop on Saturday evening. It’s iPhone 6. It’s new .Call Tony at 85749326.

F. School ID Card.

Someone found it on the playground. If you lose it. Please come to the Lost and Found.or call the phone number,568-6666.

G. Bike

An old bike . It's brown with a white basket . Someone lost it at the station on April 3rd. , Email me at Davidsmithl@ 163.com.

. 短文填空。阅读下面的短文,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空, 每空填一个单词,使短文通顺完整。(每小题1.5分,共10小题,共15分)。

never; say; die; write; work; be; be born ; live ;from; study

Stephen William Hawking was a famous British physicist. He 71. in Cambridge on January 8th,1942. And he 72 on March 14,2018. He lived for 76 years. Hawking 73. at the University of Oxford and at the University of Cambridge. He is world- famous for his 74. on black holes and relativity(黑洞和相对论).When he 75. 21, he suffered(遭受) 76. a motor neurone disease (运动神经细胞病). The doctor 77. he could only live 2 more years, but he actually(实际上) 78. for 50 years. In 1988, he 79. the famous book A Brief History of Time, his best seller(畅销书). People will 80. forget (忘记) Stephen William Hawking .

九、读写综合。 (本大题分AB两部分,共20)

A. 信息归纳。请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息, 在表格里填上合适的单词。(5分)

Danny: My favourite kind of transportation(交通) is walking. I can go almost anywhere on foot. I can walk to school. I can walk to the park. I can walk to your house. I can walk to the shops to buy clothes, books , food and other things.

Jenny : Sometimes walking is wonderful but I can’t go to another city on foot. It’s too far. My favourite kind of transportation is riding a train .I can take a train to another city with my friend Kate. We can talk and travel happily. We can enjoy beautiful sightseeing on the way.

Brian: Riding a train is not my favourite transportation. I can’t take a train to London to visit my parents. London is across the ocean. I won’t take a ship because it will take a long time. I love a more rapid(更快的) type of transportation. Planes are very fast so taking a plane is my favourite transportation.

Betty: I love riding a bike. It’s cheap and comfortable . I can go to work or visit others by bike. I can ride a bike to the countryside on weekends. It’s good for my health. I can enjoy the fresh air. It’s wonderful .

Tom: I love taking a bus. It’s cheap and convenient. I can take a bus to anywhere. Everyday I go to work by bus. I take a bus at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. I have lunch in my working place. And I go back home by bus at 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s good for me. I don’t like to drive a car. It’ s expensive . And sometimes it’s tiring .

信息归纳:Favourite kind of transportation

The way


Danny will go shopping ____________.

The person


Jenny will go to another city with___________.

The place


Brian ’s parents live in ____________.

The transportation


Betty’s favourite transportation is ___________.

The time


Tom takes a bus to home at _________ in the afternoon .

B. 书面表达。 15分)

小明住在鸿景酒店,打算去人民广场溜冰。人民广场比较近,走路大概15分钟就能到达,请根据下图提供的信息,建议小明走路去,并告诉他具体怎样走。写一篇英语短文。要求:1.文中不出现真实姓名和校名。2.词数 60词左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 3.书写规范,整洁。

People Square is not far away from here.There is a skating area in it.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



1-5 BCBAB 6-10CBBCB 11-15AABCC 16-20CABCB 21-25 ACBAB 26. sunny 27.writing 28. playing 29.cooking 30.watching TV

单项填空31-35ADBBD 36-40BCDBA 41-45CCBCA

完形填空: 46-50DABCA 51-55BCBCD

阅读理解:56-60DCCBB 61-65 DBCBC 66-70CDGEA

短文填空:71.was born 72.died 73.studied 74.work 75.was 76.from 77.said 78.lived 79.wrote 80.never

信息归纳81.on foot 82.Kate 83.London 84.Riding a bike 85.five/5:00 o’clock


People Square is not far away from here. There is a skating area in it. It will take you about 15 minutes to go there on foot . You walk out of Hongjing Hotel. You will see the little path. Go along the path, and then turn right at the first crossing. Walk along the Zhongshan Road. You can see the Longchuan County Government at the second crossing. It’s on your right. Walk on and you will see Xiaoyin Park on the right hand side. And you can see the Longchuan No. 1 Kindergarten and Longchuan No.1 Primary School on your left hand side. Go on and turn right at the third crossing . Walk along the Guangchang Road , you will get to the People Square. and you can see the skating Area in it.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。






( )26.--- did you go to Beijing?

