

句子翻译题是中考试卷中重要的题型,属于主观性试题,学好翻译句子的技巧是很重要的。下面跟 一起学习这些初中英语翻译句子技巧,希望能够帮到大家。
(1It is+名词十从句:
It is a fact that„事实是„„ It is a question that„„„是个问题 It is good news that„„„是好消息 it is common knowledge„„„是常识
(2 It is+过去分词十从句:
It is said that„据说„„ It must be pointed out that„„„ It is asserted that„„„ It is supposed that„据推测„„ It is believed that„„„ It must be admitted that„„„ It is reported that„据报道„„ It will be seen from ii 1

that„由此可见„„ It has been proved that„„„ It is general1y considered that„人们普遍认为„„ (3It is+形容词十从句:
It is necessary that„有必要„„ It is likely that„„„ It is clear that„„„ It is important that„重要的是„„ (4 It+不及物动词十从句:
It follows that„由此可见„„ It happens that„碰巧„„ It turned out that„结果是„„ 第二,注意英语被动句的翻译。英文的被动句经常用汉语主动句表达,如:You are requested to give a performance 英文的被动句译成汉语的主动句:请你给我们表演一个节目。文中被动意义也可以用汉语中含有主动意义的句子来表达。常译成“被”“由”“受”“为所”等等。例如:What is feared as failure in American society isabove allloneliness.(在美国社会中作为失败而为人们所恐惧的,莫过于孤独了。

辑、语法关系,再进行翻译。值得注意的是关系分句的翻译。关系分句主要功能是作名词(词组的后置修饰语(即定语,但除作名词修饰语外,关系分句还可起其他作用,比如起状语分句和并列分句的作用,因此译成汉语时要注意,限定性关系分句翻译时因为英文置于名词后,汉语则将其置于先行项(antecedent的前边,使其译成带有“的”字的定语句子,如:I want a wife who will work and send me to school.(我想要个既能工作又能送我上学的老婆有的句子过长,置会显得累赘,或不符合汉语的习惯,这样我们翻译时将从句后置,把它翻译成跟主句平行的并列句。如:I want a wife who will not trouble me with a wife's duties but a1ways listens to me.(我想要个老婆,她不会以妻子的义务来打搅我,而是始终听命于我。
The sun warms the earth which makes it possible for plants to grow.(太阳温暖了大地,这才使植物有可能生长。也可以完全脱离主句,译成独立句。如:She was very patient towards the children which her husband seldom was.(她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。
Put the following into Chinese: It is reported that they have found another star. It 3

happens that I have my check-book with me. It is likely that he will succeed. It is a question that we arrive before l0 o'clock. She was advised to take the medicine she told me that a big reservoir was being built in her hometown. I'll never forget the day when l came to the University. Yesterday I saw a wonderful film which was about World War II. Key to the exercises
①据报道,他们又发现了一颗星。 ②碰巧我带着支票簿。 ③很可能他将成功。 ④我们必须十点钟前到达是个问题。 ⑤她被劝告吃药。⑤她告诉我她的家乡正在建造一个大型水库。⑦我将永远不会忘记我来这所大学的那一天。⑧昨晚我

