





您好!我是湖南化工职业技术学院化学工程系精细化学品生产技术专业 201X届专科毕


机会来临的时候,你准备好了吗。 这句话一直鼓励我不断迸步。作为一名精细化学专业































dear mr. ms,

thank ou for our letter of june 4, enlosing an aount of the organization and ork of our hamber of mere and industr.

e are ver grateful for suh a detailed aount of our ativities. this information is ertain to help inrease our future ooperation.





dear ms. grasso:

thank ou for intervieing me at redit tehnologies. i as impressed ith the pan and the tpe of banking servies the orporation provides.

our ments gave me a good understanding of the business and our expetations for the attorne ou are seeking. i am onfident that m bakground and experiene in banking la and m abilit to analze statutes and regulations in detail ould be useful to redit tehnologies.

if ou ere to offer me this position, i believe that i ould provide servies that ould meet the high standards of our orporation.

i look forard to talking again ith ou soon.

ver trul ours,

rihard t. hamilton



dear prof. herthell,

man thanks for our kind hospitalit and the honor ou shoed me during our delegation’s reent visit to our universit. it as nie of ou to introdue me to so man of our famous professors and elebrated sholars at our universit. e had a safe and sound trip home. no e have resumed our ork.

meanhile, i hope ou ill someda pa a short visit to our universit and give us some letures on modern estern eonomis”。

please have no hesitation in riting to me if ou ant me to do something for ou in hina.

ith best ishes.

sinerel ours,

li dong



dear mr li

i’m ver exited to rite to express m thanks to ou. i am no a freshman of uhan universit hih i have been dreaming about. mr li i still remember the das hen ou taught me english. m english has been improved greatl beause of our reative ork. hoever at one time the pressure of examinations too muh homeork and the high expetations made me depressed. i as tired of the arning that if i didn’t do m best i ouldn’t have the hane to go to ollege. thanks for our enouragement if not i ouldn’t have realized m dream. and no i reall understand ou. i ish more and more of our students ould go to their ideal olleges. are ou still so bus ho i miss ou

hoping to hear from ou soon.


li hua



rihard trae hamilton

300 elsh road, apt 201 horsham, pa044





jul 8, 201X

ms. sandra b. grasso

redit tehnologies

three bala plaza, suite 500

bala nd, pa004

dear ms. grasso:

thank ou for intervieing me at redit tehnologies. i as impressed

ith the pan and the tpe of banking servies the orporation


our ments gave me a good understanding of the business and our

expetations for the attorne ou are seeking. i am onfident that m

bakground and experiene in banking la and m abilit to analze

statutes and regulations in detail ould be useful to redit tehnologies.

if ou ere to offer me this position, i believe that i ould provide

servies that ould meet the high standards of our orporation.

i look forard to talking again ith ou soon.

ver trul ours,

rihard t. hamilton







dear david ,

man thanks to ou for inviting me to our part. i've spent a seet night there ith ou,our famil and friends.

our famil members ere ver nie and hospital. ou reall made me feel home. please remember me to our ife. she had prepared a fan meal. i enjoed that ver muh. and also our daughter i. she danes ver ell. from her i foresee a promising daner in the future.

our friends ere all eas-going and ute. espeiall our ollegues. ou must keep a harmonious and friendl atmosphere in our offie.

last but not the least, thank ou for our vodka. ho do ou kno that is m favoriate? i have a bottle of russian vodka. hope to enjo that ith ou hen ou e to m home!

thanks again for our invitaion, our hospitalit, our famil, our friends, our vodka and all the fan memor ou brought to me

母亲节到了,写给母亲的感谢信 整理收集

m dearest mother,

the mother‘s da is ing and i ould like to sa happ mother‘s da in this letter. i love ou and thank ou so muh for everthing ou did for me. this da, i ill sta XX and an‘t give ou m appreiation at home. i kno i ill ath mself, so don‘t orr about me. i am doing ver ell on m stud. m shoolmates and teahers are all ver nie. though i an‘t be at home, i hope ou have a onderful mother‘s da. love,

our son


dear mother :

i am riting to express m deepest thanks to ou in mother s da, dear mother ,ou devote all of our energ and blood to our . ou do not have an plaint about m

brother and i.ou love our though various different approahes suh as stud ,ork and

life ,onsquentl ,our held on the belief that the mother is onl lover .please aept our

appreiate again

i hope that ou have happiness everda


suh is sons‘ nature,i reall do not kno ho to express m thanks to ou.hoever,i an

imagine,on the da ears ago,hen ou gave birth to me,hat a plex feeling ou

had.in the past fe ears,ever da ou struggle me up in the morning and prepare

breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,ou alas ele our onl son ith deliious

foods after a da‘s hardork.no our son has been and ill go to universit soon,like

a bird is leaving its parents.nevertheless,our footprints on m heart ill never ever fade

and-----i love ou mum!

our son

dear mom and dad,

esterda i reeived our long letter of november 28th. i as looking forard to that

letter and ant to thank ou for it . but not onl should i thank ou for our letter, i feel ou

are the most onderful parents in the orld. if i look around me, i see some students hardl

ever hear from their parents. and hen i think about ou, m heart fills ith armth. so i

ant to thank ou for all our loving support.

our letters alas make me ver happ espeiall hen photos are enlosed. i an

onl send ou a short letter toda and promise e are ver bus preparing for the term


so, ho are things at home ? i hope mother’s ork in the offie is going ell. last

time ou rote about the ne projet that ould start. i think orking on that job must be

ver exiting. i suppose everbod alread starts thinking about the spring festival. of

ourse, i ill be home for that .

ell, thank ou again and all the best for the folks bak home.

our son

thank our best friend for being a good friend


dear leis,

i am riting ou this short letter to thank ou for being suh a great pal.

e have knon eah other for suh a long time, and been friends for man ears.

i kno i an ount on ou, no matter hat happens. i think that is reall


i am in senior one no, and still have a fe more ears to go. m studies

are going fine. i atuall like man of our books muh better than hat e

studied at the junior high shool. m results are also ver good. i ma even

think about going to universit, after finishing high shool.

hat have ou been doing latel? is everthing ok ith ou? rite me

sometimes hen ou have time. ou an also send me an email if ou like.

thank again and i hope to hear from ou soon.

best ishes,




sall smith

11900 est street

luo long it

he nan provine

deember 27, 201X

ms. lu bates

317,anton road

hung hom

hong kong

dear mother,

i ould be like to onve in this letter m heartfelt thanks to ou for posting m otton-padded jaket, i miss ou ver muh.

reentl, the eather bees older and older. esterda it as sno, so i appreiate our sending m lothes in time. the garment of the orld reminds me of the happ time ith ou. do ou still remember that ou ould go out to pla ith m sister and me hen it snoed? e thre snoballs, and made a snoman in our ard. on one oasion, m sister as struk on the head b a snoball and then burst into ring. hat

seet memories! i miss ou!

finall, i deepl appreiate our love and onern. i love ou, mom!


sall smith