--- Two years ago.

A. How often B. When C. How long D. Where

( )27.--- When was your Little brother born, LiPing ?

--- He was born the evening of May 1st, 2018 .

A.in B. on C. at D. of

( )28.We'll have to say goodbye, my dear friends. But I'll forget these days we spent(度过) together.

A. never B. always C. usually D. often

( )29.--- Did you in the park yesterday?

--- Yes , we had a good time .

A. enjoyed yourself B. enjoyed yourselves

C. enjoy yourselves D. enjoy yourself

( )30.I'm afraid you can't catch the train because you have time.

A. a little B. few C. a few D. little

( )31.--- Can you it in English?

--- Sorry, I can't English.

A. say say B. speakspeak C. say speak D. speaksay

( )32.--- Excuse me, which is the way to the bank ?

--- Go across the bridge. The bank is from the hospital.

A. cross B. across C. crossing D. crossed

( )33.--- What land of house does your uncle live in?

--- He lives in an apartment with floors. He is on the floor.

A. fifth; three B. five; three C. fifth; third D. five; third

( )34. For many parents in China, children are almost(几乎) in their loves.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

( )35.--- The TV says it is a day today.

--- Yes. Look! It's heavily now.

A rain; raining B. rainy; raining C. rainy; rainy D. rain; rainy

( )36.Climbing walls is an interesting activity. I often see some people walls in the gym.

A. climb B, climb C. to climb D. climbing

( )37.--- You'd better in the sun, Xiao Ming. It's bad for your eyes.

--- OK, I won't, Mr. Wang.

A. read B. not read C. to read D. not to read

( )38.Jane enjoys music very much .Last night she a lot of songs at John's birthday party .

A. listening to; sang B. to listen to; sang

C. listening; sing D. to listen; sings

( )39.--- Song Baobao, what are you doing these days?

--- The final exam(期终考试)is ing. Each of us busy for it.

A. are; prepare B.is; prepare

C. is; preparing D. are; preparing

( )40. Which of the following sentences is correct(正确的)?

A. How many season are there in a year?

B. What is the weather like yesterday?

C. Go down this street, and you'find it on your right.

D. I think the TV playIn the Name of People>> is very wonderful. We all like it very much.



I went to Hawaii(夏威夷)last summer vacation. It is a very 41 place. Many people go there every year. The 42 was nice when I was there. It was sunny most of the time. I arrived there 43 plane with my family. I 44 many places. They are beautiful and I took 45 photos. I went to the beach(海滩), 46 I saw many people there. Some played on the beach. Some 47 in the sea. Hawaii is a best place for water sports in the world. A very popular(受欢迎的)sport 48 surfing(冲浪). It's exciting but 49 . People in Hawaii are very friendly. Many people are good at 50 . I saw them dance very well. It is a wonderful trip.

( )41. A. careful B. delicious C. beautiful D. quiet

( )42. A. weather B. people C. water D. food

( )43. A. on B. in C. by D. at

( )44. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. visited

( )45. A. little B. few C. much D. many

( )46. A. but B. and C. or D. when

( )47. A. watched B. walked C. swam D. ran

( )48. A. is B. was C. are D. were

( )49. A. boring B. dangerous C. windy D. sunny

( )50. A. singing B. swimming C. dancing D. drawing




Mr. Henry is an old man. He has no sons or daughters. He lives alone and feels very lonely. On last Thanksgiving Day, he passed the Whites' door , and Mr. Whites' family invited(邀清) him to have a big dinner. He was the first guest(客人) to pass by that day. He ate a lot of turkey and pumpkin pie. Most of families in the town knew Mr. Henry well. They all asked him to eat some delicious food. Mr. Henry tried to refuse , but it didn't work. The people thought he was sky(害羞的)and pushed him in.

When the night was ing, people saw a car carrying an old man to the hospital. He was sick in hospital because he ate too much food.


( )51.What do you think of Mr. Henry according to the passage?

A. Cool B. Lonely C. Happy D. Strong

( )52.Mr. Henry had a big dinner at Mr. White's home on ____ Day.

A. Thanksgiving B. Christmas C. Halloween D. Easter

( )53.The people in the town were ____ according to the passage.

A. old B. young C. friendly D. poor

( )54.The Chinese meaning of the word refuse is____.

