
affection: If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them 喜爱

She thought of him with affection. 她怀着喜爱想起了他。

She has difficulty showing affection for her Tom. 她难以表达她对Tom爱意。

He obviously has a great affection for Canada and its people.

affectionate: adj if you are affectionate, you show your love or fondness for another person 充满爱意的;慈爱的

They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate. 似乎含情脉脉

He looked affectionately at his niece. 他慈爱地看着他的侄女。


1) Passion is strong sexual feelings toward someone 情欲

My passion for a dark-haired, slender name named Josh

2) Passion is a very strong feeling about something or s strong belief in something 强烈的感情;强烈的信任

He spoke with great passion 激情洋溢地讲话

There were moments of high passion in the game 情绪激昂

A writer should have passion. 应该有激情

He argued his case with great passion. 他很激动地据理力争.

The issue always arouses passion 令人群情激昂

3) If you have a passion for something, you have a very strong interest in it and like it very much 酷爱

She had a passion for gardening 她对园艺有一份挚爱。


1) A passionate person has very strong feeling about something or a strong belief in something狂热的(喜欢/讨厌/反对/信奉等)

She has sometimes been criticized for her passionate opposition to abortion (堕胎)强烈反对堕胎

His passionate commitment to peace 他对和平事业的狂热信奉

He has a passionate interest in music 他对音乐有着狂热的喜爱

2) A passionate person has strong romantic or sexual feelings and expresses them in their behavior 浪漫的,性欲强的

Their passionate affair 他们的暧昧关系


1) An emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or hatred, which can be caused by the situation that you are in or the people you are with 感情

Jealousy is an uncomfortable emotion 嫉妒是一种不舒服的感情。

2) Emotion is the part of a person’s character that consists of their feelings, as opposed to their thoughts (与思想相对的)情感


1) 情感上的

I needed this man’s love and the emotional support he was giving me情感支持

Are you saying that you’re becoming emotionally involved with his dog? 对宠物产生了感情

2) An emotional situation or issue is one that causes people to have strong feelings 引起情绪激动的

Abortion is a very emotional issue

In an emotional speech 情绪激动的演讲

3) If someone is or becomes emotional, they show their feelings very openly, esp because they are upset ()动情的,()情绪激动的

He is a very emotional man. 易动情的人

He got quite emotional during the speech. 演讲时变得颇激动。

Having all friends around her made her very emotional. 所有的朋友都围在身边,让她情绪非常激动。

Don’t be so emotional about it. 不要激动!
