
大家好,我叫杨煌。我是男孩是女孩相信你们也看得出。现在正在地质中学读初三。熟悉我的人都说我两面性格,在学校活泼乱跳的,私底下确实安安静静。我也不知道为什么,可能是氛围不同把。Hello, my name is YangHuang. I'm a boy is a girl believe you also see. Now read grade geological middle school. Familiar with me said I two sides character, in school lively disorderly to jump, did privately quiet. I don't know why, may be different to atmosphere.我成绩很差,特别是数学,物理,化学,英语。不过我会努力加油的。My poor grades, especially in mathematics, physics, chemistry and English. But I will try to cheer.我对于体育特别感兴趣,当然我体育也很好。我是校田径队的一员。我的特长是长跑。I especially interested in sports, of course I sports are also very good. I am a member of the school team. My bag is running.别人觉得长跑很难受,但是我却喜欢感受难受的那种感觉,因为他使我学会坚持就是胜利。Others feel that run very uncomfortable, but I still like feeling uncomfortable sensation, because he has allowed me to develop my persevering.我还特别喜欢音乐,不开心或者烦恼时听着歌我就会感觉舒坦些。I especially like music, unhappy or annoyance of listening to songs I'll feel comfortable and some.