A.接受 B.抵制 C.回避 D.拒绝

( )55.What was the matter with Mr. Henry on Thanksgiving Day?

A. He lost his car. B. He ate too much.

C. He fell down in the park. D. He had no food to eat.


This is an old story. One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old daughter made a box with some paper()The family didn't have much money. So the father thought his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper. The next day, the little girl gave the box to ha father and said,“Dad, today is your birthday This box for you.

The man was happy. But he was not happy again when he found there was nothing in the box. Why didn't you put anything for me in the box? he asked his daughter. The little girl looked at him and cried,“Dad, I put my love in the box. It's all for you.

The man felt sad and said sorry to his daughter. Sometimes we can't see love with our eyes.


( )56.The daughter was ____ .

A. six years old B. seven years old

C. eight years old D. nine years old

( )57.What did the daughter do the next day?

A. She bought a box for her father. B. She put some money in the box.

C. She gave some paper to her father. D. She gave the box to her father.

( )58. Why was the father not happy again when he opened the box?

A. Because he didn't like the box.

B. Because the box wasn't beautiful.

C. Because there was nothing in the box.

D. Because he thought his daughter wasted paper.

( )59 Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The family had lots of money. B. The girl didn't listen to her father.

C. The father didn't like his daughter. D. The daughter loved her father.

( )60. How did the father feel(感觉)at the end of the story?

A. He felt sad. B. He felt happy.

C. He felt bored(厌倦的). D. He felt afraid.


Jerry is a 9-year-old boy. _61 He plays puter games almost every day after school.

Jerry, could you please go to the supermarket to buy some food? _62 Mum asks. The supermarket is near, just opposite their house. But Jerry is playing puter games happily, and he doesn't want to go out_63 he says.

Mum is a little angry, but she has a good idea. She says to Jerry,Dear, there is a good way to buy things. _64

What? Jerry can't believe it.

I can teach you,”Mum says.

OK, Jerry gives the puter to Mum. Together they find a supermarket online. Mum buys some food for the family. _65 The things are just on sale in the supermarket, so they are very cheap.

Now Jerry knows the puter is not only for playing games.


A. We can do some shopping on the puter.

B. He likes puter games very much.

C. But I will win the game soon, Mum!

D. She also buys a purple wallet for Jerry.

E. We are going to have a picnic this weekend.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.



66. The s _ and the food in the restaurant are both good. So many people like to eat in it.

67.--- Jane ! Did you buy a dress yesterday ?

--- No. There were all kinds of dresses in the store. I couldn't d _ which one to buy.

68. There is something _ with Ann's eyes. She can't see anything now.

69. Li Ming is a good boy. He goes back to his _ to visit his grandparents every summer.

70. --- What's the date today?

--- Let me look at ____(日历). Oh! It's July 6th.

71. Boys and girls! Don't____(忘记)to say thanks when other people help you.

72.--- Where is Wang Qiang?

--- He is ____(run) on the playground now.

73. --- What's the matter with John?

--- He____(fall)down from his bike on his way home and hurt his leg yesterday.

74. There are some birds in the tree(对划线部分提问)

____ in the tree?

75 A: ____ play soccer on the street, please It's dangerous.

BWhat did Mom say?

C: She asked us not to play soccer on the street.



bring, dumpling, too, sound, at, get, together, with, have, also, luck, if

The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. People like to get _76_ with their family at this time. They cook many kinds of delicious food. Then they have a big dinner.

The dumpling is one of the special foods for the festival. It _77_ a history of about 1,800 years. It is _78_ popular even(甚至)around the world. Sometimes people put a coin(硬币)in one of the _79_ . If you eat the dumpling with the coinyou'll be _80_ in the next year. They think it can _81_ good luck . Usually people make dumplings with meat and vegetables. There are _82_ many other kinds of dumplings.

Fish is another lucky food for Chinese. In Chinese , fish _83_ like surplus(盈余). Chinese like to have a surplus _84_ the end of a year.

_85_ you e to China , remember to eat these special foods.

76._ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._

81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._



A: Hello! Who is this?

B: This is Helen speaking 86._ ?

A: Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. Would you like to go to Xichuan Guanhe River Scenic Area for dragon boat race with me ?

B: Yes, I'd love to. When and where will we meet, then?

A: Let's meet at 7:30 at the school gate . 87._ , do you know?

B: Because Chinese people have dragon boat races to remember Qu Yuan on that day. Qu Yuan is a great poet(诗人) .

