
在我的印象中, 典型的英国绅士总是带着一把雨伞。 (impression, with)     It is my impression that an English gentleman often takes an umbrella (雨伞) with him. 2 对学生来说,文化背景的介绍是这本书最精彩的部分。 (introduction, cultural background)     To the students, the introduction to the cultural background is the best part of the book. 3 我们在同外国女士交谈时,多数情况下我们不问及年龄这样的个人隐私问题。(case, personal)     When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personal questions as her age. 4 很多年轻人喜欢流行歌曲胜于喜欢老歌; 他们认为流行歌手很酷(cool)。(prefer...to)     Many young people prefer pop songs to old songs. They think pop singers are very cool. 5 这个漂亮干净的城市给外国旅游者留下了深刻的印象。(leave)     This beautiful and clean city has left a deep impression upon foreign tourists. 6 陆杨教授站在飞机的登机口前向我们挥手告别。(wave)     Professor Lu Yang stood on the plane's entrance and waved good-bye to 教师应当更多地关注学生的个体差异。 (difference) . Teachers should pay more attention to the students' individual differences. 杨教授常给学生们提一些实质性的宝贵建议。 (tend, substantial) . Professor Yang tends to give the students some substantial and valuable advice. 不要求你送很贵重的礼物,但是你至少应当送他一张感谢卡。(require, at least) . You are not required to give an expensive gift, but at least you should send him a thank-you card. 我们应当学会尊重别人的生活习惯。(respect) . We should learn to respect others' life styles. 恰恰相反, 许多学生更加珍惜课外与老师之间的交流。(in contrast, appreciate) . In contrast, many students appreciate all the more the communication with their teachers out of class. 事实上,我更喜欢平静的乡村生活而不是现代化的都市生活。(prefer, instead of) . As a matter of fact, I prefer to live a quiet country life instead of a modern city life. 我认为你还没认识到教育的重要性。 . I don't think you have realized the importance of education. 快点!飞机还有半小时就要起飞了。 . Hurry up. The plane is taking off in half an hour. 他很紧张,但还是声音镇定地回答了所有问题。 (calm) . He was very nervous, but he answered all the questions in a calm voice. 我得赶火车,火车七点半开。 . I'm going to catch a train. It's leaving at half past seven. 你开车时系安全带吗?(fasten) . Do you fasten the safety belt when driving? 他们住进了市里最好的宾馆。(check in) . They have checked in at the best hotel in the city. 对不起, 让你久等了。 (keep sb. waiting) . I'm so rry to have kept you waiting. 我想约见史密斯大夫。 (make an appointment) . I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith. 不敲门就进屋是不礼貌的。(impolite, knock at the door) . It's impolite to enter a room without knocking at the door first. 如果发生什么特别情况,要尽快通知我们。(inform) . Inform us as soon as possible if anything special happens. 由于你没有遵守诺言,他们很生气。(keep one's promise) . They were angry because you had not kept your promise. 这样的话,咱们就争取早到。(in this case) . In this case, let's try to get there early. 我们预计,尽管气温很低,但最近几天天气晴好。 (predict) . We predict good weather for several days ahead though the temperature may be rather low. 就这么小的年纪而言,她经历的可真不少。 (experience) . She has experienced quite a lot for such a young age. 主席在讲话结束时向到场的人致谢。(wind up) . The chairman wound up his speech by giving thanks to everyone present. 全国各地的人都为中国成功申办2008年奥运会而欢呼。(bid for, hail) . People across the country are hailing for China's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. 目前全球的形势对我们有利。(current, favorable) . The current global situation is favorable to us. 他们每年可享受30天的带薪假期。(enjoy, paid holiday) . They enjoy a 30-day paid holiday every year. 病毒(virus)可以通过各种渠道侵入你的电脑。(reach) . Viruses can reach your computer in various ways. 是什么使得铁人三项运动成为奥运会最具吸引力的体育项目之一? (make, attractive) . What has made the triathlon one of the most attractive Olympic sports? 为了完成这项科学研究,许多科学家放弃了个人的幸福。(give up, personal) . In order to do the research project, many scientists have given up their personal happiness. 听众已经对这些陈词滥调感到厌倦了。(often repeated phrases, get tired of) . The audience has got tired of these often-repeated phrases. 多参加一些社会活动对我们大有好处。(do good to, take part in) . It will do us a lot of good to take part in more social activities. 她对于在奥运会中夺魁满怀信心。(confident, come first) . She is confident to come first at the Olympic Games. 他还不敢肯定这件事是否值得去做。(worth) . He is not quite sure if it is worth doing. 他们迟早会意识到保护环境的重要性。(realize, sooner or later) . They will realize the importance of environmental protection sooner or later. 太晚了, 看起来我得一路跑着去学校了。(seem, all the way) . It's too late. It seems that I have to run all the way to school. 这座城市有着天赐美景和丰富的自然资源。(be blessed with) . This city is / has been blessed with beautiful scenery and rich natural resources. 第一个端午节出现在屈原离世之后,人民用一种独特的方式向这位伟人表达敬意。 (observe, unique) . The first Dragon-boat Festival was observed after the death of Qu Yuan, and people showed their respect to this great man in a unique way. 传统的中国生日宴常有鸡汤面。(traditional, include) . A traditional Chinese birthday dinner usually includes chicken soup noodle. 尽管大部分人家要等到春节前几个星期才动手准备,可有些中国家庭却这么早就开始筹备了。(prepare for, wait until) . Some Chinese families will even start to prepare for the new year much early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Spring Festival. 他们对祖国的热爱之情表达在“我的祖国”的甜美歌声中。(express, melody) . Their love for the country is expressed in the sweet melody "My Homeland". 那些不能跟随俱乐部观看主队比赛的足球迷绝对会在电视上观看每一场比赛。(join, fail to) . The football fans who could not join the club in the host matches will never fail to watch each game on TV. 尽管粤菜闻名全世界,许多广东菜肴已不再保留它们的特有风味了。(maintain) . Though Guangdong dishes are popular the world over, many of them no longer maintain their special flavor.