人教新课标高二英语必修5 Unit 5 基础练习 含答案 doc

人教新课标高二英语必修5 Unit 5 基础练习

I. 用括号内单词的正确形式填空。

1. His ________ (brave) should be an example to all of us.

2. He is ________ (bear) when he’s in a bad temper.

3. Her eyes were red and ________ (swell) from crying.

4. In the crash he suffered severe ________ (injure) to the head and arms.

II. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。

over and over again, in place, put one’s hands on,

squeeze out, make a difference, fall ill, a number of

1. She likes everything to be ________________ before she starts work.

2. He took off his wet clothes and ________________ the water.

3. ________________ people came to the meeting from all over the country.

4. She ________________ in 2014 and died of cancer two years later.

5. This scheme will certainly ________________ to the way I do my job.

6. I’ve told you ________________, don’t do that!

7. I know Jack’s address is here somewhere, but I can’t ________________ it right now.

III. 根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词)。

1. You paid for dinner last time. This is ________ ________ (我请客).

2. She is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (……中倒出热水) the thermos.

3. Over the next months, he ________ ________ ________ (专心致志于) improving the technique.

4. If I had known more about giving ________ ________ (急救), I could have helped them.

IV. 简化下面句子,并使句意基本保持不变。

1. Although he is still young, he knows a lot.


2. Tom isn’t a man whom you can believe in.


3. I asked my friend to have a drink, but he didn’t want to have a drink.


4. —What do you think made David so happy? 

—Passing his driving test made him happy.


5. To some students learning math is very easy, and to others learning math is so hard.


V. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Accidents happen. We do our best to be careful and prevent bad things from 1. ________ (happen), but most of us will eventually find ourselves in a situation where we or someone else needs help. Everyone should know what to do if an accident were to happen. Here is some advice for dealing 2. ________ common injuries:

Animal bites. If you 3. ________ (bite) by an animal, wash the wound with cold running water. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.

Cuts. For a simple cut, it is only necessary 4. ________ (wash) the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth. If a person is bleeding 5. ________ (bad), you must try to stop the bleeding. If a person loses one 6. ________ (three) of his or her blood, he or she may die. Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there.

Poisoning. If you think that someone may have been poisoned, you should do the following. First, talk to the person to find out 7. ________ he or she is conscious and breathing. If the person is barely breathing and 8. ________ (conscious), clear the airway and try to get him or her to breathe. If the person is conscious and breathing, try to get him or her to spit out any poison 9. ________ may still be in the mouth. Next, call for an ambulance. Search the room for any pills or bottles containing the poison. Send whatever you find to the hospital to help the doctor find out what kind of poison the person 10. ________ (swallow).


I. 1. bravery             2. unbearable 3. swollen               4. injuries

II. 1. in place              2. squeezed out 3. A number of          4. fell ill

5. make a difference           6. over and over again 7. put my hands on

III. 1. my treat                      2. pouring hot water out of

3. applied himself to            4. first aid

IV. 1. Although still young, he knows a lot.

2. Tom isn’t a man you can believe in.

3. I asked my friend to have a drink, but he didn’t want to.

4. —What do you think made David so happy? 

—Passing his driving test.

5. To some students learning math is very easy, and to others so hard.


1. happening            2. with 3. are bitten            4. to wash

5. badly                 6. third 7. if / whether          8. unconscious      

9. that                   10. has swallowed

《人教新课标高二英语必修5 Unit 5 基础练习 含答案 doc.doc》