A: 88._

B: It's sunny and warm in Xichuan . It's a good time to go boating.

A: 89._

B: We can get there by bus .

A: Good idea . Which bus shall we rake ?

B: The No. 6 bus will take us there .

A: 90._

B: We will take a camera, some water and a cap. We can take some photos there.

A: Ok. See you tomorrow.

BSee you.








Dear Tom

The summer holidays are ing.

If you e here, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time.


Xiao Ming


一、1—5 CBCAB 6—10 AACBB 11—15 CBACB 16—20 BEACD

二.21-25 ADCCB

三.26—30BBACD 31—35CBDCB 36—40ABACC

四.41—45CACDD 46—50BCABC

五. 51—55 BACDB 55—60 BDCDA 61—65 BECAD

. 66. service 67. decide 68. wrong 69. hometown 70. calendar

71. forget 72.running 73.fell 74. What’s 75. Don’t

76. together 77. has 78. getting 79. dumplings 80. lucky

81. bring 82. also 83. sounds 84. at 85. If

七、86. What’s up ? /

87. Why Chinese people have dragon boat reaces on that day ?/

88.What’ s the weather like in Xichuan ? How is he weather in Xichuan ?/

89.How can we get there ?/

90.What shall/should we take ? /




1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。






My name is Mike. My family is having a21time visiting Harbin It's22 here. The 23is cold and snowy. People here are wearing hats and thick 24. I am so happy to see the 25world. My father and i are 26 on the lake. My mother 27 a snowman. We are having fun. My friends are inAustralianow. It's 28and sunny there. They are having a good time on the  29. Some are 30 in the sea. some are playing volley ball.

21.A. boring    B. great    C. terrible

22. A spring    B. summer    C. winter

23. A. weather    B. people    C. rain

24.A. T-shirts    B. shorts    C. coats

25.A. green   B. white    C. yellow

26.A. skating    B. riding    C. growing

27.A. makes    B. make    C. is making

28.A. cool    B. warm    C. hot

29.A. mountain    B. beach    C. street

30. A. swimming    B. driving    C. cutting


第一节  阅读下面短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符。符合的写“A”,不符合的写“B”。


Dear bill

I'm very glad you are arriving in my city at 3: 00 p. m. this Sunday. We will meet in the Blue Sky Restaurant Now let me tell you the way. First take a taxi when you get out of the bus station and go along New Bridge Road. When you see a bank turn right and go along Bank Street. You'll pass three one- way 1i street: Sixth Street Seventh Street and Eighth Street. When you see a big McDonalds(麦当劳), turn left. Then go along green Street until(直到) you see New Park. The Blue Sky Restaurant is on your right. I hope you have a good trip



A31. Larry will meet Bill in a restaurant.

B32. Bill goes to Larry's city by train.

A33. If Bill goes the right way he can see a bank.

A34. Bill must turn left when he sees McDonalds.

B35. The New Park is on Eighth Street.


第二节  阅读下面ABC三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的ABC三个选项中,选择最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。


Tom and mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Good Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports music and puters. They are both very glad to hearTitthis.Tom can play basketball and volleyball and he can swim too. Mike can play the violin the trumpet the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like puters very much Can they join the Summer Camp?


36. Tom and Mike want to        .

A.join the Summer Camp

B. get help from the Camp

C. make friends in the Summer Camp


37. What does the Summer Camp need help with?

A. Flying kites

B. Drawing pictures

C. Sports music and puters


38. Tom can play        .

A. bal

B. violin

C. music


39. What does the underlined word"trumpet mean?





40. What do Tom and Mike like?

A. Sports

B. puters.

C. Swimming.



In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some scary tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day. There are also two big elephants and a baby one. Children like to ride them. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They eat much grass and bananas In the zoo we can see different kinds of pears brown bears and black bears. They are all slow and clumsyFHH BJ. They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much. Do you like pandas? There's only one in the zoo. Her name is Jingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo a lot. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting.


41. What do tigers and lions like eating? They like eating          .

A. fruit

B. meat

C. milk


42. How many elephants are there in the zoo? There are       .

A. three

B. two

C. one


43. What color are the bears in the zoo?

A. Black

B. Brown

C. A and B


44. Bears stand on their          legs and lift their            legs to ask for food.

A. front: back

B. front: front

C. back: front


45. Which one of the following is NOT right?

A. Children like to ride the elephants in the zoo

B. The bears are slow and friendly.

C. Elephants like bananas very much



Carol teaches geography at a middle school. Last week she took Class 156 to the dinosaur Museum. they went there by school bus the ride took them one and a half hours. The children had a great time and enjoyed the school trip a lot. Carol thought it was great too. When they were in the museum Martin showed them around(四周,周围). Here is a letter(信) from Carol to martin.

Dear martin

I am writing to thank you for a great day on   monday. The children had a wonderful time in the museum All the 52 children   and i thought the school trip was really interesting and educational(有教育意义的) The children were very interested in what   you told them. They learned a lot. Thank you very much.

Best wishes



  46 What does Carol do?

A. She is a student.

B. She is a teacher.

C. She is an artist.


  47. How did the children go to the Dinosaur Museum?

A. By train

B. by bus

C. by car


  48. What did Martin do during the school trip?

A. He showed the children around the museum.

B. He drove the children to the museum.

C. He sang some nice songs for the children.


  49. When did the children visit the museum?

A. On Friday.

B. On Sunday.

C. On Monday.


  50. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Fifty-one children went to visit the museum.

B. Martin wrote a thank-you letter to Carol.

C. It took the children ninety minutes to get to the museum.


第三节  阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的ABCDE五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能使用一次。


English Teachers Wanted

Are you good at English? Do you like children 51.  B   Yes? e and join us Call John at 378-5788 for more information.

Chinese characters(汉字)Club

Can you write Chinese characters well? Do you want to know the interesting stories behind them? 52.   D    Call Tony at 345-1238.

Class time: 5:30 pm-6 30 p. m from Monday to Friday

Soccer Club

Do you like soccer? Do you want to play soccer well? 53.   C    You can e to the schools sports center every Saturday afternoon. Please call 555 6208.54.   E   

Do you like music? Can you sing or dance? Can you play any instruments Sat Wele to our Star Live Please call Mrs. White at 398-3443 55.   A  


A. or send(发送)ane- mail to starlive@l63.

B. Can you help them with English on the weekend?

C. Mr. Brown can teach you.

D. Please join Chinese Characters Club.

E. Musicians Wanted.

第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题共40分)



In many countries people have birthday cakes with candles on their birthday. The number of candles is the person's age The birthday person must make 56       wish and blow out the candles. If he or she57        blow out all the candles in one go the wish will e true. In the UK people sometimes put a candy in a birthday cake. The child with the candy is58        luck.

59         China many people eat long noodles on their birthday.60       themnever cut up the noodles61       the long noodles are a symbol $ iE of long life. Some Chinese people also eat62-eggon their birthday. They63        bea symbol of life and good luck.

All of the birthday foods may be64       differently), but the ideas are the same. they bring good luck to 65       birthday person.



A: Hello Weicheng Restaurant!

B: Hi! i want to order some food.

A: Sure! What would you like?

B: I'd like some noodles please.

A:66.                        ?

B: Beef and cabbage noodles please.

A: Anything else?

B:No.67.                        ?

A: They are 20 yuan. 68.                       ?

B:I’ m Mary Brown.

A:69.                        ?

B: I live at No 10   Park Road.

A: OK. I see.

B:70.                      ?

A: You're wele.




I am Mike. I live on Green Street. It is a good place to have fun. You can see a hotela supermarket a bank a bookstore and a zoo on it. It is a very busy street. There are always lots of people and cars in it. My house is across from the hotel. 74. The hotel is between the bookstore and the bank. My favorite place is the bookstore. There are lots of interesting books in it. I often spend time there on weekends. If you want to see animals you can go to the zoo.75.它紧挨着那个超市There is also a big restaurant near the supermarket. It is clean and quiet. You can enjoy your lunch in it. Wele to Green Street.



71. Can people see a hotel and a post office on Green Street?


72. Where is Mike's house?


73. How's the restaurant?








假如 Julie是你的新朋友,请根据表格内容提示用英语写一篇60词左右的短文介绍她。可适当发挥。



第一题  听力技能(20分)









































第二题  完形填空(10分)




















第三题  阅读理解(50分)



















































第四题  语法填空(10分)

56. a                              57. blows          

58.   lucky                    59. In              

60. They                      61. because         

62.   eggs                        63. are            

64. different                   65.   the           

第五、六题  补全对话+阅读表达(20分)

66. What   kind of noodles would you like?

67. How much are they? 

68. What’s your name? /May   I have your name? 

69. Where do you live? 

70. Thank you.

71. No,(they can’t.

72. It is across from the hotel on Green   Street./ It is across from the hotel. 

73. It is clean and quiet. 

74. 宾馆在书店和银行之间。 

75. It is next to the/   that supermarket.  

第七题  书面表达(10分)(略)



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。





21.---Do you have ______ house? --- Yes, but it is an old ________.

A. a ,one B. the ,ones C. a , that D. the ,one

22. I see a girl a red dress. Red looks nice her.

A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on D. on; in

23. Mr. Black wrote ___________ article for the Reading Club last week.

         A. a eight-hundred words        B. eight-hundred words

         C. an eight-hundred-word        D. an eight-hundred word

24.Is ______ important _________ practise English every day?

A. that, for B. it, to C. that, to D. it, for

25. ---Is there_______ interesting in today’s newspaper?

--- No. There is ________ in it. Don’t read it.

A. something, something B. something, anything

C. anything, nothing D. anything, something

26.---Did you hear a girl ________ in the next room at last night ? --- Yes.I did

A. crys B. to cry C. crying D. cried

27.---Can you make a model plane ______a knife?---Yes, I can make it ________ wood.

A. with, with B. out of, with C. with, out of D. out of ,out of

28. Wood catches fire easily. So ______fire.

A. keep it away from B. don’t keep it away from C. keep it away D. don’t keep it away

29.If he ___________ puter games, he ___________ in the exam.

A. play; will fail B. will play; fails C. plays; will fail D. will play; will fail .

30 .I can’t sing_______dance. Would you please teach me________first ?

A. and , how to dance B. or ,dancing C. or ,how to dance D. and ,dancing

31. You’d better put the medicine(药)where the children can’t ______ it.

A. catch B. hit C. carry D. reach

32.Why not ___________out with us now? It’s sunny outside.

A. to stop going B. stop going C. to stop to go D. stop to go

33. .There was a fire last night, but the firemen _______soon.

A. put up it B. put it down C. put on it D. put it out

34. His sister didn’t know the time because she ______ her watch at home.

A. leave B. left C. forget D. forgot

35.--- Can you carry the box into the room ? ---________.

A. That is OK B. No problem C.It doesn't matter D. I’m glad to hear



The following is a true story. It happened in the north of Australia, where many animals live in the forest.

Lisa, a 33-year-old woman, was cooking lunch in the kitchen while her three-year-old son, Barney, was playing alone in the backyard.

Suddenly, Lisa heard Barney cry out and __37__ into the backyard where she found a large __38__ trying to eat the boy! Lisa was __39__ but also really angry. She made up her mind to __40__ her son. Lisa forgot about the danger she faced, picked up a hoe(斧头)__42__ the ground and hit the snake hard. Lisa hit the snake again and again. The little boy’s __43__ and breathing were getting weaker and weaker. Lisa became __45__ mad. She put away the hoe and threw herself onto the snake, she opened her mouth and bit(咬)into its back.

A small piece of snake’s body came away in Lisa’s mouth. Lisa __46__ up the hoe again and hit the wound(伤口)hard. The snake was so badly hurt that it went off the boy and slid away into the __48__ quickly. It had never imagined(想象)that people would have such strong __50__! Half way home, the big snake died.

It was the mother’s love that saved the little boy.

36.A.ran B. fell C. climbed D. flew

37.A.tiger B. lion C. bear D. snake

38 A.tired B. interested C. pleased D. afraid

39.A.save B. meet C. treat D. put

40.A.under B. in C. from D. about

41.A.crying B. noise C. idea D. smile

42.A.hardly B. already C. always D. really

43.A.picked B. threw C. put D. caught

44.A.kitchen B. forest C. room D. backyard

45.A.feet B. fingers C. teeth D. eyes




Many animals do strange things before an earthquake(地震). This news may be important. Earthquakes can kill people and knock down homes. The animals may help to save people.

Some animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake. Farmers have told about this. Dogs that are usually quiet start to howl(). Horses on farms run around in circles. Mice(老鼠) leave their holes and run away. Cows give less milk.

In a town in Italy, cats ran down the street in a group. That happened only a few hours before an earthquake. In San Francisco, a man kept tiny pet frogs. One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than usual. They made loud noises, like bigger frogs. That night, an earthquake hit the city.

People want to know when an earthquake is ing. Then they could get away safely. Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of time(提前). Maybe the best way is to watch the animals.

46.Before an earthquake, quiet dogs______.

A. run away B. start to howl C. climb trees D. run down streets

47. Before an earthquake, frogs _______.

A. sing B. leave their homes C. jump around a lot D. bee quiet

48. People want to _______.

A. be in an earthquake B. find out early about an earthquake

C. run around in circles D. get away from earthquakes


puter games are great! They’re better than TV. On TV you can watch a spaceship, but in a puter game you can fly a spaceship!

puters are bad for your health. In the past, Children ran around and played sports. Now they just sit at home. A lot of children spend too much time with puters. They start playing and then they can't stop. They don’t talk to anyone, they just sit and look at the puter for hours and hours.

When children play with puters, they learn to understand them. puters are going to be very important in the future. So children should play with them and learn about them. The Internet is very useful. There is more information on the Internet than in the world’s biggest library.

A lot of puter games are very bad. There is a lot of shooting and killing .These games are worse than TV. You see bad things on TV. But in puter games you do bad things. It can’t be good for you.

I don't think children learn much from puters. They can’t learn about life from a puter. And they can't do their homework if they play puter games all the time.

I’ve got friends all over the world. I’ve never seen any of them, but I know them all well because we send e-mails to each other. My puter is the door to the world.

49.In a puter game, you ________ exciting things.

A. never do B. do C. read D. just watch

50.Children _______ in front of puters.

A. are unhappy B. do more sports C. sit at home D. are more healthy

51.Some children play with puters ________ .

A. nearly all the time B. and talk too much C. too little D. seldom

52.You can find _______ information on the Internet than in a library.

A. better B. less C. worse D. more useful



This course(课程) is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not mon. You are tested in the first class and begin practising at one of eight different skill levels(水平). This allows(允许) you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper.

Course fee(费用): $125 Materials: $25

Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks.

This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught typing courses before.


This twelve - hour course is for people who do not know very much about puters, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what puters are, what they can and can't do and how to use them.

Course fee: $75 Jan. 4,7,11,14,18 Wed.& Sat. 9:00-11:30a. m. Equipment fee: $10

David is a professor(教授) of puter Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in the puter field.


Do you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods (方法). You can stop smoking, and this twelve -hour course will help you do it.

Course fee: $30 Jan. 2,9,16,23 Mon. 2:00-5:00p. m.

Dr John is a practising psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.

53. If you choose the UNDERSTANDING PUTERS course, you will have classes ______.

A. from Monday to Sunday B. from Monday to Friday

C. on Wednesday and Saturday D. on Saturday and Sunday

54. The STOP SMOKING course will last(持续)______.

A. for half a day B. for three hours C. for a week D. for four weeks

55. Mr. Black works every morning and evening, but he wants to take part in one of the three

courses. Your advice is ______.


C. STOP SMOKING D. all the courses

56. If you want to learn about puters and at the same time you want to improve your typing,

you will pay ______.

A. $75 B. $150 C. $115 D. $235


Two men named Jack and Joe were walking along a road one hot summer morning. They were very thirsty and wanted very much to have a glass of cold beer, but they had no money.

"I can get some beer for us without money," said Jack," e with me."

    They went to a pub(酒吧) about one kilometer away. It was lunch time and a lot of people were in the pub. The owner was selling drinks at one end of the long bar(柜台) while a waiter was selling drinks at the other end.

    "My friend and I can't agree," Jack went up to the owner and said, "I say there are two glasses in a litre() and he says there are four."

    "You're right," said the owner, "There are only two glasses in a litre."

    "Thank you." said Jack, and went over to Joe who was standing at the other end of the bar.

    Jack asked for two glasses of beer and told the waiter that the owner was going to pay for it. Then he called out loudly," You did say two glasses, didn't you?"

    "Yes, that's right. Two glasses." The owner called back. So they drank the beer with great enjoyment and then they walked out of the pub.

57. Why did they want very much to have cold beer?

     A. Because they were happy.     B. Because they were thirsty.

     C. Because they were tired. D. Because they were hungry.

58. They wanted to get the beer without paying money because _________.

     A. they were friends of the owner B. they had no money

     C. there were many people in the pub D. they wanted to keep the money

59. ________ said that there were two glasses in a litre.

     A. Only Jack      B. Only Joe C. Only the owner    D. Jack and the owner

60. Jack was _______ than Joe.

     A. cleverer     B. more foolish (愚蠢的) C. taller      D. richer




61. Andy is standing at the ____________ / `kɔ:nə / of the road.

62. The door is wide enough for the elephant to go ___________.(穿过)

63. The people in the hills do better in _______wild amimal than before.(保护)

64. He ran so ____________(fast) that no one could catch him.

65. My puter is _____________. I want someone to fix it for me.


art, lock, excite, she, ninety

66. I like to do my homework in my study with the door ____________.

67. Tomorrow is my grandma’s _____________ birthday. I want to give her a nice present.

68. —Where is your cat? —Oh, she is enjoying ___________ in the garden.

69. The twins want to be __________ when they grow up.

70. —Why does he look so ______________? —His father agrees to take him to London.


hold, wait, enter, wonder, hide

71. He ________ the room so quietly that no one noticed him.

72. You’d better hurry. Someone _____________ for you at the school gate.

73. The poor child _____________ who can help him pay for school next term.

74. Lily, ________ behind the door and they won’t find you.

75. —They _______________ a farewell party for their English friends this weekend, aren’t they?

—Yes. Their friends will go back home soon.


76. You mustn’t put goldfish in the sun. (改为祈使句)

_________ ________ goldfish in the sun.

77. He is too young to go to school. (同义句)

He isn’t ________ ________ to go to school.

78. I’d like something to drink. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you like ________ to drink?

79. He isn’t teaching his dog to play a trick. (yesterday 改写)

He _______ _______ his dog to play a trick yesterday.

80. Helen told us a very interesting story. (改为感叹句)

______ ________ interesting story Helen told us!


On 10 May, Lin Tao was at home a 81 . Suddenly, he heard someone s 82 Fire! Fire! Help! He ran outside and s 83 a lot of smoke from next door. He went in and found his n 84 , the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. Her left leg was badly h 85 and she couldn’t get out.

One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. As u 86 , they sat down under a big tree.

Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes b 87 the tree. They turned around but saw nonthing. Is a 88 here? Millie asked. Nobody r 89 . That’s s 90 . the two girls were very afraid. They left the park quickly.

81.____________ 82. ______________ 83. ______________ 84. ___________ 85. ______________

86. ____________ 87. ______________ 88. ______________ 89. ____________ 90. ______________

八、任务型阅读 (每题1分,共5分)

A boy called Kenny moved to countryside from a large city. He wanted to buy a donkey (驴子)from a farmer. It cost him 100 dollars. The farmer agreed to bring the donkey the next day. The next day, the farmer came and say, Sorry, the donkey died. OK, he said. Please give the money back to me. But I have spent all the money ! Then give me the donkey, Kenny said. The farmer wondered, Why do you want the dead donkey? I can use it as a prize in a draw lot (抽奖). The farmer shouted, No one wants a dead donkey ! You are crazy. Kenny answered , Don’t worry ! I won’t tell them the donkey is dead.

A few months later, the farmer met Kenny . How about the dead donkey? he asked . Kenny said, Well, I held a lucky draw lot, and I told them the prize is a donkey. I sold 500 tickets, 2 dollars each. So I got 998 dollars. The farmer was very much surprised . Why doesn’t anyone say ‘No?’ Kenny answered , Only the winner said ‘No’. So I gave the money that he bought the tickets to him.

Many years later, when Kenny grew up , he became the chief of Anther (安然公司主管).

91. How much was the donkey ?


92. Why couldn’t the farmer return the money to Kenny ?


93. What did Kenny use the dead donkey as ?


94. Did Kenny tell people the donkey was dead ?


95. How much money did Kenny earn ()


九、 写作(10)


Interesting animals

some frogs

change colour


sleep standing up


taste with their feet

the shortest snake

10cm long

Advice (建议)

have enough time

注意:1. 条理清楚、语意连贯;

2. 词数:70词左右。开头已给出,不计入词数。

Last Sunday, my friends and I visited the zoo. ________________________________________________



1-5 BACCB 6-10 ACABB 11-15 CABCB 16-20 CBABC

One possible version:

Last Sunday, my friends and I visited the zoo. In the zoo, we learnt about many animals. Some frogs can change colour. The horses sleep standing up. The butterflies taste with their feet. The shortest snake is only 10cm long. That’s very interesting.

Maybe some of you want to go to the zoo, too. I think you must make sure you have enough time to walk around it, because the zoo is quite a large one.
